Rated Hokage

200 Chapter 199, Bunny Girl and Cat Girl

"Master Hokage said that I will be able to enter the crown guard in the future. This mark is the symbol of the crown guard. It was given to me by Lord Hokage in advance."

Itachi explained to his father the origin of the mark on the back of his neck with excitement. In his opinion, it was a great honor to join Mian, after all, it was a place that even Shishui wanted to enter.

Not only Shisui, but many students in the school are eager to join Mian and become the most powerful personal guard under Hokage-sama.

Seeing his son's excited and longing look, Fu Yue couldn't bear to say anything more.

He can't do anything now, he can only continue to linger in this village, will there be a day when he can break free from the shackles in the future? Fu Yue didn't know either, maybe if he really died, the shackles would be broken.

But Hokage is only in his teens this year.

Itachi said again: "However, Hokage-sama said that before I become the crown guard, it is best not to reveal this mark to others."

Fu Yue forced a smile on his face: "Since Hokage-sama has said so, don't let him down."

Itachi nodded vigorously upon hearing this.

He is full of beautiful visions for his future, and he will become Hokage's most subordinate. His father and mother will definitely be proud of him.

And in the future, he can conspire with Zhishui, there is nothing better than this.

Itachi couldn't wait to embark on his ninja path.

After nightfall, the sleepy Itachi heard a rustling sound, he stood up and looked towards the door, and saw a familiar figure.

"Mom, why are you back so late?"

Miqin slowly came to his side, and said in the gentle tone as always: "Mom has something to do today, I'm sorry, Itachi, have you had dinner yet?"

Itachi gave a "hmm" and said, "Papa's cooking is not as delicious as mom's."

Meiqin gently rubbed his head and said: "Mom will make you what you want tomorrow. Mom hasn't slept with you for a long time. Mom will sleep with you tonight, okay?"


Itachi moved a bit to the side, and Mikoto hugged him tightly as soon as he lay down, only felt his mother's arms were tight, her warm body seemed to be trembling, and water droplets fell on his cheeks .

Mom... are you crying?

next morning.

In the classroom of the graduating class of Ninja School.

Sitting by the window, Itachi was in a daze. He found that there seemed to be something wrong between his parents. They didn't say a word this morning, as if they had quarreled.

It wasn't until three Chunin teachers walked into the classroom that he interrupted his thoughts.

The classroom also fell silent.

"From today onwards, you will start to carry out the tasks assigned by the village. From now on, you will need to form a three-person team, each team will be led by a Jonin, and will perform tasks under the guidance of that teacher."

"The class list will be announced next."

The graduation exam has already been passed, and Itachi passed without a doubt, got his own ninja helmet, and officially became a ninja in the village.

Today is the day when the squad is divided into classes.

Itachi, a student in the graduating class, has done some understanding, and there are still a few good people. He is looking forward to who his future companion will be, and his eyes began to scan the classroom.

Suddenly a familiar figure caught his attention, who was also sitting alone in the back of the classroom, with silver half-length hair tied behind by a hair rope, wearing glasses and looking very refined.

Itachi remembered that this person was one of the three people he met at his training ground earlier, and Shisui also praised his shuriken skills as very good.

Didn't he say that he is not a student of the ninja school, why is he here...

"Uchiha Itachi."

Itachi suddenly heard his name.

"Pharmacist pocket."

"Sakurada Shinko"

Itachi couldn't help being a little dazed, and at this time the silver-haired boy also looked over.

The Chunin teacher said some more words, and asked everyone to wait here for their own Jonin teacher to pick them up.

A girl with two braids came over and introduced herself generously: "Hi, I'm Xinzi, and we will be teammates in the future."

Itachi also quickly got up and responded politely: "Hello."

Xinzi said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I could be in the same team as a genius like you."

She also took the initiative to wave to Dou who was alone not far away, signaling him to come over.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Tuou nodded and said, "I didn't expect that either."

Xinzi was surprised and said, "You guys know each other?"

Itachi is a gifted child who was suddenly inserted into the graduating class. She knows it, but she doesn't know this bag at all, and it also appeared suddenly when the class was divided today.

After introducing themselves to each other, Dou asked Itachi, "How old are you?"

"...6 years old."

Xinzi exclaimed: "You are only 6 years old, my God, I just entered school when I was 6 years old."

After that, she leaned over to pinch Itachi's face, and said with a smile: "No wonder you are so tender, call me sister to listen."

Itachi was very embarrassed, took a step back and said, "Please don't do this."

After waiting in the classroom for more than ten minutes, their jounin came.

It was a young male wearing a green ninja combat uniform, his white eyes marked his identity.

"Uchiha Itachi, Yakushidou, Sakurada Shinko, people from Class Nine come out with me."

Kotoko whispered to Itachi and Obito, "Our teacher is from the Hinata family."

Itachi and Dou were also surprised by their teacher's white eyes, and Dou was thinking in his heart, this person is of the same family as Hokage-sama.

This person brought three children to an empty classroom in the school, and said kindly after walking in: "Hello, sit down wherever you want. My name is Hinata Kiyomi, and I am the Jonin in charge of the ninth class. From now on, you She was the instructor during the ninja period."

"Let's introduce ourselves first, let's get to know each other, and talk about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, and future dreams."

Xinzi said, "Teacher Qingsi, come first."

Qingsi said with a gentle smile: "I like reading books on weekdays, and I hate disobedient children. If someone doesn't obey my orders during the task, I will teach him well in private."

The three looked at his smile but all shuddered.

"Dreaming and hoping for world peace."

"Sakurada Shinko, likes sweets and cats, and her dream is to open a pet shop with cats all over her body."

Kiyoshi laughed: "Then why do you want to be a ninja?"

Xinzi took it for granted, "I want to make money."


"My name is Uchiha Itachi. I like to practice and practice with friends. I hate too greasy food. My dream is to become the champion."

Hearing the words, Hinata Kiyomi just smiled and said that you have to work hard.

"Yao Shidou, likes to be with friends, hates being alone, wants to be the champion."

Kiyoshi was stunned for a moment, and said, "You two have the same dreams."

Itachi and Dou also looked at each other.

Dou is several years older than Itachi, and he is older than Xinzi.

Qingsi said again: "It's not so easy to enter the crown, you have to work harder and practice harder."

At this moment, Xinzi raised his hand and said, "Teacher Qingsi, do you know Lord Huomen?"

"Of course I do."

They are of the same clan, and they both worked as Hokage's personal Anbe during the fourth generation of Hokage. They are very familiar with each other.

Xinzi asked expectantly, "Can you introduce me?"

Qingsi guessed the little girl's mind in an instant, and said: "Huomen is usually very busy, let's talk about it later, okay, in order to celebrate the establishment of our ninth class, let me invite everyone to dinner."

Dou is a bit taciturn, and Itachi is not a good-spoken person, but fortunately, both of them have a gentle personality and will not have any conflicts, and the girls in the team are very lively and cheerful.

Itachi is very curious about his teammate, and also looks forward to his future ninja career. # Naruto Building.

"A letter from Sand Yin said that they will take the Chunin exam in two months' time as scheduled, and the number of their ninja is nearly one hundred."

Zhen asked, "How many people are there in our village?"

The person in charge of the report said embarrassingly: "There are more than 50 people who meet the conditions and qualifications."

"So few..." I felt a little helpless, the biggest problem in the village right now was the lack of people, that's why he had expanded the ninja school to enroll so many students earlier.

The ninja standing there said: "This has lowered the standard a bit. There are really not many of these fifty people who can become Chunin."

Zhen asked again: "How many ninjas are there in the village now?"

The man thought about it: "There are indeed quite a few in service, but many of them are completely unqualified for Chunin. If they are forced to make up the number... they may not perform very well."

The implication is that people who may lose the village.

I can't help but think about it. The Chunin Exam is an important stage to show the strength of my ninja village to the outside world. Konoha and Sand Yin are both the five major ninja villages. If there is such a large gap in the number of people, it will inevitably have some adverse effects.

Is it possible to reduce and limit the number of people who take the exam in each village?

Although the Zhongnin Exam has a competitive nature, it is essentially a promotion platform for the ninja. Doing so is undoubtedly depriving the ninja of their rights.

Zhen asked the person in front of him: "Is there any suitable way?"


Really helpless said: "Okay, let's put this aside for now."

He glanced at the letter from Gokage Kazekage Hakura on the desk again. It was just some ordinary greetings, words used to maintain the friendship between the two villages.

Throwing it back on the table casually, Zhen stood up from the chair and stretched.

The Chunin had already stepped back, and Zhen walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out at the scenery outside.

He felt that there was a big problem with the ninja's physique, and he could completely overthrow it and redefine the rules.

But it is not easy to achieve this step, at least to stand at the apex of the ninja world.

In fact, as Hokage, he is already considered the pinnacle of the ninja world, and he has the ability to stir up the situation in the ninja world.

But the power of the shadow of a village is still too small in reality. Only by standing on the head of everyone can you really do what you want.

For this, he must become stronger.

There was another knock on the door.


Really walked back to his seat and sat down.

"It's Zhishui."

When he saw the person coming, he had a kind smile on his face.

"Master Hokage."

Uchiha Shisui, the ninja in the village right now, is also one of the focus of attention among these younger generations in the village.

After all, in the original book, the kid's kaleidoscope Sharingan ability is too terrifying.

Although everything in the village today is different from the past, and Shishui may not awaken such eyes again, but the child's talent is not fake.

Zhen smiled and said: "It seems that this mission was completed very easily."

Zhishui handed over the client's task feedback letter with both hands, but he turned his eyes casually, it was full of compliments.

He nodded and said: "That's right, you can go and collect your own reward, thank you for your hard work."

Shisui said quickly: "It's not hard to serve Hokage-sama."

Zhishui receded, walked out of the office and met a person head-on, and immediately bowed and saluted.

"Master Huomen."

"It's Zhishui." The visitor also knew him, and smiled unexpectedly.

"Is there anything you want to see Hokage-sama?"

"Just come to report after the mission."

Huomen nodded and said: "Keep working hard, Zhishui, and one day you will be able to enter the crown."

Zhishui responded respectfully: "Yes."

There are only four crown guards now, and Kakashi is the most famous outside.

The previous record of killing nearly 30 Iwanin by one person has been spread, and many people think that he will surpass his father, Konoha White Fang.

The second is the Hyuga Hokage, who is of the same family as the Fifth Hokage. According to legend, Hinata Hinata's physical skills are extremely terrifying. A palm can directly shatter a mountain, but no one has seen it.

As for the other two who are less well-known, Maitekai went to the Fire Country Daimyo's side to become a guardian ninja, and Mitarai Anko didn't show his strength much.

From Zhishui's point of view, since he is one of the crown guards, he must not be an ordinary person.

He still needs to work harder, because with his strongest fire escape ninjutsu, it is very difficult to break a slightly larger rock, let alone a mountain peak.

I don't know how strong Hokage-sama is...

Shisui sometimes guesses in his heart, but he also feels that Hokage-sama's power is definitely beyond his imagination.

in the office.

After listening to Huomen's report on some official business, it was almost noon.

There is no business in the office. In the afternoon, I will inspect the newly established science and craftsman department in the village. Some master craftsmen are really recruited, and they are going to do chakra and physics research.

The Star Destroyer Cannon, Sky Fortress, Flying Ninja Gear, Thunder Car (train) and other things that appeared in the original work, I really want to come up with them.

"Master Hokage." Samuel leaned over at this moment.

"it's time for lunch."

Zhen really lazily replied: "Just ask someone to bring it over."

And just as he was resting on the bed in the lounge, he was suddenly awakened by a slight sound.

When he opened his eyes, he saw two figures dangling in front of his eyes.

There were a lot of meals on the table, but the eyes of these two people were really attracted.

Usually the only person who can enter the lounge is Samuyi, but today it is not her, but Yumuren and Mabui.

Azabuyi was dressed in a sexy bunny girl maid outfit in black silk, with a dinner plate in her hand.

And Yumu was also wearing a hot cat girl black silk costume, standing there with reddish cheeks, looking very embarrassed.

Azabuyi had seen this kind of clothes before, but this was the first time seeing Yumu figure like this.

Seeing that he woke up, Mabuyi consciously came to the window with the dinner plate and knelt down.

"Master Hokage, do you want to eat?"

The wooden man also moved over step by step, imitating Mabui's appearance and kneeling on the floor, holding a plate in his hand, his pretty face flushed like blood.

"Ho... Hokage-sama..."


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