Rated Hokage

197 Chapter 196, Fuyue: Sorry, Mikoto

Chapter 197 Chapter 196, Fugaku is sorry, Mikoto

Fu Yue didn't know how he walked back home, what Hinata Shin said still echoed in his ears.

Hokage didn't kill him, nor put him in prison, but he had to pay a more humiliating price for it.

"Fuyue, you're back."

In the kitchen, his gentle and beautiful wife poked her head out and smiled softly at him.

"Dinner will be ready soon, just wait a little longer."

"...Where's Itachi?" Fu Yue asked, his voice unknowingly hoarse.

Meiqin said: "Itachi won't be coming back tonight, he's staying at Shisui's place, these two children are really inseparable now."

Fu Yue's heart sank completely, and his thoughts of fleeing here with his wife and children were instantly shattered.

Itachi is in the hands of Hokage...


Meiqin's soft call brought him back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw his beautiful wife looking at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong with you, what are you thinking?"


Fu Yue staggered a few steps, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Seeing this, Mikoto turned off the kitchen stove, took off her apron and walked over.

"Fuyue, are you feeling well?" She asked with concern.

Mikoto touched Fuyue's forehead with her hand and found that it was not hot.

Fu Yue just looked at her blankly.


Half an hour ago, Obito went home.

Zhen sat on the chair and looked at Fu Yue with a sneer.

"It seems that Senior Fuyue thinks that I, Hokage, are easy to fool and bully."

"I absolutely have no such intention!" Fu Yue said urgently.

"Master Hokage, it is true that I am obsessed with this matter, and gain strength by mutilating my compatriots, but I have absolutely no intention of going against Master Hokage. I made a mistake first, and Lord Hokage please punish me. I hope I can let Itachi and Mr. Hokage go." My people."

Zhen said blankly, "Really?"

Fu Yue immediately half-kneeled in the tunnel and said, "I am absolutely loyal to Hokage-sama and Konoha!"

Zhen Leng sneered: "But why can't I see your loyalty?"

Seeing that he was really reluctant, and Fu Yue didn't know what the other party wanted, so he couldn't help feeling anxious.

At this time, Huomen suddenly stepped forward, took out a scroll and spread it out in front of Fuyue, with a complicated and mysterious pattern on it.

This is a seal, a seal that Fuyue has never seen before.

"Senior Fuyue, have you ever heard of a bird in a cage?"

Fu Yue's expression turned pale in an instant.

He murmured: "Didn't the bird in the cage cast it on Baiyan?"

Zhen said: "You are right. This is my improved sealing technique. Since Senior Fuyue said that he is loyal to me, are you willing to bear this seal?"

Fuyue's mood changed sharply, and he forced a smile: "Master Hokage, is this really the case..."

Zhen Youyou said: "Why, don't you want to?"

He stood up, went to the window, and pushed it open.

"There is also a second way to go."

"It's not too far from the Hokage Building, maybe your son can see your Susano there before he dies."

Susano knew that he also knew...

Fuyue's heart is like falling into an ice cave, and even Uchiha's people don't know much about the power of the kaleidoscope.

The other party meant that he could carry out armed resistance, and his son Itachi would also die tragically.

Fu Yue looked at the sealing technique of the bird in the cage. Once he accepted it, it meant that he might be subject to Hinata forever.

He hadn't heard of anyone breaking free of a caged bird.

But in the current situation, does he have a choice?

There is no chance of death and death and death together!

Unless he can completely disregard the life and death of his son and clansmen.

The room was as silent as death, and all the desires and ambitions that once existed were now submerged in this despair.



Fuyue came back to his senses, looking at his wife's worried eyes, he couldn't help feeling pain in his heart, and looked away.

"I'm... fine." He uttered a sentence with his throat rolling.

But this obviously has something on her mind, which makes Meiqin feel at ease.

She stretched out her hand to hold Fuyue's hand, and said softly, "Fuyue, if you have anything to tell me, let me help you share it."

But it was this kind of gentleness that made Fuyue feel a piercing pain. This was his beloved wife, and she also loved him deeply.

Fu Yue's heart was trembling, he forced himself to be calm, with a smile on his face: "I'm fine, let's cook, I'm hungry."

"All right."

Seeing that he refused to speak, Meiqin felt helpless, so she got up and went back to the kitchen.

Fuyue leaned on the sofa alone, staring at the ceiling of his home absently. The light from the incandescent lamp was not dazzling, but he still felt dizzy after staring at it for a long time.

Until Meiqin brought the food to the table.

Itachi was not at home, and it was only the two of them who had dinner.

Itachi is not at home...Itachi is in Hokage's hands at the moment...

Fuyue felt as if he was about to suffocate. The current situation made him unable to see a glimmer of light, knowing that the abyss ahead was worth moving on.

Hinata really not only wants to push him into the abyss, but also crushes his dignity.

"Fu Yue, wash your hands and eat."

Fu Yue went directly to the dinner table in silence.

Seeing this, Meiqin didn't force her, and served him a bowl of rice.

After being silent for a while, Fuyue finally spoke again: "Meiqin..."


"Iron Fire is dead."

Mikoto paused while eating, and then her pupils opened slightly.

"What did you say?"

"Tiehuo, Daohuo, Yuanji, Qi, Jing...they are all dead."

Meiqin also came back to her senses and covered her mouth in shock: "How could this happen? What happened!"

Fu Yue said: "I gave them an order to assassinate a person, and it turned out..."

These five people are members of the same clan, and they are also capable subordinates of Fuyue's subordinates. How could Mikoto not be familiar with them? These people often run home on weekdays, and when they see her, they will respectfully call Mikoto-sama. I will also call my sister-in-law affectionately.

Such a result made Miqin a little unacceptable, and her eye sockets instantly turned red.

But thinking that her husband might be more concerned about his mood now, he wiped the corner of his eyes and said, "Fuyue, you..."

Fu Yue interrupted her and said, "Listen to me."


"The person I asked them to assassinate was Nohara Lin."

"Nohara Lin..." Miqin murmured the name and suddenly remembered who she was.

"Isn't she Obito's former teammate? Fu Yue, why did you do this?"

Fujigaku told Mikoto the conditions for opening the eyes of the Uchiha Kaleidoscope and the fact that he wanted Obito to open the eyes.

Meiqin was immersed in unspeakable shock after hearing the words, her husband actually did such a thing...

Fu Yue said again: "Now this matter is known by Hokage-sama."

"Ah?!" Meiqin panicked instantly, mutilating compatriots in the village is something unforgivable.

"Then what shall we do?"

"...Don't worry, Hokage is only suspicious of me right now." Fuyue kept looking down at the rice in the bowl while speaking, not daring to look directly at Mikoto.

"But Hokage will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, and it is only a matter of time before the truth is found out."

"So Mikoto... I want you to help me go to Hokage to beg for mercy."

Miqin nodded again and again, and said seriously: "Okay, I see, I have a good relationship with Ayari, and I will definitely ask Ayari to help us."

Fuyue said at this time: "It's not Ayari...it's Hokage-sama. It's not good for Ayari to get involved in this kind of matter, and it may cause Hokage's dissatisfaction."

Mikoto couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "It doesn't matter if I go, but the relationship between me and Hokage-sama is not very close, and the relationship is only maintained through Ayari, I'm afraid it won't be very useful."

Fu Yue was silent for a long time this time.

"Maybe it will be useful..."

"Master Hokage... is a bit of a womanizer."


It was the sound of chopsticks falling.

Fu Yue didn't look up to see his wife's expression, but stared at the bowl of rice served by his wife on the table. The rice grains inside were round and plump, and looked crystal clear under the light.

He still didn't take a bite, but he only needed to stir it with the chopsticks covered in vegetable juice, and the bowl of rice would immediately become muddy.

"Sorry, Mikoto."

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