Rated Hokage

Chapter 194 Chapter 193

The country of birds, at night.

The three of them who returned to the hotel were exhausted and just wanted to wash up and rest.

They came here to perform a mission, and it is not easy to stay outside for too long. The journey back without the employer is much faster than when they came here, so they can still play here for a day tomorrow.

Lin was there counting the spoils of shopping, and Hongdou wanted to eat something again.

"Haven't we had dinner not long ago?" Lin asked helplessly.

"Eat so late, be careful to gain weight."

"I must be hungry after shopping for so long." Hongdou said, she eats a lot now, more than an adult man, but no matter how much she eats, she still doesn't gain weight.

"I'll ask the innkeeper if he has any supper."

After saying that, Hongdou walked out of the room, and when she came to the reception hall, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a leaflet on the ground.

"The new store of the Nagano dumpling store opened. In the first three days, the whole store is 20% off, buy one get one free, and it is open until twelve o'clock in the evening. The address..."

She read the content above, but her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Looking at the street outside, there were already few people at this time, but Hongdou still couldn't hold back and walked out quickly.

I came to the address marked on the flyer and found the store that was still open with lights on.

The boss is very enthusiastic: "Welcome, what would you like to have?"

Just as Hongdou walked in, her eyes moved slightly. She looked at the boss in front of her. He looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, but he had chakra fluctuations on his body.

Her senses are far beyond that of ordinary people, and she has the ability to perceive for some reason since she woke up that day.

Hongdou handed over the leaflet: "Is everything on this true?"

The boss smiled and said: "Yes, this store is during the opening of the new store. If you eat in the store, you will get 20% off and get one free. There will also be free tea drinks."

Hong Dou nodded: "Then serve ten red bean dumplings and ten three-color dumplings first."

At the same time, in the hotel where Obito was.

After shopping with the two girls, Obito felt a little weak in his legs, and fell down on the tatami when he returned to the room, not wanting to get up.

Outside the window, the moon and stars are sparse, and the breeze is breezy.

Obito, who had been walking all day, fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly there was a rough sound of broken windows waking him up. When he sat up, his mind was a little confused. He turned his head and looked out of the window, only to see a few black shadows flying past.

He thought he was dazzled, but when he rubbed his eyes, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Immediately got up and went to the door of Lin's room and knocked.


"Lin, are you asleep?"


"red beans?"

The light was on in the room, but there was no response at all. Obito pushed open the door suddenly, and the inside was empty, with some packages, tatami mats where someone had been lying on, and a broken window...

He walked quickly to the window, but no one was seen in the vast night, recalling the black shadows he saw just now, he realized a terrible fact.

Something happened to Lynn!

Obito only felt his brain "boom".


Pain in the head made Lin wake up from the coma. When she woke up, she found that her hands and feet were bound with ropes and her mouth was sealed with tape. Fortunately, there was no seal on her body, and Chakra could still use.

Beside him were two masked men in black, whose faces could not be seen clearly.

She never expected that the tea in the hotel would be drugged, and she was caught without warning.

These people hadn't noticed that she had woken up. Lin looked around calmly, and found that she was next to the lake, and on the other side was a dense forest, clean and uninhabited.

Not long after, two more figures appeared.

"Master Tiehuo, the target has been captured."

Lin heard someone speak.

"It seems to be going well."

"It's just a little Chunin girl, and it's not easy to catch."

"Well, Mitarai Red Bean's side has also stabilized, and now I'm waiting for the soil to come."

Listening to their conversation, Lin seemed to know the three of them, and she didn't know what purpose she had. When she was in doubt, she didn't do anything to avoid alarming them.

"Master Tiehuo, is there such a big battle necessary? Three Jnin and two special Jnin came all at once."

"Idiot, this is the order of the patriarch himself. Naturally, he has his consideration. Go and see if Nohara Lin is awake."

Three top ninjas and two special top ninjas... Tie Huo... Patriarch...

Lin guessed the identities of these people. Since there are Jnin and special Jnin establishments, they must not be wandering ninjas. Hearing the footsteps getting closer, she closed her eyes and continued to pretend to be in a coma.

Encountering such a thing in the bird country far away from Konoha is obviously a conspiracy against him.

Time passed slowly, and Lin, who was bound, felt that her arms were a little numb, and finally heard them speak again.

"Here comes the soil!"

"get ready!"

These people seem to be very familiar with Obito, even the title is so close.

Two figures flew out from the dense forest, and the person behind was undoubtedly Obito.

"Lin!" Obito was shocked when he saw Lin on the ground by the lake.

Lin, however, frowned secretly, thinking in her heart, could it be that guy Obito intentionally made a play of the hero saving the beauty?

"You bastards, what happened to Lin?!" Obito was shocked and furious.

The man in black lowered his voice, and said in a dark voice: "I didn't expect to be found by you, so let's kill you together."

The four masked people in black swarmed up here, fighting with Obito in an instant.

What surprised Obito was that these people were all extremely strong, and he was at a disadvantage just by meeting him, almost unable to support him.

The man in black taunted: "Boy, this little strength can't save your beloved."

Obito gritted his teeth, the sambal pattern in his eyes twirled rapidly, and at the same time his hands quickly formed seals in front of him.

"Wood escape·Vajra moves wood!"


In an instant, several wooden vines broke through the ground and flew towards the few people in front at an extremely fast speed.

The man in black smiled coldly when he saw the wood escape, quickly changed the momentum of his hands, spit out several wind blades and cut it to pieces in an instant, and at the same time he slashed towards Obito unabated.

"Wood escape · wooden ingot wall!"

The wind blade was coming fiercely, and Obito suddenly raised two wooden shields to protect him tightly.


The dense wind blades bombarded the wooden wall wildly, breaking countless gaps in an instant.

There was another ear-piercing sound of piercing the air. It was the shuriken cutting through the air, flying in the night sky, rushing precisely into the gap in the wooden wall, cutting open Obito's clothes and skin.

"Is that the power of the legendary Mutun in your hands? The first generation of Hokage would crawl out of the tombstone angrily if they knew about it."

Lin, who was behind the men in black, was also watching the battle of this group of people closely. She found that what the men in black said earlier was true. There was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. Shinobi is no match for these people at all, but this group of masked men in black didn't kill them, they were just playing with Obito, suppression in battle and verbal ridicule.

"Bastard!" Rustic anger struck his heart, seeing Lin was imprisoned but powerless to save him, he drove all the chakras in his body to bet on the next ninjutsu.

"Wood escape, Vajra recruiting wood, angering Buddha Vientiane!"


The people in black felt that the ground under their feet trembled violently, and then vines that were several times thicker than the previous wooden vines rose from the ground, wreaking havoc in the air, twisting their figures, baring their teeth and claws like thousands of magic snakes, He quickly attacked several people on the ground.

Countless black shadows staggered under the moonlight, and there was a trace of caution in the eyes of the men in black. This kind of powerful ninjutsu made them feel dangerous. They kept performing spells, and the bigger wind blade was coming The ground impacted these giant vines in all directions, cut off their lazy waists, and fell to the ground to stir up countless smoke and dust.

"Wood Dungeon, Vajra Moves Wood, Subduing Demon Seal!"

Under the ground, once again pampering two large wooden hands several meters high, closing quickly on both sides of a man in black as if to crush him into a pulp!


But there was a loud bang, and a blazing and swift fireball impacted on the big wooden handprint. Under the violent explosion, the flames rose, the high temperature hit the face, and the scorched wood debris flew backwards towards the surrounding directions.

Obito was panting on the spot, seeing that the lore ninjutsu that he tried his best to display still failed to work, he couldn't help feeling a little desperate.


The gap in strength is like a natural barrier, and it cannot be smoothed out by one or two ninjutsu.

Obito only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and even with a pain in his chest, he was kicked out.

"It seems that you are at the end of your rope."

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