Rated Hokage

Chapter 190 Chapter 189

at night.

"I'm back."

Samyi dragged his tired body into the house.

"Welcome home, you have worked hard." Mabuyi walked quickly to the entrance and greeted him with a smile.

"I left you dinner, do you want some more?"

With one hand on the wall, Samyi took off his high-heeled shoes, shook his head and said, "I don't want to eat, just to lose weight."

After walking to the living room in two or three steps, the whole person lay down on the sofa.

Mabui said, "You always come back very late recently."

Samui was helpless: "Master Hokage has always been working late recently, and I can't help it."

She looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and asked, "Where is Yumu?"

"Already asleep."

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and many families in the village were resting at this time.

Samuel curled her lips: "She is heartless and went to bed very early."

Mabui just smiled: "I'll put hot water for you, let's take a bath later."


Samui turned over on the sofa and changed to a lying position.

With her head resting on the soft cushion, she looked at her slender legs tightly wrapped in black stockings, but what appeared in her mind was the scene when she put her hands on them and played with them.

I really like two parts of her body, one of which is the legs.

Samuyi knew it well, so every day he would try his best to show the advantages of his body in front of the truth.

There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

At this time, Yukito from the bedroom also came out in his pajamas, yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes, and went to the table to pour himself a glass of water.

"You guys are so noisy... Samui is back."

Samuel glanced at her: "Did you sleep because of the noise?"

Sensing the unkindness in the tone, the wooden man sneered and said, "No."

After drinking the water, she immediately came to Samyi's side, and said in a flattering tone, "It's been a hard day at work, let me beat your legs for you."

Samuyi was also polite and enjoyed her service.

Looking at Yumu who was kneeling in front of him, he said, "How did you think about what I told you before?"

The wooden figure paused, and hesitated: "What's the matter?"

She raised her head cautiously, met Samyi's gaze, and shrank her neck involuntarily.

Samui said at this time: "I am going to tell Master Hokage to cancel the living allowance given to us by the village. Now Mabuyi also has his own job, and my monthly salary is quite high."

Yumuren was dumbfounded for a moment: "What...what do you mean."

Samui continued: "The village is in a stage of development. As Hokage-sama's secretary, I should share the village's worries."

"Don't worry, we will still support you when the time comes, even if you eat and drink for free in this house, it doesn't matter."

She bit the words "eating and drinking for free" very seriously.

The wooden man lowered his head and bit his lip.

Not long after, Mabuyi came out: "The hot water is ready, you can take a shower, and I put the towels in the bathroom."

Samyi got up and walked to the bedroom when he heard the words, leaving the wooden figure sitting on the floor by himself.

Mabuyi came over, looked at her and said, "When did you wake up?"

Seeing the situation, Mabuyi thought about it for a while and understood what was going on. Thinking of Samyi going to remind him first, he said, "I'm going to sleep."

"Mabuyi!" Seeing this, the wooden man was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed her clothes on the ground.

She looked at each other helplessly, but Mabuyi was unmoved, and she said: "Yumu, look at what time it is, Samuy comes back every day at this time, do you know how hard it is?" ? Isn’t it all for the three of us to live better in the future.”


"Yu Muren, it doesn't matter if you don't want to share the burden. Anyway, in Konoha, there are only the three of us who are friends with each other. No matter what, we won't ignore you."

Mabuyi took her hand away and went back to his room.

The wooden man changed his expression on the spot, alternating red and white, and walked out of the bathroom door after a long time.

"Samui..." she said softly.

"Hmm." A faint voice came from inside.

"I've made up my mind... I will."

Samuel's voice came from the bathroom again: "Go to my room and wait, there is a bag in the closet, change into the clothes inside."

The wooden figure stammered and asked, "What... what?"

"Teach you how to please men, what will you do if you are so reckless and make Hokage-sama unhappy."


The wooden man came to Samyi's bedroom, took out a bag from the closet, and reached for the clothes inside.


Holding the top thing in your hand, it looks like a headband, but there are two black ears on it, which are cat ear headbands.

The wooden man reached in again, the cat's tail...

After pouring out all the clothes inside, her face turned red visible to the naked eye.

This... These are all clothes that people wear!

The picture of Samuy and Mabui wearing such extremely shameful clothes posing in front of Hyuga-jin couldn't help appearing in her mind, do I want to be like the two of them...

She was the one who took the lead in this kind of thing at the beginning, but after the death of the Fourth Raikage, Yukito didn't care about Hinata's attitude at all, and lived in such a daze every day, physically unable to practice because of the seal arrive.

She couldn't integrate into the village like Mabui. The neighbors around her were always very enthusiastic when facing Mabui and Samui, because Mabui was gentle and easy to get along with others, and Samui was beside Hokage-sama Work.

She is the only one who is out of place.

She sometimes thinks that it would be too painful to spend the rest of her life like this, but fortunately, she has the company and care of Samuyi and Mabuyi by her side.

Samuyi and Mabuyi managed the family very well, and their living conditions were very favorable.

Because Samuyi's salary is very generous, and Mabuyi is running the house, her role is to help out with housework occasionally.

Do you really want to do nothing all the time?


Looking at the cat ear headband in his hand, the wooden man couldn't help clenching it more tightly.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Samyi's figure wrapped in a bath towel appeared at the door, with a dry hair cap wrapped around his head, and he looked absolutely beautiful just out of the bath.

She said calmly, "Why haven't you changed it yet?"

Yumu asked with a blushing face, "Hokage...does he like this tune?"

Samuyi said: "It depends on who it is, I think you are quite suitable."

She walked to the side of the bed and sat down, and took out a bottle of red nail polish from the nightstand, and began to touch up the color of her toenails.

"Change quickly."


Seeing that there was still no movement from Yuki, Samui said: "Let me tell you, there are many beautiful women around Hokage-sama, maybe one day Hokage-sama will get tired of me, if you want to see that day, go now You can leave."

You Muren struggled for a long time, finally took a deep breath, and began to reach out to unbutton his pajamas.

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