Rated Hokage

Chapter 188 Chapter 187

The shock of the eight big snakes in front of my eyes was too strong, and Kushina and Mikoto were so frightened that they couldn't speak.

One of the snake heads approached them, and this head alone was bigger than an adult, if it opened its mouth to swallow them all, it would be effortless.

White Snake didn't speak, but just stared at the two of them with his eyes, as if examining them.

Jiu Xinnai swallowed: "Are you... the White Snake Immortal?"

And the snake-head believer at the side of the main hall suddenly said: "Kneel down and pay respects!"

Hearing this, the two women felt endless awe in their hearts, and knelt down towards the eight big snakes in front of them.


And at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly poured in from outside the main hall door, causing everyone present to squint their eyes.

A figure flew out, carrying Mikoto and Kushina with them and was about to evacuate.

The eight heads of the white snake roared at the same time, the sound hurt people's eardrums, the ground began to tremble, and the interior of the hall began to change. The ground, walls, and pillars were covered with white snakes, and the entrance and exit of the main gate were quickly lifted by themselves. The raised stone pillars blocked it.

Seeing this, the person who rushed in raised his hand and slapped it. The turbulent air shock directly shattered the stone pillar at the door, and the air currents around him prevented the group of white snakes from approaching.


The three of them turned into an afterimage and rushed out from the densely packed group of snakes.

When they came to the top of the mountain outside, Mikoto and Kushina were still in shock.

"You are... Huo... Lord Huomen!" Meiqin said in surprise after seeing this man's face clearly.

"Master Hokage asked me to protect you secretly." Huomen just said, "That white snake has the ability to confuse people's hearts."

Jiu Xinnai was also terrified. For some reason, she really thought that the eight-headed snake was a fairy just now, and wanted to kneel down, but she muttered: "No wonder..."

Everyone on the top of the mountain is looking at the three of them, these are the residents of the town.

Meiqin frowned and said: "So, everyone here has been bewitched by this snake?"

Two snake-headed believers rushed out from the shrine, pointed at the three people at the Fire Gate and shouted: "These three dare to blaspheme the White Snake Immortal, catch them and you will be able to receive the blessing of the White Snake Immortal!"

Everyone on the top of the mountain heard the battle and stood up, staring at Huomen and the others unkindly.

Huomen frowned when he saw this, and said loudly: "We are ninjas! Don't be fooled by that snake! It is actually..."

"Catch them!" Someone yelled, interrupting Huomen's words, and all the crowd rushed forward, madly rushing towards the position of the three of them.

"Looks like they're all under control!" Meiqin said with a serious expression.

Huomen took a deep breath, a black eye shadow appeared around his white eyes instantly, he jumped up into the air, swung a palm violently, and the terrifying power swept out, smashing the shrine in the distance directly into powder, and the momentum remained undiminished. Cut off half of the mountain!


The whole mountain was shaking, and everyone was shocked by the terrifying scene in front of them!

"Is this still human..." Meiqin swallowed.

Just the power of one palm...

Hyuga Homon is Hokage's personal bodyguard, and he ranks as a Jonin at a young age. Many people think that he has risen with the real status.

The residents of the small town on the top of the mountain stopped and looked at Huomen and the others in horror.

Huomen fell back to the top of the mountain and let out a long sigh of relief.

And at this moment, a hand that appeared from nowhere suddenly grabbed Huomen's ankle, and the rock under his feet turned into the believer with the head of a snake that he had seen before.

Huomen was startled when he saw this, and the chakra in his body gushed out in an instant, and rushed towards it with precision.


The snake-headed believer was instantly torn apart by the strong Chakra impact, but turned into countless broken stones flying across.

After Huomen enters the fairy mode, he can control Chakra to help him attack, just like practicing with Kai before, it can cause actual damage without touching the enemy's body.

Is it illusion? !

Huomen immediately stopped Kushina and Mikoto and jumped up, and then the rocks all over the mountains seemed to be given life, and they all became believers with snake heads and human bodies!

"Let's retreat first!" Kushina said.

"It can only be like this! I will open the way ahead, and you guys will follow me!" Huomen said in a deep voice, his white eyes saw everything around him clearly, and he found a direction and flew down the mountain. !

The fighting power of these monsters with snake heads and human bodies is not high. They are only at the level of ordinary ninja or zhongnin, and they can't survive a face-to-face encounter in front of Huomen.

But the trouble is that these things seem to be endless. Wherever they pass, not only rocks, but even trees can turn into human forms! This made Huomen and the others wonder whether they had been hit by an illusion more than once!

Fortunately, although it took a lot of effort, they went down the mountain safely, and the monsters did not chase up the mountain when they reached the bottom of the mountain. There was a small town not far away, and the three of them took a breather.

"What are those..." Miqin said panting slightly, she was the weakest among the three.

Jiu Xinna hesitated: "Could it be some... Immortal?"

Meiqin said unhappily: "It's really a fairy, how could he use tricks to deceive people's hearts?"

Huomen pondered for a while: "The White Snake Immortal has been here for a while, and the nearby residents know about it. I guess the name of the country of Tang has already been known... Go back and report to Lord Hokage, it is not in our own country. , let’s keep our hands light.”

Meiqin and Kushina nodded in agreement, after this incident, the two girls lost the desire to continue playing.

Fortunately, Huomen came, otherwise the two of them might really be in danger, Lord Hokage is really thoughtful...

Meiqin thought so, and thanked Huomen: "Thank you so much today, Huomen."

Huomen said, "I also follow orders."

It's not strange to send someone to protect him secretly when his family Zhuli travels outside.

Jiu Xinnai was a little disappointed: "I won't join in the fun anymore."

Before leaving, Huomen looked back at the mountain again. The trees, grass and rocks were all under the control of the white snake... It really sounded like a magic method of a fairy or a monster.

After returning to the village, Huomen immediately reported to Zhen everything he had seen and heard in Tang Country.

I really heard that it was a big snake with eight heads, and my heart was shocked instantly.

Orochimaru's Yachijutsu, isn't the final body a giant white snake with eight heads!

Immediately, Anbu was discharged again, led by Huomen to investigate the situation, but Huomen led people back a day later, saying that the white snake was gone, and the traces of the fight on the mountain disappeared, and half of the mountain was knocked off by Huomen earlier It's back to normal!

Not only that, what's even more frightening is that the residents of the small town at the foot of the mountain have no memory of the White Snake Immortal!

It seemed that everything Huomen had experienced in the past two days was an illusion!

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