Rated Hokage

Chapter 169 Chapter 168, Who will be Hokage?

It was a cold night after the rain, and the wind was blowing in the courtyard.

After Senjubashima led the way into the Hyuga clan land, I felt that many places here had changed.

Walking along the pavilion and corridor all the way, I saw countless figures flashing in the brightly lit living room from a distance.

Because the Hokage Building was destroyed, there was not even a place to handle official business in the village, so Hinata really used his home as a temporary office.

He came here tonight because there was a meeting that convened all the ninjas above the village.

"First Generation Hokage-sama is here!"

When Hashirama walked to the door, he heard someone yelling loudly. The noisy room fell silent instantly, and all the eyes gathered. These eyes included shock, longing, excitement, and doubt.

Hashirama's eyes swept across the crowd present, with a gentle smile on his face: "Hello, everyone."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone bowed to him and saluted, shouting: "Master First Daime!"

The legendary characters that I have heard many times since I was a child now appear in front of my eyes. How can I keep these people from being shocked and excited?

Hashirama slowly came to Zhen's side, and Zhen also bowed to him.

"Master First Daime, I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour."

Hashirama smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I don't need to sleep anyway."

Reincarnation allows him to remain in this world, but he is no different from a walking dead, no need to rest, no need to eat.

Only then did Zhen speak to everyone present: "I think everyone has heard about what happened today."

His words made everyone fall silent.

"I invite you to come here now, in order to thoroughly disclose all the truth to the public, and to discuss with you the future path of the village."

A sudden prison riot was deliberately planned by someone behind it, and a bunch of scandalous secrets buried deep in the mud were involved.

Such news is too shocking.

During the day today, everyone was busy quelling the riots and protecting the village. When they suddenly heard the news that the Third Hokage and Fourth Hokage had died, most people couldn't believe it.

Makoto told everyone present what happened today, and what he said was something that should be said. The third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi is still a glorious image of killing evil for the village and finally dying with the sinner Orochimaru.

Some ninjas who had followed the Third Hokage for a long time covered their faces with tears and sobbed softly.

Shin also told that Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato were the behind-the-scenes instigators of this prison riot. Many people found it unbelievable that Minato would never do such a thing in their hearts.

And after it was said that Namikaze Minato had admitted his crime, no one dared to question it.

The heads of the major families thought a little deeper. What they foresaw was who would be the master of Konoha in the future, and who would be the future Hokage.

I really ask Hashirama to speak, Hashirama thought for a while and said that he was very sad about what happened to Konoha, but more important things are still in front of him. This time the prison riot caused a lot of damage to Konoha, mainly due to Raikage is destroyed, everyone should work together to tide over the difficulties.

A voice suddenly rang out from the crowd: "Master First Generation, who do you think should be Fifth Generation Hokage?"

Once this question was raised, it immediately attracted many people's questioning.

The candidate for the next Hokage is the top priority in everyone's eyes.

At this time, someone also said that the two ancestors could hold Konoha temporarily.

But they are reincarnated from the filthy soil, and it is impossible to stay in this world forever.

Hashirama knew in his heart that this was no longer his era, and these people were not those who followed him. Their respect for themselves only came from their childhood, but respect is something that has no cost at all. Touching their cake, this respect will immediately collapse.

If the third generation of Hokage is standing here, it will not be too difficult to regain power, because the third generation has its own supporters.

Hashirama shook his head and said, "I'm a dead man after all, all I can do is help protect Konoha, but the village still needs a new Hokage to lead everyone."

Someone in the crowd asked loudly: "Master First Generation, who do you think is suitable for Hokage?"

There was a thoughtful look on Hashirama's face.

If you want to be Hokage, there are only two basic conditions, prestige and strength, you need the approval of the villagers and the major families, and the most important point is the approval of the daimyo.

When Hokage is selected, there are usually several Hokage candidates, who are recommended by Konoha's senior management to the daimyo, and after discussion, the daimyo will personally accept their fate.

These are the normal steps. Of course, there is no need to elaborate on how many twists and turns there are, how many conflicts of interest and stances are involved.

From the first generation to the fourth generation, Hokage has always been in the same line. Except for Orochimaru, it is not difficult or competitive for the second generation and the third generation to inherit the position of Hokage.

For many people, it's not up to them to decide who the Hokage will be in the future. All they can do is to become a vassal when a Hokage candidate appears.

This was the case at the beginning of Minato. After all, the situation at the time was that the third Hokage was close to blatantly declaring that Minato was the next Hokage. No one thought that Orochimaru would pick the peach in the end.

If this incident does not happen, perhaps until Orochimaru resigns normally, the next Hokage may still be Namikaze Minato, still a member of Hokage.

Is Hinata really from the Naruto department? No, he can only be regarded as one of Orochimaru's followers.

There are still candidates in the Hokage lineage who may become Hokage, the other two of Sannin.

But the key point is that all the lifeblood of the village is in the hands of the Hyuga patriarch! Without Orochimaru, it seems that this one has been completely released.

So the new Hokage, is it Tsunade or Jiraiya who are from the same line of Hokage?

Or the Hyuga patriarch?

If Hinata really sits on the position of Hokage, does it mean that other famous families like them also have this opportunity?

All the people present had their own thoughts, and Hashirama could see that they had their own thoughts.

He said: "This matter concerns the whole village, and I cannot make the decision alone."

Someone in the crowd shouted again: "You are the first Hokage, if you don't make the decision, then who should make the decision?"

These words were obviously a trap, Hashirama glanced at that person, and immediately said: "The position of Hokage is a big matter, how can we only listen to the words of one family!"

Shin on the side also said at this time: "What the first Daime-sama said is very true. Hokage's duty is to protect, lead, and govern Konoha. While possessing sufficient capabilities, it should also be the aspiration of all people."

"Why don't you ask all the villagers of Konoha Village to jointly elect this new Hokage?"

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