Rated Hokage

Chapter 167: Chapter 166, Kushina: Really Will Protect Us

Konoha's third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, lost his vitality just like that. He tried to kill Orochimaru with a forbidden technique at the cost of his own life, but ended in failure.

After Minato realized the seriousness of the matter, he immediately picked up a kunai and stabbed it into Orochimaru's throat. The ape demon on the side also stabbed the tree sword on his body with the Kusanagi sword.

But no blood flowed out at all, as if Orochimaru in front of him was no longer a human being at all, he just looked at Minato blankly.

But suddenly, an abnormal blush appeared on Orochimaru's face, and the body began to change unexpectedly, as if something was wriggling under the skin.

"It seems that this body is here for it."

Orochimaru muttered to himself, since the split of his soul, he felt a strong discomfort, his soul and body were repelling each other.

When he was studying the soul, he had the idea of ​​splitting a complete soul into different individuals, and he also figured out a specific method, but he never tried it.

Until the ghouls were sealed off just now, he immediately split a part of his soul and was swallowed by the god of death.

But after doing so, the most obvious and intuitive feeling is that I am no longer complete.

Under the gaze of the monkey demon and Minato, the Orochimaru imprisoned by the rock suddenly glowed white, and then a light ball floated out from his body, and the appearance of Orochimaru appeared above his body .

"Oshemaru!" Minato glared at him when he saw this.

"Minato." Orochimaru in the spirit state floated in the air, overlooking Minato.

"It seems that you have saved your life."

After all, Orochimaru turned into a white streamer and flew straight towards the sky.

Looking at the body he abandoned, it turned out to be bloated and ugly, but it was also as lifeless as the third generation on the ground.

What's going on here, is Orochimaru dead?

Minato thought about it, then snorted suddenly, and knelt down on one knee, the poison on his legs was still spreading.

The ape demon next to him dropped the Kusanagi sword, silently glanced at Sarutobi's body, and disappeared into a cloud of white smoke with a "bang".

Not long after, someone broke a huge hole in the rock wall next to it from the outside, and two figures walked in.

"Monkey..." Tomono whispered while looking at Sarutobi's corpse on the ground.

He was already a dead person, and he appeared very calm in the face of death, and this was also Sarutobi Hiruzen's own will.

"The fourth generation is dead too." Toikama looked at the strange corpse of Orochimaru again, and frowned.

Zhu Jian said slowly: "This ending is also their own wish."

The two masters and apprentices ended up dying together. As Hinata Shin said before, no matter what mistakes they made, they were still Hokage, and it would only be humiliating to let others arrange the ending for themselves.

Hashirama looked at Minato at the side again, and said, "Minato, we will deal with the mistakes you made fairly."


Minato listened to what he said with a blank face, only felt a little want to laugh, the next moment her figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Feijian frowned slightly. He was transferred away with the Flying Thunder God. His perception ability covered the entire village, and he quickly locked on the location of Minato Chakra.

Kushina had Minato's Flying Raijin mark on her body, and Minato jumped directly to her side through Flying Raijin.

But as he used Chakra again, the toxin on his body caused him more pain, and he fell directly to the ground.


Kushina was taken aback when she saw Minato suddenly appear, and quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"What's going on, are you hurt?" she asked in panic.

Minato's face was pale and bloodless, he was supported by Kushina and sat on a chair beside him, panting heavily.

"You need treatment, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Minato grabbed her arm and kept chanting her name.

"Kushina, Kushina..."

"I'm here, I'm by your side." Seeing this, Kushina held his hand and responded as gently as possible.

"Let's go to the hospital first, you are seriously injured."

"No..." Minato shook his head and refused, he said weakly.

"I'm going to take you away...don't you want to leave? Let's get out of here now."


Kushina couldn't respond to such words. Seeing Minato's weak appearance, she just held Minato's hand firmly with both hands, and asked in a trembling voice, "Can we...can we go?"

Minato reluctantly showed a smile: "It's ok... I will get married immediately after I leave, and then have a child. I have already thought about the name, and I will call it Naruto. It is the name of the protagonist in Jiraiya-sensei's novel. I am very happy." I like it, I'm sorry Kushina, I haven't discussed this with you yet."

Kushina said softly that it's okay, she also likes this name very much.

Minato asked weakly: "Kushina, are you still willing to marry me?"

Kushina nodded vigorously, but tears couldn't stop streaming down her cheeks.

"I do, I always do!"

Minato grinned, and stood up vigorously.

"We're just..."

As he spoke, his face suddenly changed, and he covered his mouth with his hands and coughed violently, blood spilled from his fingers.


Kushina was taken aback and patted him on the back in a panic.

Minato took a breath, but noticed a few black shadows on the ground. He looked up for a moment in a daze, only to notice a few people standing in front of him at some point.

"Minato-sensei...you need treatment now." Kakashi whispered.


Kakashi was standing beside Kai, Kosuke Maruhoshi and Matt Dai.

Minato couldn't help turning his head to look at Kushina, his eyes full of disbelief.

Kushina still held his hand tightly, forced a smile, and said softly: "It's okay Minato, everything will be fine, I really said that I will protect us."


After the brain was running fast, Minato couldn't help laughing in a low voice, bitter and sad.

Kushina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, hugged him tightly and said, "It's okay Minato, I will always be with you, it's okay..."

The door of the room was suddenly broken open violently, and Toikama walked in.

He glanced at the people in the living room, the extremely weak Mizumon on the chair, and Kushina with the extremely eye-catching red hair next to him.

"Taijian, I told you to be more polite."

Hashirama's helpless voice came from behind, and he couldn't help but lose his mind for a while after seeing Kushina.

"The family of the whirlpool?"

Tomona said, "It should be the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

Hashirama looked at Kushina and muttered to himself, "Is that so..."

He thought of his wife, Uzumaki Mito, who was as beautiful as Kushina when she was young.

Looking at Minato and Kushina, Hashirama understood clearly.

"Sorry, Tomama was rude." Hashirama apologized to Kushina.

"I am Senju Hashirama, Konoha's first Hokage."

Minato sneered weakly: "Are you here to kill me?"

Feijian snorted coldly: "Your crime can indeed be punished by death!"

"No!" Kushina yelled immediately when she heard the sound, protecting Minato behind her.

"Secondaime-sama." At this time, Kakashi suddenly said.

"My lord said that there are still many doubts about the case of Namikaze Minato, and it needs to be thoroughly examined before a conclusion can be drawn."

Hearing this, Fei Jian frowned, and wanted to say something but was stopped by Hashirama.

He said to Kushina: "Send Minato to the hospital first."

In a panic, Kushina quickly agreed, and was about to leave with Minato.

Fei Jian glanced at his elder brother, knowing what he had thought of, so he stopped talking immediately.

Kushina hurriedly took Minato out of the house, and the rest of the people also followed to help.

Hashirama kept Kakashi behind.


"Yes! Master First Generation!" Kakashi responded quickly.

Although the first-generation master was very kind and gentle, he was more scared than the second-generation master.

"You can go back and tell Hinata, since he thinks the matter is still suspicious, then we will respect his intention and find out everything."

"I also hope you can tell him that since he holds a high position in the village, he should respect every villager even more. If someone uses them as a tool to fight for power, then I will never let him go lightly!"

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