Rated Hokage

Chapter 161 Chapter 160

Things didn't develop in the direction Togama and Hashirama originally thought.

What they originally wanted to find was the evil source of this turmoil, but as they continued to deepen, some shady things were about to come out.

This covers too many people, not just one individual.

Tomona doesn't care whether a person's methods are dark and despicable, as long as they don't harm the village.

If it is for the village, his tolerance limit is very high.

That's why he tried his best to maintain the majesty of Yu Dashemaru as Hokage even though he knew that Dashemaru was not a good man and a believer.

But judging from the current trend, when the whole incident is over, no matter who is left behind, it is no longer worth entrusting the village to Tobima and Hashirama.

But apart from these people, who else can inherit this position.

Toboma glanced at Hinata Makoto and Uchiha Fugaku, who hadn't participated in much of the debate during the whole process. Being able to sit here means that both of them have a high status in the village.

But one is Hyuga, and the other is Uchiha, and the one from Hyuga's family is too young.

What about rope trees?

It suddenly occurred to him.

As their direct descendants, they are now adults, so it would be the best thing if Naoki was capable enough.

While thoughts were flying between the pages, Kakashi in the field took out a scroll.

According to what he said, this should be the shady things he investigated about Orochimaru.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

Hashirama didn't ask Kakashi to present it immediately, but looked at Orochimaru aside.

He didn't show any panic or anger, and he didn't even look at the scroll, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Kakashi held the scroll in both hands and sent it to Hashirama, and Hashirama asked Orochimaru: "Fourth generation, what do you think is inside?"

Orochimaru sneered and said, "Apart from my achievements, what else can there be?"

Under everyone's gaze, Hashirama slowly opened the scroll, and immediately frowned at one glance.

He carefully read the entire scroll, and then handed it to Toikama.

"Are these... all true?"

After reading the scroll, Tokaima asked Orochimaru in a deep voice.

Orochimaru sneered and asked, "Who are you asking?"

It's just a scroll, and it's not ironclad evidence. How can a person be convicted?

The things described above can be completely fabricated, and it would be too childish to bring out such a thing and want people to convict them.

"You killed Danzo?" Tomama asked.

"He is collaborating with the enemy and treason, intending to rebel, so he should be killed." Orochimaru said directly without denying it.

"What crime did you convict him?"

"As Hokage, am I not qualified enough?" Orochimaru responded lightly.

Shimura Danzo was once a high-ranking and powerful person in the village. Like the third generation, he was a student of the second generation of Hokage. Everyone here knows this.

Tobima continued to look down, used young children to conduct human experiments, and single-handedly planned the attack on the daimyo...

Although these things are despicable, in Tomama's opinion, they are not enough to put a Hokage to death.

until he saw the end of the scroll.

In order to gain fame, Orochimaru took the initiative to send information to Yanyin Village during the Third Ninja World War, causing Konoha heavy casualties and sacrificing thousands of ninjas.

Both Shimura Danzo and Hyuga Hizuru were insiders and helpers. Later, Orochimaru killed Hizuzu and put all the blame on him.


Tokaima stared at the scroll for a long time in a daze, and he realized that he still underestimated Orochimaru's cruelty. Although this guy is Hokage, he didn't take everything about the village to heart at all.

The third generation couldn't help but also took a look at it, and then stood up with a "bang", his face turning blue and white.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Oshewan! How dare you, how dare you?!"

He took several deep breaths, his expression frightened and angry.

"How dare you do this kind of thing that hurts Konoha, you can do such a thing as passing information to Iwanin?!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

Kaiichi Yamanaka and Minato were equally horrified, and this was not included in the information they had.

Orochimaru was unmoved, he didn't look at the scroll at all, but he said calmly when he heard the sound: "If I really did this kind of thing, will I leave a record in written evidence and let people discover it?"

Hearing this, Zhu Jian's eyes kept flickering, and he was also thinking about this.

Although the information Kakashi brought was too shocking, its source inevitably made Hashirama feel puzzled. It couldn't be that Kakashi, a small Anbu, discovered it through his own investigation.

And looking at the expressions of the third generation and Minato, it is obviously the first time they have learned about it.

Feijian asked in a deep voice: "Fourth generation, are all the above true?"

Faced with all kinds of questions, Orochimaru smiled selfishly, with his arms folded in front of his chest, his hair hanging down.

"What are you laughing at?" Fei Jian asked coldly, his face getting darker.

Orochimaru's voice restrained slightly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth did not diminish at all: "I'm laughing, how can you be so stupid."

This kind of extremely straightforward and insulting remarks made Tobuma's expression extremely ugly, as if he would violently attack at any moment, and the table in front of him was crushed into pieces by his palm.

Orochimaru continued: "Secondaimu, haven't you noticed that this so-called trial meeting has been led by the nose?"

After Kakashi said those words later, Orochimaru already knew who it was written by.

Orochimaru's repeated open provocations made it unbearable for Tomama.

"What do you mean!"

Orochimaru slowly looked up at him, with disdain in his eyes.

"Secondaime, to be honest, before I saw you, I still had a respect for you in my heart."

"After all, you can create a ninjutsu that is a genius idea like reincarnation."

Bringing the dead back to life, if this kind of forbidden technique is spread, it will definitely drive the entire ninja world crazy.

"You judge us from a high place to fight for power and gain by all means, but don't you do this kind of thing yourself? Fuyue, you Uchiha have a deep understanding of this, right?"

Fu Yue's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he laughed dryly: "No...nothing."

Their Uchiha used to have a special status in the village, because of their powerful strength and thriving population, they can be said to be the number one family in Konoha.

But politically, they were repeatedly excluded, and the clan land was resettled from the center of the village to the edge of Konoha by the second generation of Hokage.

You know, the whole Konoha was originally built by Senju and Uchiha together. As the elder family of Konoha, they can only get this kind of treatment, but the position of Hokage is inherited in one continuous line, and the will of the second generation is also passed along. down.

Until Zhenhe Orochimaru changed all that.

Feijian couldn't hold back any longer, and said angrily, "You killed thousands of comrades in the village!"

Orochimaru sneered coldly: "Do you have any definite evidence for this kind of thing, just because of the one-sided statement on the scroll?"

"Thousand hands, you are too arrogant."

"Are you already thinking about who can succeed Hokage after me?"

"In the final analysis, you just regard Konoha as your own private property. I don't know whether you are angry because of the death of those thousands of people, or because your own things have been defiled by others?"

Feijian was trembling with anger, his eyes showed killing intent, but just when he was about to strike, Orochimaru suddenly made an imprint with one hand in front of him.

For a moment, Tomona felt that his body could no longer move.

This is the method to control the reincarnation of the dirty soil. Although this technique was created by him, due to the special nature of the sacrifice, he could not escape the control of Orochimaru.

"Oshemaru!" Feijian shouted out the name of Orochimaru.

Hashirama sat by and watched all this happen but remained indifferent.

Orochimaru's expression gradually calmed down, and he said: "The reason why I have played with you until now is just to see what you all have."

"Oshemaru..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly spoke again.

"Is it really you who sent information to Yanyin Village?"

"What? Sarutobi-sensei, could it be that you never doubted me at all?" Orochimaru sneered.

Sarutobi was silent, how could he not have doubted, not only he had doubted, but many people had hinted to him that maybe Orochimaru was the ghost... It was not until Hinata Hizuru's death that this guilt was taken away. That's it.

"Not bad." Orochimaru said in a cold voice again, and said something that surprised everyone present.

"It is indeed the information that I took the initiative to pass on to Iwanin."

No one expected that Orochimaru would take the initiative to admit it. According to what he said, this one-sided statement is not convincing at all.

They think it's true because their inherent impression of Orochimaru is at work.

There was a naked murderous intent in the eyes of Senshou, but Orochimaru didn't even look at him anymore.

He continued to look at Hiruzen Sarutobi and said, "Mr. Sarutobi, don't you want to know why, or do you know?"

Why did Orochimaru do this, for the sake of fame.

After that battle, Orochimaru became the savior, and thus became a strong candidate for the Hokage competition.

Orochimaru has no name?

As one of the three ninjas, how could he not have one? Anyone in the village who sees him is not respectful?

But at that time, Orochimaru was placed in the rear by Sarutobi, and there was only one person active on the battlefield, and that was the golden flash.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi understood everything.

Unspeakable guilt and grief filled his heart.

He looked at the man with a cold face sitting there, but it slowly overlapped with the appearance of a weak young man in his memory.

This is his favorite student.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was in a daze, and then slumped on the seat weakly.

Jiraiya, who hadn't spoken much, said in a deep voice: "Oshemaru, no matter what the reason, you shouldn't use the lives of your companions as a bargaining chip."

Orochimaru smiled: "It's really nice to say, everyone present is really more noble than the other."

"Konoha's life and death don't matter to me at all. It's just something that belongs to me. I don't like being taken away. But since you all regard it as a treasure, I might as well give up Hokage's position."

Everyone was shocked, they couldn't understand what Dashewan had done.

Speaking of this, Orochimaru behaved very freely, as if he had finally abandoned everything he wanted to abandon.

It is clear in his heart that Orochimaru wants to cut off the fetters with the third generation, but as long as he is still in the position of Hokage, he will always cut things and make things messy.

Orochimaru looked at Senjujuma: "Let me ask, first generation, do you have a suitable candidate for the next Hokage?"

Hashirama fell silent, and glanced at Minato.

Haiyi and the others couldn't help feeling nervous.

"No." Only Zhu Jian said.

"Among the people I've met, no one has shown the aptitude and talent that Hokage should have."

Minato was stunned, the words First Hokage said were obviously aimed at him.

It would be a lie to say that he is not disappointed, the person who evaluated him was the ninja god after all.

Orochimaru suddenly laughed wantonly.

"Mr. Sarutobi, have you heard that the person you have been optimistic about all the time seems to have no qualifications and talents?"

He smiled and stretched out his hand to wipe the corner of his eyes.

Orochimaru looked at Minato again, and said with a smile: "Don't be too disappointed, Minato, it's not what the first generation said. The current Konoha is not his."

His tone became lighter, as if he was talking to an ordinary friend.

Minato just remained silent, staring at him intently.

Orochimaru's gaze began to scan all the people in the conference room one by one, from the Third Hokage, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and finally stopped on Makoto.

He said calmly: "Everything Kakashi said is indeed true, First Generation, what are you going to do, kill me?"

Senjujuma also said calmly: "I don't know what you have gone through to become like this, it can be seen that the third generation had high hopes for you..."

"But for me, anyone who hurts Konoha cannot be forgiven!"

Orochimaru sneered and asked back: "What about the person who planned this prison riot?"

Qianshou Zhujian's eyes darkened slightly: "Same, I won't be merciless."


A very low voice uttered from Sarutobi Hiruza.

He said again: "Master First Daime,...can I beg you not to do anything?"

There was no response from the column.

The third generation continued: "I guarantee with my life that Minato is absolutely ignorant of the prison riot!"

Hashirama was noncommittal when he heard the words, but turned to Minato and asked: "Minato, when did you know about it?"

This question is very strange, the word "informed" is too meaningful.

Minato was silent.

He was indeed ignorant, but at the first moment of the riot, he made the decision to abandon the villagers.

Hashirama asked again: "Do you know that you are the beneficiary?"

Minato remained silent.

Hashirama asked blankly: "Then I just said that you have no qualifications, do you have any objections?"

Minato slowly lowered his head: "...No."

Happy National Day to everyone!

Chapter 4k, I have to take full attendance this month, and work harder tomorrow.

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