Rated Hokage

Chapter 158 Chapter 157, Ten-person meeting, who is guilty?

After seeing Brother Senshou, Sandaime and Jiraiya were also extremely shocked at first reaction.

Then Sarutobi was annoyed that Orochimaru actually disturbed the deceased to play with the forbidden soul technique.

But Toikama said: "Don't rush to blame the fourth generation, monkey, now that Konoha came to this situation while you were still alive, don't you have any responsibility?"

The situation he mentioned did not refer to this prison riot, but to the fact that people in the same village killed each other in order to fight for power.

Sarutobi naturally understood what he said, and said yes in a low voice, sweating coldly.

At the beginning, it was the second generation who entrusted Konoha to him with his own hands. Now his dead teacher sees Konoha's ugly appearance, which makes Sarutobi feel flustered and blame himself.

"What happened to Yingyan?" Feijian asked again.

After all, everyone's eyes turned to Tsunade involuntarily.

Tsunade was also a little embarrassed, and he looked away and said, "I broke it, and those four rock statues are not pleasing to the eye when placed together..."

Hashirama laughed again: "It seems that we did not do well enough at the beginning."

Sarutobi felt ashamed when he heard this.

Fei Jian frowned and reprimanded: "You are already an adult, why do you still do this kind of childish thing."

Tsunade just pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Now there is no one who can reprimand her like this.

Zhu Jian smiled lightly and said, "Let's gossip less, let's get down to business. Since the village needs us now, we might as well clear things up for you."

Looking at this scene, Minato suddenly felt that he had become friendly to the situation.

Zilai also asked, "What do you mean by dispelling confusion?"

Feijian said lightly: "The children and grandchildren are killing each other, how can we do nothing, since the village is in chaos now, let us clean it up!"

"Innocent people shouldn't bear grievances and stigma, how can rioters let them go unpunished!"

"Monkey, do you have an opinion?"

Yuan Fei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "No!"

If the first generation and the second generation are allowed to take over the next situation, it will undoubtedly be the best for them.

Bashirama nodded and said, "Fourth Generation, please call all the relevant people."

Ten minutes later, the roof of the Hokage Building.

The two brothers Qianshou were standing here overlooking the entire village.

Hashirama said with emotion: "Compared to our time, Konoha is much bigger."

He remembered that when Konoha was first built, this place was just a virgin forest, and it was chosen here because the adjacent Minamiga River was the territory of Uchiha.

Tomona said: "Monkey has been Hokage for so long, so he should have some achievements, and it will become bigger and bigger in the future."

Hashirama asked: "What do you think of the current fourth generation?"

"I don't understand, I don't like to judge."

Hashirama pondered for a while and said, "I think he may have some evil intentions."

Feijian said: "Brother, there is no right or wrong intention, it only depends on his attitude towards the village."

As he said that, Tomon suddenly felt a line of sight from below staring at him, and when he looked back, he saw only a boy in a black uniform.

"Is it from the Hyuga family?" Hashirama said with some surprise, he noticed the family crest on the boy's clothes.

It's just why the boy's eyes are not white.

Hashirama chuckled: "It seems that most of the people in the village are not the ones we know anymore."

Feijian said: "After so many years, how old is the monkey?"

"Things are right and people are wrong." Hashirama sighed again.

At this time, Feijian suddenly said: "Brother, I will teach you the method of blocking the connection of the reincarnation of the dirty soil."

"What's the meaning?"

"If the fourth generation forcibly cancels the reincarnation of the soil, you can still stay in this world temporarily, and only you can do it."

the other side.

After seeing Brother Qianshou, his mood gradually calmed down from the initial shock.

I didn't expect Orochimaru to play this move.

In the situation just now, Sandaime and Jiraiya were also fighting against Raikage. Tsunade in this period basically had no combat power, and Orochimaru could completely free up his hands to deal with Minato.

But why intensify the conflict to this point? With that first generation Hokage present, the combat power of everyone present can be ignored.

The next situation will no longer be a competition of combat power, it will make Minato move back by 10%.

What is Orochimaru trying to do...

Zhen confessed secretly to Anbu Hinata Kiyomi next to him, and asked him to leave his side to do things according to his orders.

There are ten seats in the meeting room, four on top and six on the bottom.

Orochimaru sat down at the most edge of the above four positions, followed by the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, the second Hokage Senju Gabema, and the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

After Zhen walked into the conference room, he couldn't help but glanced at Dashemaru, only to find that he was also staring at him, with a faint smile on his lips.

The six people sitting below are Minakaze Minato, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Hinata Shin and Uchiha Fugaku.

The people present here are already the group with the highest status in Konoha.

"Is this the patriarch of the Uchiha family?" Hashirama looked at Fu Yue and asked kindly.

"Yes, Lord First Daime, my name is Uchiha Fugaku, and I am Uchiha's current boss!" Fugaku stood up immediately after hearing the sound, and said with an excited face. He was a legendary figure in front of him, so how could he not be excited.

Fu Yue was not originally among the people called by Orochimaru, he was really called.

Tobima looked at Fuyue calmly.

He had noticed on the rooftop just now that many buildings with the Uchiha family crest were near the center of the village.

During his reign, Uchiha's family land was placed on the edge of the village by him. Now it seems that Uchiha has climbed to the center of power in the village again.

Hashirama looked at Zhen again: "Then this one belongs to the Hinata family?"

The first time I had a conversation with the God of Ninja, Zhen stood up and responded respectfully: "I am Hyuga Shin, the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan."

This young patriarch is really too young, is it because his father died early, did the family pass down to him?

And it's so strange that the Hyuga family didn't roll their eyes.

Kaiichi Yamanaka also introduced himself to Brother Senshou.

Then Hashirama said, "Everyone is the current pillar of Konoha, and the gathering here is also for the long-term and stability of the village."

Fei Jian also said: "I also said at the beginning that whoever is guilty and who is innocent will be judged here. I have set up a sealing technique here, and no one can leave here until everything is over."

"First things first."

"Since the Fourth Raikage is a prisoner, how did he escape from the prison?"

Zhen Wenyan's expression moved slightly, and his eyes once again glanced at Orochimaru.

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