Rated Hokage

Chapter 136 Chapter 135

Jiu Xinnai is now a little bit stuck, she feels that she is really crazy, and she will bring Zhen back to her home again, and at the beginning, she said that kind of suggestive words to him, isn't it just to seduce him?

Why do I do this kind of thing? This guy must have thought so, leaving Jiu Xinnai with no way out for a while.

What should I do now, let this guy leave like this, but will he become so angry that he will stop helping himself and Minato?

Kushina was flustered for a while, and she was not prepared for this kind of mental preparation. She regretted it when she went to the Hokage Building to find the truth. She felt that she should not be so impulsive, and should think about it carefully.

It was just a whim when I was chatting with Lin, why did I put it into action so naively.

Kushina slowly let go of the hand holding the book, and raised her head to show a forced smile.

"Really...why are you so anxious..."

She took another step back, and Kazuma said, "You... sit down first."

Of course he is not in a hurry, he just wants to see what step Kushina can do and how much he can pay for it.

He felt that he was very much like the villain in a movie novel at this moment, the rich and powerful who forced and threatened the heroine's corruption.

But I have to say, this taste is really good.

After she really sat back on the sofa, Kushina seemed restless, she hesitated to speak several times, and finally stood up.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

She left in a hurry, making the already quiet living room even more silent, and I really heard the sound of running water from the faucet.

Zhen threw the book in his hand casually, then got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Kushina splashed water on his face with his palm to calm himself down, but when he looked up, he saw in the mirror that Zhen was standing behind him at some point.

She was taken aback, and almost cried out, but before she could turn around, her body was already close to her, and the opponent's hand was still wrapping around her lower abdomen.

Kushina tensed up instantly.

"Really..." She raised her head high, and subconsciously stretched her fair and delicate neck.

"what are you doing?"

Her heart was beating fast, but she couldn't breathe, as if she was about to suffocate, she had never had such an intimate action with any man except Minato.

And is this guy a man? In the mirror, although his face is mature, he still looks like a young man. He is many years younger than himself.

Kushina suddenly couldn't understand how Aya could accept such a boy.

Zhenzhen's hand was rubbing lightly in front of her lower abdomen, through a thin layer of clothes, making Jiuxinna's whole body covered with goose bumps.

I have to reject... I have to reject him!

Kushina screamed desperately in her heart.

"Kushinna." Zhenzhen spoke before her, "The last time I watched the four-element seal, I felt that I didn't look carefully enough, and there were still many puzzles..."

"Why don't you let me take a good look at it again?"

Look...the seal...

Jiu Xinnai swallowed involuntarily.

If he really didn't stick to himself so tightly behind him, he would still have some credibility.

And Zhen's next sentence made Kushina, who wanted to resist, wilt in an instant.

"At that time, I will think about the matter between you and Minato."


Kushina felt that she was extremely humiliated at the moment, that she would do such a thing, that she would do this, if Minato knew about such a thing...

The real behavior made her feel disgusted, but what made her feel even more disgusted was herself, who brought him to her home on purpose, didn't she?

The two of them were deadlocked in the bathroom, and Zhen kept holding her from behind.

Time passed slowly, until Kushina said again: "Really... can you really help me and Minato?"

I don't know how much determination she made when she said this, but she really didn't intend to let her go so easily, she grinned slightly and said, "It depends, Jiu Xinnai, how much you can give."

"Last time, I couldn't see clearly because I was wearing a shirt..."


Nara's house.

Lu Jiu, Hai Yi and Minato are sitting together having a drink, and the meals are prepared by Lu Jiu's wife.

"Is it really okay there?" Hai Yi asked.

"Hmm...it should be useless." Minato said distressedly.

"It seems that Hinata really understands very well." Lu Jiu sighed softly.

He is really Orochimaru's deputy, and can be said to be the most trusted person in Orochimaru's village. How could he do something against Orochimaru who relied on Orochimaru to get his position.

Orochimaru forbids Kushina and Minato from marrying for two reasons.

One is to plan to firmly control Renzhuli in the future.

The second is that Watergate was a competitor's business before.

No matter which one, it is a very sufficient reason for Orochimaru. Now this Konoha belongs to him, so why can Minato fight against it?

But if he doesn't argue, then he really can't marry Jiu Xinnai.

Minato thought of the hint given to her by Kushina. She had been looking forward to marrying herself, and Minato also hoped very much to marry Kushina.

He raised his head and drank the wine in the cup, and said to himself: "Is there really... there is no other way?"

Kushina... If Kushina knew that she couldn't marry her, how sad she would be...

Lu Jiu and Hai looked at each other and both sighed.

The Zhuludie family also lost a lot of things in the village due to the failure of the water gate. The clan members complained, and they were the ones who suppressed this kind of thing.

After being silent for a long time, Lu Jiu suddenly said: "The only one who can marry Jinzhuriki is Hokage."

"The fourth generation is now in his prime, Minato, have you ever thought about how many years later it will be when it is the fifth generation's turn?"

Minato paused as he poured the wine, but Haiyi showed surprise.

"Lu Jiu, have you... drank too much?"

Lu Jiu stared at the wine glass in his hand with a gloomy gaze: "The taste of failure is really uncomfortable. This is the worst fall we have ever had."

Both of them were speechless.

"The fourth generation can take the position, and he didn't do anything shady behind the scenes. I firmly don't believe it."

"But we have already lost." Hai Yi said involuntarily.

"No!" Lu Jiu stared.

"The loser is the third generation, not us!"

He looked up at the silent Minato: "Minato, how long are you going to wait?"

"After a few decades, will the fourth generation give Hokage to you?"

"At that time, is it still your turn? Have you forgotten that there is a Hinata who is younger than you?!"

"Since the fourth generation took over, he spent all day in his own research institute. Has he ever done anything practical?"

"Minato, for the village, for us, and for Kushina..."

There was a dead silence on the wine table, and Minato's consciousness was a little dazed.

His beloved village, his beloved Kushina...will they all be taken away?

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