Rated Hokage

Chapter 132 131, Immortal No. 1 imprint! Forty Gods Air Strike!

It's January again.

Hyuga clan land.

In the room, Huomen sat cross-legged with his upper body bare, and the mysterious patterns carved on the surrounding ground were shining with a blue luster, and gradually covered his whole body.

Zhenzhen manipulated all of these from the periphery of the formation, and carved a complex seal on his body. The black lines squirmed, and finally converged on his chest. The word "one" is surrounded by mysterious and complicated dark lines.

Time has passed for a long time, Huomen closed his eyes tightly, he is not wearing a forehead protector at this moment, nor is there any ribbon wrapped around it, but the forehead is already empty, and the ugly green mark no longer exists.

He is the third person to be released from the cage after Rizai and Lingli. After he left this room today, he would probably cause some trouble in the clan again.

When the imprint of the immortal was completely completed, I breathed a sigh of relief, and the light of the formation on the ground was extinguished.


Hearing the real voice, Huomen also slowly opened his eyes, carefully feeling the changes in his body.

"You can feel its power only after it is activated." Zhen said at this time, "I have already removed your caged bird curse mark for you."

Huomen immediately half-kneeled on the ground: "Thank you, Master Zhen!"

He didn't have any ups and downs about the matter of releasing the caged bird. If he insisted on saying he was happy, he just felt that the real adult trusted him more.

Of course, doing this is to stimulate the clansmen again.

"Go outside and experiment." Zhen said.

Huomen got dressed and walked out into the courtyard.

He could clearly feel the existence of the seal on his chest, it seemed to be connecting all parts of his body, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him.

Huomen took a deep breath and followed the true instructions to activate the seal.

In just a split second, he felt that all the pores in his body had been opened up, his whole body became extremely transparent, a new force poured into his body, and then condensed into a new force in his body!

This power was unprecedentedly powerful, Huomen couldn't believe it belonged to him for a moment!

Not only that, he found that his senses became extremely sensitive, and he could perceive everything around him very clearly. He immediately opened his white eyes. As he expected, the detection distance of his white eyes has more than doubled !

Huomen couldn't help but become short of breath, and his face couldn't hide the surprise and joy.

"How does it feel?" Zhen asked from the side.

"It's better than ever!" Fire Gate said excitedly, "I think I can hit 3 now... No! 10 Kakashi!"

This metaphor makes Zhen really a little bit laugh, it seems that Huomen still secretly regards Kakashi as an opponent in his heart.

After all, Kakashi's name is so loud that his peers can't breathe.

As for Shin, he didn't regard Kakashi as his peer at all.

And one thing that is certain is that with the fire door engraved by the immortal, his strength has already crossed the threshold of shadow level!

"What if Kakashi also possesses such power?" Shin asked again.

Huomen smiled and said, "That's great! I'm really afraid that I'll overtake him so easily. It's boring without an opponent."

Zhen pondered for a moment and said: "You are the first person to have the Immortal Seal."

Huomen immediately bowed and said, "This is my honor, thank you Master Zhen!"

Zhen nodded and said: "Theoretically, there are no side effects, but there is no guarantee that there will be any results if you use it for a long time. This power is very strong, and you should not use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary, and expose it to outsiders. .”

After finishing speaking, his voice paused: "Master Hokage can't do it either."

Huomen nodded solemnly: "Understood!"

After all, this is the first case, and I really need to observe Huomen for a while, and then continue to improve it.

Zhen then brought Huomen to the field training ground of Hyuga's family, and let Huomen show their skills and adapt to this new power.

Huomen's talent is extremely high, and the speed of mastering the fairy chakra is also very fast, and things like physical attacks with the help of natural energy will soon be handy.

With his Eight Diagrams Empty Palm, he actually hit a terrifying 10-meter-deep hole in the open space in front of him!

This startled him, and he looked at his palm in disbelief.

Is this still the power of Bagua Kongzhang? No one in the clan can reach this level...

I really looked at the deep pit not far away, with the color of thinking in the directory.

"Huomen, you have to practice this power more diligently."

"Understood, my lord!"

Then, Zhen continued: "In the future, this move in the immortal mode needn't be called Ba Gua Kong Zhang, after all, it uses natural energy."

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Let the Forty Gods attack in the air."

Huomen naturally had no objection to this kind of thing, and didn't ask why, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's Yashigami Kongji, the name comes from the neon god Yashifutsu Nikami, which is the same as Amaterasu Tsukiyomi Susanoko, not the Yashigami.

But this is really not clear, so I named it. The Yashigami Kong Strike is a bit like Bagua Kongzhang, and the power of Huomen's strike in the immortal mode is between the two, which may be far away from Yashigami. Air strikes go further.

Huomen tried its best to release Chakra, and didn't stop until the Chakra in his body was almost exhausted.

He said to Zhen panting, "My lord, I feel something is wrong."

Sincerely moved slightly, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Huomen frowned, and said, "Maybe it's because Chakra is almost exhausted, and I feel a little difficult to breathe."

Zhen grabbed Huomen's arm and began to check the condition of his body. After a while, he said: "Now turn off the seal and exit the fairy mode."

Huomen closed the Immortal Seal as promised, and instantly felt much better. Apart from being a little tired, he didn't have any symptoms of breathing difficulties.

The truth is to clarify the source of the matter. The operation of the Immortal Seal also needs Chakra to maintain. When one's own Chakra is almost consumed, and the Immortal Seal is still absorbing natural energy from the outside, this stability will be broken .

Huomen is still a relatively good situation, and you can exit the fairy mode in advance when the chakra is exhausted.

But if it is Kai who is in the state of opening the eight gates, he may be killed.

In that case, the chakra in Kai's body is far superior to that of ordinary people, and the natural energy required is naturally the same. Once the Immortal Seal cannot be closed while enduring the pain of the Eight-door Dunjia, it may not be as simple as losing control of his mind and going berserk!

This Immortal Seal still needs to be further improved, and it is best to close it automatically when the Chakra in the body is insufficient.

But this thing is not a robot, how could it be so intelligent.

Really feel a little headache.

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