Rated Hokage

Chapter 130 129, complete, immortal mode!

Physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy, the chakra condensed by the three according to the ratio of 1:1:1 is the fairy chakra.

In a lounge of the Hokage Building, sitting cross-legged on the ground, feeling the special chakra in his body, black eye shadows appeared on his face.

In front of him is a baby cradle, and the child lying in it is Chonggo.

There is no risk in condensing chakra. If you fail, at best you can't refine chakra. Ninjas have been familiar with this kind of thing since they practiced, like eating and drinking water.

But introducing natural energy into the body is different. You have to add something new to something you are very used to, and you can't make mistakes, because it is not as risk-free as failing to refine chakra.

This is very difficult and must be done carefully and skillfully.

With the help of Chongwu's body, after performing countless drills in Chongwu's body, he finally started to condense the immortal chakra by himself.

Fortunately, all the preparations he had made before were not in vain. He succeeded directly and without any risk the first time, and a facial makeup representing entering immortal mode appeared on his face.

This is a completely different feeling. His body has entered a whole new realm, making it impossible for him to estimate the level of his strength for a while.

The perception ability expands the scope of terror even more, as if all the natural energy around can be manipulated.

Zhen opened his palm, and in an instant a cluster of flames was formed in his palm, constantly beating.

In the past, he controlled natural energy through the chakra vibrations released by himself to drive the vibration of natural energy.

Now he can directly move the natural energy, which feels like using his arms and fingers, and is more comfortable than before. With just a wave of his hand, everything in the lounge instantly floats, including Zhongwu who is lying in the cradle, in his Flying around in the air in the room under the control.

Returning everything to its original position, Zhen came to the window and opened the window, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the room in an instant.

At the same time, in the enchantment class.

"The barrier has responded!" Some members exclaimed.

"Don't panic, it's probably the real adult who flew out again, he always does this." The older senior said.

"Is it the real adult's Chakra just now?"

"It's him."

"It's okay, what should I do?"

The speed of the true flight was extremely fast, several times faster than before, and within a few minutes, it arrived at the border of the Land of Fire.

This speed can already be called terrifying.

He found that no matter what he did at this moment, everything became extremely simple, and he was not used to the step of skipping his own chakra vibration to drive natural energy.

I really stopped at the high altitude, looking at the mountains and rivers below, I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

A few minutes later, his whole body appeared above Yuyin Village in the Country of Rain. He controlled the surrounding natural energy, wrapped himself up, and directly bypassed all perception ninjutsu and barriers.

It was raining, and the raindrops did not reach his body.

He sensed a few familiar chakras, and they landed in the courtyard of a mansion in an instant.

There were bursts of laughter from the living room inside, there were men and women, old and young.

Zilai, who was chatting with his disciples, suddenly turned his gaze to the courtyard outside the living room.

"Mr. Jiraiya, what are you looking at?" Yahiko asked, and followed his gaze, the courtyard was empty.

Zilai also thought about it, was it an illusion just now?

He shook his head: "It's okay."

When Zilai also had this idea, he had already left Yuyin Village early.

At this moment, he was freely shuttling among the clouds in the sky. In the past, he had to carefully control Chakra when flying. It seemed random but he did it very meticulously.

It was different now, he really felt that he was galloping freely between heaven and earth, and this feeling of doing whatever he wanted made him extremely obsessed.

He raised his hand casually, and a huge and ferocious flame engulfed the clouds in an instant.

I really came to the cliff waterfall in the distance again, the waterfall was roaring with great momentum, the water flow was rushing down and tilted down, and there was a rainbow above the river below.

Zhen took a deep breath, his eyes fixed, surging chakra surged in his body, a whirlwind arose around him for no reason, and his clothes rattled.

Then the waterfall suddenly changed. The waterfall that was originally flowing down reversed its direction and flowed towards the sky. The thick white water flowed like a ribbon, rushing to a height of more than ten meters. It turned into countless water droplets and scattered everywhere, washing the area, and a bigger rainbow condensed on the sky.

All the beasts and birds in the forest were startled, and they all looked at this eternal spectacle.

Zhen let out a burst of hearty laughter, and casually let the water waterfall pour down from the sky, and flew away from here by himself.

After returning to Konoha, the lounge in the Hokage Building, I looked at the time on the wall, and only half an hour had passed.

Chong Wu was still asleep in the cradle.

Really released the fairy mode, walked out of this lounge, and the fire door was outside the door at the moment.

"What an adult!" Huomen bowed in greeting.

"Has the real adult succeeded?"

Zhen glanced at him and said, "You seem to know."

Huomen bowed his head and said: "I can feel the real adult's mood is very happy."

I couldn't help laughing out loud, and then said: "Send that child back."

Huomen responded, and then said: "Kai is waiting for you in the office now."

Zhen walked into the office, saw Kaibai standing there bored, and immediately smiled when he saw Zhen came in.


Two days ago, Kai really asked him to go back to rest, and Kai didn't know why, but now he has rested according to his true meaning and came to him.

Zhen said directly: "I have read your medical report."

Kai froze for a moment.

"You are very strong in physical skills and physically strong, but you have hidden injuries and serious strains all over your body. This is caused by over-training."


Zhen continued: "You practice very hard, harder than anyone else. I know this. If you stick to it, you may really be able to walk an unprecedented path in terms of physical skills."

"But you are a mortal after all, and the human body has its limits. You may not be able to bear the price you have to pay to break through that shackle."

What he really said was a bit obscure, but Kay probably understood it.

It seems that I am practicing so much day and night, so that my body is in a state of high load, and it seems that there will be no good results in the long run.

But Kai himself has been used to this, so after becoming Anbu, he is a little uncomfortable with Anbu's work.

At this time, Zhen said again: "I have a better way here, are you interested?"

Kai heard this and thought for a long time, then asked, "What way?"

Zhen pondered for a while, then looked at him and said word by word.

"Immortal Physique!"

Can I humbly ask for a ticket?

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