Rated Hokage

Chapter 126 Chapter 125

The news of the succession of the new Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village finally came out.

The fourth Kazekage was attacked by the rebellious red sand scorpions and died on the spot, and the red sand scorpions could not escape the sand ninja's siege, so they were enraged.

The fifth generation Kazekage who succeeded to the throne is the well-known Shuotun Hakura in the ninja world. He is the hero of Sand Hidden Village and the first female leader of the five great ninja villages.

This news also means that Shayin Village has stabilized and Ye Cang has taken full power.

Konoha contributed a lot to getting to this point so quickly.

After receiving a letter from Hakura and knowing that Luo Sha was dead, Zhen immediately sent ninja troops to negotiate with Wuyin Village in the country of water. With Konoha's intervention, the war between Kirigakure and Sand Yin stopped. Under the deliberate propaganda, Ye Cang naturally became the biggest contributor to this war.

Any change of dynasty in the five major ninja villages will have a certain impact on the ninja world. The most direct thing is that some small ninja villages and mercenary organizations in the surrounding countries will take the initiative to show their favor.

The attitude of these big villages towards them is very important. If you make them unhappy, even if you don't send troops to attack you, there are ten thousand ways to make you feel uncomfortable.

And Hakura sent a letter of friendship to Konoha in the name of Kazekage, hoping that Konoha and Sand Yin can continue to deepen their friendship in the future.

Zhen sent someone to send congratulatory gifts, as well as express condolences to the former Fengying Luosha, after all, Luosha had helped Konoha.

In the current ninja world, each of the five major ninja villages is in turmoil, and no one has benefited from the third ninja world war. Both of them need to recuperate. It is estimated that the future will be very peaceful for a long time.

At this moment, Zhen is busy with her wedding, and the wedding will be two days later.

He doesn't need to worry about venues and costumes, but the wedding etiquette in Naruto World is redundant, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. He feels dizzy just listening to others tell him.

Moreover, as Hyuga's patriarch, the wedding was bigger than he imagined, and these were all arranged by the elders of the clan.

What I'm looking forward to the most is Ayari.

She spent the whole day at home practicing the movements on the wedding day, the manners in the wedding dress, and the expressions when facing the guests and friends, and she even watched from the sidelines.

Recently, she will really watch her very closely, and will not give her any chance to steal. If she really goes to the toilet at night, she will be threatened to make him look good if she can't see him for 10 minutes.

It's been a long time since I went to Ayano's room, and Ayari was pregnant again, and he was very angry when he was young and energetic.

I really can only vent all my energy on physical training, tossing my body hard, and I have to be exhausted every time before I give up. Every day, I look like my waist is sore and my back hurts. His vision was all wrong.

Kushina and Mikoto often come to the house, and the three women seem to have become close friends, talking about everything.

After dinner, Makoto sat on the sofa and watched Ayano tidy up the dishes, her buttocks turned up when she bent her back to him, as if trying to seduce him deliberately.

Zhen licked his lower lip and asked Ayari, "Aren't you going to take a bath?"

Ling Li looked at him expressionlessly, and said, "Let's go together and help me wipe my back."


When they walked into the bathroom together, Lingli suddenly reached out and pinched him.

Really helpless: "What are you doing?"

Ling Li said viciously: "Strangle you bastard!"

Zhen put his arms around her and said, "I've already been completely controlled by you, what else do you want?"

But Ling Li asked: "What do you want to do, keep messing around like this, aren't you afraid that my sister is also pregnant? What will you do then!"

Zhen shrugged and said: "If you are pregnant, you will have a baby. It just so happens that our child will also have a companion."

"Where's my sister?"


"You have a good idea! Who do you think you are, and you still want three wives and four concubines!" Ling Li said angrily, opening her mouth to bite him.

Zhen stretched out his hand to block it, and asked with a light smile: "Otherwise, let your sister live alone for the rest of her life? Who would dare to want her with her current status?"

Lingli's tone choked, and what she really said seemed to be good, but she still said unwillingly: "That can't be cheap for you!"

Zhen spread his hands and said: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry and neither are you. You can wait for Ayano to be in her 30s or 40s, and then pity her."

"You!" Lingli was in a hurry, how could it be her fault instead.

"Don't be angry, it's not good for the child."

Ayari struggled to break away from Zhen's embrace, and stood there for a while to breathe before she calmed down.

"Get out!" she said to Zhen.

"Don't want me to help you wipe your back?" Zhen asked.

"Hurry up and get out." Ling Li said with a look of irritability.

Seeing this, Zhen went up to coax her: "Don't be angry my dear, I have to take a shower early and go to bed."

Ling Li glared at him: "You still want to sleep? Sleep on the sofa!"

Sleeping on the sofa, is there such a good thing?

Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then glanced suspiciously at Ayari.

Ayari directly pushed him out of the bathroom, and then locked the door from the inside.

Did she do it on purpose?

Looking at the closed door, I really thought about it.

When he came to the living room, he saw Ayano was still bending over to wipe the table, so he walked over and slapped her on the buttocks.

Zhen leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Wash up tonight and wait for me."

Ayano paused, then continued her work as if nothing had happened.

"Where's Ayari?"

"Ask so many!"

Another slap down.

the second day.

Walked out of the room feeling refreshed.

The people of the tribe are already busy setting up the wedding dresses. The wedding dresses are white and black, and the venue is also very old-fashioned. Zhen and the master of ceremonies said that they tried their best to simplify the etiquette, but they were opposed by some old people in the tribe. .

As the patriarch of Hinata, how can you not look like that? This is related to the face of the Hinata family.

The seats of the guests are also particular. Among the invited guests, Hokage is naturally the most honored.

Fourth Hokage, Third Hokage.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi really sent an invitation, it doesn't really matter whether he comes or not.

Followed by Sannin, but Tsunade and Jiraiya are no longer in the village.

Neither of them had a peaceful temperament, so Tsunade just left as soon as he said he would leave.

Jiraiya said that the ninja world has settled down, and there is nothing to do in the village, so he plans to write a novel and travel around to collect materials. The next time he comes back, he will wait until Minato and Kushina get married.

Then there are people like Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku who have a very high reputation and status.

These are all arranged by the clansmen, and it really seems understandable.

Yahiko of Yuyin Village heard that he was really going to get married, so he sent someone to send a congratulatory gift.

The Land of Rain and the Land of Fire have been in close contact recently, and have also opened a special trade channel to promote the economic development of both parties.

It is worth mentioning that in the real news, the Akatsuki organization has become different from before.

It may be affected by various factors.

After Yahiko took control of Yuyin Village and obtained huge benefits from the previous war.

The Xiao organization is no longer the way of negotiation in the past, and has begun to learn to use force to deter surrounding forces.

That night, she honestly slept in the master bedroom, and didn't say much that night, Lingli just lay quietly in his arms.

One night passed, and the day of their wedding finally arrived.


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