Rated Hokage

Chapter 123 Chapter 122

The morning light broke in through the window and sprinkled on the real face on the bed. The corners of his eyes moved, his brows frowned slightly, and only then did he let go of his eyes.

Ayano was standing by the side of her bed, leaning over to look at him.

"What an adult."

I really tightened the quilt, trying to avoid the dazzling light.

"what time is it?"

"It's past 9 o'clock."

I really yawned, he stayed up a little late last night because of the sealing technique, and Lingli should have woken up by this time.

Ayano went to open the window, and the cold light and wind rushed in, and the tired and hazy consciousness gradually faded away.

"My lord, breakfast is ready."


Zhen just responded lazily, and then lifted a corner of his quilt. Seeing this, Ayano obediently took off his coat and got in, and was held in Zhen's arms.

Since Ayari moved here, she hasn't been lying here again, and she really doesn't need her to help warm the bed.

Although she would occasionally go to her room, the treatment was different from before. She was now more like a servant.

Zhen's eyes were closed tightly, as if he still wanted to hug her and go back to sleep.

Ayano held his hand with one hand, and took the initiative to poke into her clothes.

Except that the clothes are a little cold, all I really feel is warmth and softness.

He buried his head in Ayano's hair and took a deep sniff, and lazily said, "Your smell is very different from Ayano's."

Ayano asked: "Then who do you like more?"

After she said this, she felt a pain in her chest, and immediately stopped talking.

There was a sudden knock on the bedroom door, and Ayari's voice sounded from outside.

"Get up quickly, what time is it?"

Hearing the sound, Ayano hesitated and wanted to get out of the bed, but she was held tightly in her arms and couldn't move.

"Really grown up?" She asked cautiously.

"Don't move around, let me sleep for a while." Zhenwen said softly.

This is his and Lingli's bedroom, but Lingli knocked on the door and didn't come in. Presumably, he already knew what the two of them were doing in the bedroom, after all, Lingli had supercilious eyes.

Ayano was so honestly treated as a pillow and lay on the bed for a long time.

Waiting really stretched out of the room, and saw Lingli on the sofa in the living room feeding Sibi with a bowl.

"What's for Spee?" he asked.

"Breakfast." Ayari responded calmly.

Seeing that the bowl in her hand was obviously not for dogs, she had a bad feeling in her heart, so she asked, "Where's my breakfast?"

Lingli just glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to feed Sibi on her own, the answer was already obvious.

The corner of Zhen's mouth twitched, thinking to himself that this woman is too vengeful.

He touched his stomach, seeing that Sibi was eating so deliciously, he was also a little hungry.

"Ayano, make me something to eat." He called inside.

Then he walked up to Lingli and wanted to hug her, but she pushed her away expressionlessly.

"Don't stop me from feeding Spee."

The wedding date of the two is getting closer, and it has only been a few days, and the clan is busy with this matter.

As Hyuga's patriarch, the standard of the wedding couldn't be lowered, and he really didn't invite too many people, all of them were acquaintances from the village.

I really went out after breakfast, and there were two women left in the living room.

Ayano was busy there, cleaning the room and doing the laundry. She seemed to be more and more used to her identity now, and she was used to the things she had to do every day.

Ayano sat on the sofa holding Sibi motionless. At first, when she often came here, she was afraid that Zhen would always order and bully Ayano, so she came here to chat with her and help her with housework.

But later I found out that she was thinking too much. The relationship between Ayano and Zhen may be true and true, but Ayano's attitude towards this is not only non-resisting, but sometimes very proactive.

This made her very annoyed. Originally, she took the initiative to find many reasons for Ayano in her heart.

The gap between the two talking at home became less and less, and Ayano could also see that Ayari was angry with herself, so she didn't explain anything, and she didn't take the initiative to touch the bad head.

Near noon.

He was really handling official business in Hokage's office, and suddenly Anbu came to send a message, saying that the two Yunyin Jinzhuri, who had been under surveillance all the time, would be asked by the wooden man to see him.

The three girls from Yunyin Village have been in the village all the time, and they have not behaved unusually.

They really know about their current situation through Anbu, and they go out to go shopping every day, and then come back to cook, and get acquainted with the neighbors around them.

Samuyi and Mabuyi both had leisure time and raised flowers and cats at home.

The seal on Yumuren is stronger than the other two, preventing her from using her own Chakra and the power of the Tailed Beast.

Even if the three of them wanted to do something, they might not even be able to beat a Chunin.

When the wooden man walked into the office, Zhenzhen's eyes were brightened. She was wearing a light blue floral dress, which made her temperament a lot more gentle and quiet. She stood there pretty and fiddled with her hands. It looked a little cramped.

In my impression, this woman always has a look of deep hatred towards her, and her personality is really crazy, but this look is interesting now.

Zhen asked, "What's the matter?"

The wooden man lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers, saying in a faltering tone, "I...we... would like to treat you to a meal."

Zhen looked at her with a strange expression, this woman suddenly figured it out, he didn't believe it, there must be some conspiracy in it.


Yumuren continued: "I just want to thank you for your tolerance. The three of us are captives, but we can still live so well in Konoha."


Yumu quickly said, "Samui and Mabui are ready."

What kind of medicine does the gourd sell...

Zhen looked at her, but it made Yumuren even more embarrassed.

He got up and walked to the wooden figure, and suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. Chakra then poked in and found that the seal was still intact.

Looking at Yumu's appearance again, his cheeks were stained with a blush after being grabbed by the wrist.

Zhen's eyes flickered slightly: "Let's go."

He just didn't eat.

Yu Muren silently followed behind Zhen, although he looked shy, but he wished to wash the place Zhen touched immediately, and then cut the person in front of him into pieces.

When you really go out, you are accompanied by Anbu's escort, but you live in a dark place.

He came all the way to Yumuren and the others' residence, and as soon as he arrived at the door, he asked for some tempting aromas of food, which seemed to be very well made.

What surprised him most was that the two people in the room, Azabui somehow got a maid outfit and put on the tableware.

Seeing Zhen come in, his face turned red immediately, but he still bowed to him.

"What an adult."

If she really felt it, she glanced at the direction of the kitchen just now, and slowly walked out of Samyi, who was wearing a red slit cheongsam, holding a plate in each hand. The slim and tight cheongsam perfectly fit her body curves Shown, a pair of slender white legs looming in the slit part of the cheongsam.


I can't help but take a deep breath.

Good guy, you want to use a beauty trick, right...

You said it earlier!

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