Rated Hokage

Chapter 118 Chapter 117, Lin's Kiss

Towards evening, the rain stopped.

Outside the Hokage Building, Lin was wandering here alone, looking frequently at the office upstairs.

There were some shoals on the ground, and she used her shoes to gently place them on the water from time to time, but she didn't dare to use force.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Suddenly a real voice rang out, and the water that was still relatively calm was stepped on and splashed out in an instant.

Lin stood up straight, looked at Zhen who had just come out of the Hokage Building, and she casually pointed in other directions.

"I... passed by."

She said a reason that she didn't even believe, how could she pass by the door of the Hokage Building.

Lin's eyes dodged a little, and she didn't know what she was hiding.

"Then let's go for a walk together." Zhen then took the initiative to say.


Zhen took the initiative to step forward, and Lin hesitated to follow after seeing this.

"Are you... going to get married?" She asked suddenly.

"Huomen gave you the invitation."

"Well, I gave it when I was eating."

"Remember to come when the time comes." Zhen said.

"Why did you get married so early...I mean, aren't you still in your teens?"

Lin pursed her lips when she said this: "Is it... an arrangement from the Ni clan?"

She seems to be actively looking for some excuses for Zhen, and looks at Zhen frequently.

Zhen smiled and said: "I am the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, who can arrange my affairs?"

"I just thought it was time to get married, so I got married. Girls are also people I like very much."


Lin fell silent, but only for a short time.

She chuckled suddenly: "Everyone was surprised that you were going to get married, but unfortunately you were not there at that time."

Really laughed: "I can guess."

He seldom participated in their gatherings, except for a few people who were not too familiar with their circle, but Fire Gate had already integrated into it through Kakashi and Kai.

Lin said again: "Obito, I have already made it clear to him. Although those words sound hurtful, it is better than having a bigger misunderstanding in the future. I will be able to pursue Kakashi with peace of mind in the future."

I couldn't help but look at Lin more, it sounded like I was saying goodbye.

He stopped suddenly, and Lin stopped to look at him in doubt.

"What's wrong?" She glanced at the empty alley.

"Are you going this way?"

"Lin, look at the sky." Zhen said suddenly.

Lin heard the words and looked up at the sky strangely. It had just rained and the sky was gray and not very pretty.

But she suddenly felt an arm stretched out to wrap around her waist, and the next moment, the whole person suddenly got off the ground and rushed towards the sky.

The sudden change made Lin exclaim, and her hands subconsciously tightly hugged the person in front of her.

The real chest was warmer and thicker than she imagined. Lin closed her eyes tightly, feeling her heart beating fast, and only the whistling wind could be heard in her ears.

After an unknown amount of time, the two stopped. When Lin opened her eyes again, she was surprised to find that she had already reached the thick cloud layer.

The cumulus clouds below were like a white cotton sea, half of the sun in the distance was submerged in it, and the sky above was bluer than she imagined, and the sun reflected beautifully on the clouds.

"How?" The real voice woke her up from the beauty.

She hurriedly pushed away Zhenzhen who was still hugging her, and said angrily: "You bastard, why do you act on your own without other people's consent every time!"

Looking at her angry look with a real smile, I couldn't feel any real anger from her at all.

He suddenly moved closer to Lin and took a deep breath.

"What are you doing?!" Lin stepped back in panic.

Zhen said, "You smell really good."

Lin's face turned red instantly, and she stammered, "What... what!"

Zhen said again: "It smells so strong of barbecue. I smelled it all the way just now, and it made me hungry."

Lin: "..."

Her face turned red and then turned pale, feeling this guy's malicious teasing, she opened her teeth and claws and wanted to beat him up, but Zhen let out a triumphant laugh and drifted away, leaving her on the spot mad.

She became angry: "You bastard! Come here! I'm going to kill you!"

Zhen chuckled and said: "You are not a lady at all."

"Is there anyone who treats a lady like you!"

"I'm not a gentleman."

"You're a rogue! Pervert!"

It wasn't until Lin's anger calmed down that he floated back slowly. He was lying on his back, as if a boat was floating in the middle of the lake, quietly admiring the beautiful scenery here.

It was exceptionally quiet above the clouds, Lin looked at the really comfortable look and said, "I want to be like you."

Zhen asked, "Do you want to lie in my arms?"

"Think beautifully."

Really controlled Lin's body and lay down slowly. Lin felt like there was a soft bed under her body, which was very comfortable.

The two of them just floated back and forth on the clouds. They were still admiring the beautiful scenery at first, but when they got close to each other, Lin took the initiative to stretch out her feet to kick him.

"Don't push yourself too hard."

"Who made you so close to me?"

"Do you know whose territory you are in now? If you dare to provoke me, believe it or not, I will throw you down."

"I don't believe it." Lin smiled.

Seeing that his threats didn't work, he suddenly smirked and said, "Then do you believe what I did to you, anyway, there is no one else here."

Lin's eyes widened in an instant, and her face flushed slightly: "Bah, what a shame!"

However, what Lin didn't expect was that she really leaned towards her with a smirk on her face. She wanted to back up and found that she couldn't move, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Seeing this, Lin quickly put her hands on her chest, closed her eyes and yelled, "Ah--dead pervert!"

Then there was no movement, Lin opened her eyes cautiously, but the real figure disappeared in front of her eyes, and she looked around to see that there was no one above the clouds.

"Hi..." she tried to call out.


"Where have you been?"

There was no response, she was floating here alone, surrounded by dead silence, Lin suddenly felt a bit cold, and she no longer had the heart to appreciate the originally beautiful scenery above the clouds.

"Stop making trouble, come out."

"I won't kick you anymore."

She kept trying to shout, although she knew in her heart that she might be joking with herself, but not seeing him still made her feel a little flustered.

But when she turned around, Zhen suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, looking at her with a smile, which made her heart tremble with fright.

"You bastard..."

Just as she was about to curse out loud, Zhenzhen's face suddenly came closer and kissed her cheek like a superficial kiss.

Lin froze in place for an instant.

After the real kiss, he looked at her again with a smile: "Am I an asshole?"

Lin did not respond, perhaps because the scene just now shocked her too much.

Then her face turned red visibly, and the flush spread to the base of her ears and the back of her neck.

She turned away abruptly, covering her face with her hands and saying nothing.

Why are you so shy...

Zhen laughed silently, and floated close to her again, and took the initiative to reach out to remove the palm covering her face, and wanted to move closer to her face again.

Lin wanted to dodge in a panic this time, "You...what are you doing?"

Looking at the face that was really close at hand, her mind went blank, and she felt as if she was about to suffocate.

Zhen Zhen gently held her chin with his hand, this time his target was not the cheek.

Lin felt a burst of panic, an intuitive panic without any reason, as if she had fallen into a dark well.

"Really, don't...I...I like Kakashi."

"Whoever you like likes whoever you like."

"This is my first kiss."

"Then I am honored."

"You're going to get married."

"Isn't this more exciting?"

"Really, uh..."

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