Rated Hokage

Chapter 103 102, The End (6/6)

Chapter 103 Chapter 102, the end (66)

Cloud Ninja camped in the Kingdom of Fire.

Mabuyi glanced at the sky, his eyes showed worry.

She whispered to herself: "I don't know what's going on in the frontline battlefield now."

Samuyi said, "Don't worry, our troops are far stronger than Konoha, and we will be led by Raikage-sama and Hi-sama himself. We will win this battle, and Raikage-sama will definitely rescue Yumuren back."

But her persuasion did not relieve Mabuyi's worries much.

Samuel thought about it, "Did Uncle Molloy go too?"


The Molloy she was talking about was Mabui's father.

Just when Samuy was about to say something, there was an impatient shout in the camp.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Get ready to fight! Get ready to fight!"

Samuy and Mabui changed their colors one after another. How could an enemy attack their camp at this time! Isn't Konoha an army with less than a thousand people? ! Although most of them are logistics personnel in this camp, there are still close to 2,000 ninjas.

Samuel hurriedly stopped a ninja who was in a hurry and asked, "Is Konoha calling, where is Raikage-sama?!"

"It's not the Konoha ninja who attacked us! It's the rain ninja! Get ready to fight!"

Rain Ninja? !

Samuyi and Mabuyi looked at each other, and both could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Kikyo Mountain Fortress.

The badly injured Raikage was lying on the ground, no longer able to fight Minato.

"Bastard!" Lei Ying lay on the ground with eyes full of reluctance, he couldn't accept that he failed like this, he obviously brought 7000 troops, why can't even a small Konoha be dealt with? !

The outcome of this battle between Konoha and Yunin has been decided. There are not many Yunin left, but Konoha has retained its strength intact.

The Eight-Tails in the distance suddenly released the Tailed Beast, and turned into Kirabi, who sat slumped on the ground.

"Run away, Bi." Eight tails' voice sounded in his head.

"Yunyin Village has already lost."

Kirabi looked around in a daze, and was shocked to realize that the current situation had been completely reversed.

"Better than adults!"

Suddenly there was a shout in the distance, and someone was rushing towards him.

"Molloy?!" Kirabi was quite surprised to see the person coming.

"Better than adults!"

Molloy came close to Kirabi, panting.

"Master Bi, I'll see you off! You must be safe!"

Kirabi didn't respond, but looked into the distance, looking for his elder brother.

Molloy activated the chakra all over his body, and quickly formed a seal with his hands: "The art of heaven's gift!"

A ray of light flashed across Kirabi's figure and disappeared in place directly out of thin air.

The technique of Tensong has extremely high requirements on the recipient. Except for the third generation of Raikage, no one has survived this kind of technique, but Kirabi, as the eight-tailed Jinzhu, has amazing recovery power, so it should be no problem.

The fourth generation of Raikage inherited the genes of the third generation of Raikage, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Without a prepared formation in advance, this divine gift directly consumed more than half of Molloy's chakras.

Kyuubi has been watching the movements of these two people, this time there is no real interference, it can see that Molloy is Kumo Shinobi.

The ones in Yunyin Village... let's sell the Eight-tailed guy to save face.

Nine-Tails thought to himself, it raised its head high, and looked at a very far place.

I'm free, but where can I go next...

Molroy was originally prepared to die, but found that Kyuubi didn't do anything to him, and he couldn't understand why he was terrified. He thought that Kyuubi hadn't found him, and immediately fled here without asking.

Due to the size of the tailed beast, the battlefield of Nine Tails and Eight Tails is far from everyone.

On Konoha's side, only the eight tails suddenly disappeared, and it was assumed that it had undone the tail beast and turned into a posture of Jinchuriki.

On Konoha's side, Zhen took Fuyue to fly to Minato's side.

"Senior Minato!"

Zhenzhen glanced at the Fourth Raikage on the ground, felt the weakness of his Chakra, and said, "Just hand him over to someone else, let's deal with Kyuubi."

Minato nodded, all this has been settled, and the next thing is to seal the Nine Tails again.


The three immediately rushed towards Nine Tails at the same time.

Raikage has been tied up by the Konoha people. This is a very special captive. Apart from him, the rest of the cloud ninja remnants were also beheaded or captured by the Konoha ninjas who rushed out of the fortress.

"The eight tails are gone..."

During the flight, I suddenly noticed something unusual.

Although there is still unreceived chakra in the air, the eight tails have disappeared.

The battlefield was too far away, and he didn't notice what just happened here.

"What's wrong?" Fu Yue asked beside him.

"Hachio is gone!"

Fu Yue frowned immediately when he heard this: "Did you get killed by Kyuubi?"

I really frowned and thought about it, thinking that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen. Eight tails are so strong, it should not be killed so easily, although the battle scene just now was shocking enough.

But in the original book, the eight tails and the ten tails can do two moves, and the relationship between the nine tails and the eight tails... Could it be that the tailed beasts are unkillable, so there is no taboo in doing it?

I really can't figure it out, but Nine Tails is already in front of my eyes.


Kyuubi also noticed the three of them, with a fierce look in his eyes, and immediately put on a fighting stance.

Is Konoha's people still alive? !

It looked at the crowd moving in the distance, and thought to himself that there were not many ninjas left in Konoha, and the number he slaughtered just now should have far exceeded.

Just as the thought flashed in Jiuwei's mind, he suddenly felt countless dazzling rays of light coming from all directions, making it feel stinging pain even though it closed its eyes tightly.

what? !

It roared angrily, and the dazzling light directly made it lose its vision. Not only that, all the sounds around it were suddenly inaudible, and the smell of magma and burnt odor in the air could not be smelled either.

It was as if something had taken away its sight, hearing and smell all at once.

It ran around like crazy, running violently, and its huge body caused countless cracks in the already scarred earth.

Nine-Tails was attacked, it still felt pain, and let out a painful roar.

It sprayed the tailed beast jade indiscriminately, trying to attack the three people who appeared just now, but it lost its sense of direction and hit its own feet with the tailed beast jade, and the recoiled energy wave directly lifted its whole body away !

"Senior Fuyue." Taking a deep breath, he shouted to Fuyue.

The crazy Nine-Tails can see things in a trance, and everything around it is no longer so dazzling. Its vision is greatly affected and blurred, and it can only see a huge scarlet eye and three dark bales. spinning in it.

Such eyes are so familiar to him, it reminds him of a human being who terrified him decades ago!

It wanted to escape, but found that its whole body was bound by something and couldn't move at all.

On the ground, Minato, who had already prepared the sealing circle, was casting a spell, her eyes fixed on the direction of Nine Tails.

"Go back obediently, Nine Tails!"

Excuse me.

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