Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 541: Mermaid legend 31

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Siren stunned them as they began to bid, and couldn't help asking: "Don't you mention the collection hall? How did you start bidding?"

Tang Qing said: "If you don't sell something, what will they use to collect these messy hunting things, you know, when I was here, these things ..." She pointed to the right side, "none Yes, there are only two rows here. "

Andre grabbed one of the most important messages, "Have you been here?"

Tang Qing disagreed, "Otherwise, how do you think I knew it?"

Andre frowned, he investigated her past, but no matter how he checked, in the end, only the traces after her fifteen years old were found. She seemed to appear out of thin air.

"So you lived here before?"

"No, thanks to them, my broken body is now like a bottomless hole, no matter what method can not be completely cured." She said lightly, but the other two were shocked.

Regarding her body, Andre knew better than anyone. No matter what method he used, he even tried his mermaid blood, which was claimed to heal all blood, but to no avail, that time, it was only to maintain After more than two months of worry-free life, this is why he lost her breath in the outskirts of the city, he would believe that she died so easily.

After all, such a body is too bad.

His eyes went cold, just as he was about to ruin here, but he heard her quietly saying: "For fifteen years, I still don't know who the real masters are, kill these people, he can continue to change places of."

Compared with Andre, Siren ’s attention was on the other side, "How did they toss you like this?"

"Every time someone brings an agent to auction, someone always has to experiment with the effects of it, and I am one of them."

This is the darkest part of the history of An Ning's memory. Therefore, she has mastered many methods of making potions, so that she can survive after escaping from here, which is why she desperately wants to find mermaids.

Because she was going to avenge her, she was going to ruin it.

Tang Qing is not a great person. Since she passed over to control this body, she never thought of taking revenge. After all, with her skill, it is impossible to destroy this place. Even when she came to the back, she thought How to complete the task, how to leave this world.

Coming here is also a coincidence, who makes André unwilling to be a savior.

The black hero destroys the world. If he wants to complete the task, he has to save the world, just like the previous gluttony. Although he only saved a small town, he was saved, so the task was completed.

And now, she wants to sell Andre only if she wants Andre to take action.

I have to say that this tragic sale is very good, especially because Andrea cares about her now.

Andre's eyes were gloomy and cold, but under the deep ice, it was deeply distressed. He could not imagine how she had escaped and how she walked in front of herself.

"Ning Ning ..." His voice was hoarse, but the big palm wrapped her little hand tightly, without revealing a little gap, "I will find the man for you."

"Not for me." Tang Qing said calmly: "I have run away, to help everyone." Speaking of which, she showed a relief smile, "I have been relieved, but the people here are just like those on the stage. Hill and they are the victims of the new batch. In fact, at the beginning, I just wanted you to reorganize the imperial capital. With your ability, you will definitely find the secret here. "

Andrea saw that she dropped her head at the end, and she felt a pain in her heart. "So you didn't want to tell me all this at first?"

Tang Qing smiled and asked, "What am I telling you? Bo sympathy? Or something else?"

Andre was shocked for a moment. He suddenly thought of her living environment. She might have forgotten to rely on others when she encountered something. She was independent and strong, but all this made him feel very distressed. His Ning Ning should have had a hard time these years, and he hurt her again and again.

"Ning Ning, sorry ..."

Tang Qing smiled and appeased, "You didn't make me like this, so, what did you drink for me once? I feel that my body seems a little better than before."

Andrea did not answer, but said: "Since it works, then I will give you a drink next time."

Tang Qing narrowed her eyes. The last time she kept her afflicted for more than two months, if it was so easy to get, he could not continue to take her. There is only one possibility, that is, that thing is very rare.

"You tell me the truth, what is that?"

Andre didn't want to say, he didn't want to make her guilty because of this, but in the end he still said truthfully, "Heart-blooded."

Before Tang Qing was shocked, Siren exclaimed suddenly: "My God, blood on my heart! Andrea, you are crazy!"

Tang Qing frowned. She could know that the blood of her heart was very precious, but she didn't know how precious it was. This time, the system told her the answer.

"Andre is also infatuated. What about the blood of the heart? The blood of the heart of the mermaid is said to heal everything, but because it is too rare, no fish will take out this thing." , And said: "Under normal circumstances, a mermaid's apical blood will not exceed ten drops, and the king of mermaids, like Andre, may not exceed three drops."

Tang Qing was stunned. "How come the number of ordinary mermaids is not as good?"

"Well, the more such things as the blood of the heart, the better. On the contrary, the fewer masters, the better. After all, the essence of masters is the same as the refined ones. Which one have you seen more refined? It's getting less and less. "

Listening to the system's explanation, she has taken the potion of absolute love, but she still feels extremely distressed.

She held the heart, the pain, for a moment made her feel that the potion had failed.

The system was shocked, "No, I can't look at other people's data, but I can still look at you. There is no change in the potions."

Tang Qing can't say anything, An Ning's memory is that she is just a watcher, but when she knows that Andrea took out the blood for her heart, the calm heart can never be calmed down ...

Andre was taken aback by her appearance, thinking that her old illness had resurrected, and almost immediately extracted blood from the apex again, but was finally stopped by Siren.

"Andrea, don't go mad, you only have two drops in total, and give it to you again!"

Tang Qing looked at him incredulously, "Two drops, did you give me one?"

Andrea smiled softly, "Good boy, don't listen to Siren, I won't waste it."

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