Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 485: The villains have something to say 12

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

"Okay, listen to you."

The banquet was so obedient, it was a shocking system, "He ... actually willing to listen to you!" The words fell, with a hint of surprise, he said again: "Will it show that your status in his heart has begun to be different! "

Tang Qing was expressionless, "Do n’t be too happy, look at his data."

She said that the system, once again, fell silent. Sure enough, he was too happy, and the data column for completing the task is still still!

All of this is within Tang Qing's expectations.

The Lingwu World is no longer fun, and the banquet will naturally not stay. With a big wave of his hand, he returned to the original world with his little slave.

Only when he returned to the magic palace, he suddenly thought of a very important thing, that is, the magic palace can no longer stand the toss of the natural disaster body, and has collapsed completely.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, he touched his chin.

And at this moment, the guard who had been staying here saw him come back, and immediately came over with respect, "Sovereign, you are back."

The Venerable Banquet was moody, and no one dared to make a decision without the nod of the Demon Palace, so they all just kept the old site and waited for his return.

"Little slave, what do you think?" The banquet turned to look at her with a smile. The little slave had just won a competition. As the master, did he have to give some reward?

The magic palace can be said to symbolize a person's status, but he gave her such a great honor, which has never been seen before. Although everyone's face is calm, his heart is surprised.

However, Tang Qing said indifferently: "I have no requirements in this respect, just live."

This said the banquet frowned, he came to the point where he is now, how many people are flattering and flattering, those who can enter his eyes must be good, and so are the little slaves.

"Remember, you are my slave, how can you not ask."

After hearing this, Tang Qing tilted his head and seemed to be puzzled, but he listened to his overbearing words, "You should be the best."

To say this, the system is a little bit emotional, "our binge eating is big, and the love skills are almost full." At this point, he suddenly understood why his host had to drink the potion of love and love. Personally, in case of a fall, it will never end.

Another nausea that punishes the world is the endless cycle. Humans may have passion at the beginning, but once locked in that time, everyone will start to collapse.

Tang Qing didn't answer, but just looked at the banquet inexplicably and served her desperately loved potion. Even if she knew that she liked the person in front of her, she could calmly do everything for her.

The feast looked at her eyes and knew that this guy didn't take what he said to heart.

It was the first time someone had dared to treat him like this for so long. She said that she felt like a person of the same kind, and therefore for several years, he still did n’t get tired of her.

"Go, I will take you to find an old friend."

It takes a lot of time to rebuild the magic palace. He will not stay here waiting for it to be built. As for the specifications of the magic palace, the little slaves have no comments, and he has no comments.

Tang Qing, who has always been interested in everything, has taken the initiative this time, "Who is the old friend?"

"There are actually people who interest you." The banquet raised an eyebrow and told her, "A very interesting person."

Letting him say something interesting aroused her curiosity, "Smash all, who is that person?"

The system thought for a while and said truthfully: "It should be the medical Saint Xie Yuan."

Doctor Xie Yuan, although his medical skills are profound and unpredictable, can never be treated easily unless you can arouse his curiosity.

At a certain point, he is also a fellow of the banquet.

Xie Yuan lives on the top of the snowy mountain, where the cold all year round, most people can't stand the cold, but he said that only the extreme cold can better protect his medicinal materials.

Tang Qing thought he was right in saying that many medicinal materials could not withstand high fever at all, not even normal temperature. Only the cold was the best protection.

At the top of the snowy mountain, Xie Yuan seemed to guess that someone would come. The pavilion had already prepared drinks, and he was pouring wine to another empty wine glass at the moment.

Tang Qing came to see this scene when he came here. In the elegant snowy fog, a man in a white Chinese suit was pouring wine elegantly, with long black hair falling a little along his way. Coming down, it covered most of the beautiful face.

This beautiful scene made people unbearable to disturb, but the banquet did not have any patience, and stepped forward to drink the freshly poured wine.

"Good wine."

A few words of praise, but he is the highest praise.

Xie Yuan withdrew that white jade-like hand and ignored him, but turned his eyes to Tang Qing behind him.

Jing Ruo's eyes were brightened a little after seeing her.

"This is the little slave you found a few years ago?"

"Why, fancy?" The banquet side lazily held the hip flask, smiling like a smile.

Xie Yuan spoke honestly and even walked out of the pavilion.

"Yeah, so give it to me?"

Rao took the potion of unsympathetic love, Tang Qing still listened to her anger, but she is a human being, and it is not something.

The banquet held a hip flask and changed its posture, "It can be given to you, but you have to change things."

Xie Yuan stared at Tang Qing momentarily, his lips froze in the cold face, "Yes, whatever you want, just take it."

"I don't lack anything, just your wine ..."

Xie Yuan's wine was brewed by himself, and it was mellow and gloomy. It was hard to find the second in the world. He also knew him because of this wine. It's just that his job is not brewing, and it's only three times every hundred years, and he can't pass the addiction.

But Xie Yuan didn't even look at him, "I'm going to fetch it by myself within three feet."

As soon as these words came out, there was still a shadow of the banquet in front of him. Tang Qing's expressionless face was slightly drawn, very speechless.

She is not even as good as a bottle of wine!

Okay, not one altar is three altars, but what's the difference?

Xie Yuan looked at her with interest, seemingly waiting for her to be abandoned, but unfortunately she didn't appear at the end.

"You were abandoned by your master, don't you feel sad?"

Tang Qing was expressionless and did not put this moment in his heart. "What's so sad?"

Xie Yuan, who asked this question, choked, thinking that she would care about him, but they didn't take each other seriously!

Tang Qing saw him silently and said coolly again: "Compared to me, you should worry more about yourself."

Xie Yuan was puzzled, just wanted to say something, but found that the top of the snow mountain that had not been avalanche for hundreds of years, actually ... an avalanche.

The top of the snow mountain rises above Yaoyao ’s skyline, white floating clouds float at its feet, ten thousand years of white snow accumulates on the towering peaks, and the huge avalanche shakes the mountain. The final result is to almost count Ten miles of land are covered completely.

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