Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 477: The villains have something to say 4

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Where can Tang Qing stand up to this group of monks? Not long after the abdomen was stabbed, a sword was drawn in the chest again.

A spit of blood spit out of her mouth, and she looked coldly at the pious monks, her eyes chilling.

In the end, he has been an incumbent for countless times. Even if he is cultivated into nothing, he is in danger, but the horror in his eyes still makes people shudder.

The monks were a little hairy when they saw her, and they couldn't help being angry. "Demon, I waited for you to be lonely and helpless, even if you are a scourge, let your life be so far! The demon collusion, today I will wait for the way of heaven, you are not sorry to die! "

Tang Qing reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and sneered. "Why do you say so much? It's up to you, but you don't want to kill me."

The restaurant was in a mess, and the body of the Scourge was not so easy to die. Even though she was scarred, she still spent a lot of time with the group of righteous people, but no one thought that at this time, that devil The head would actually sneak in, and when they beat you to death, just come to the end!

On the second floor, the banquet completely regained sight this time. Sure enough, the world is boring, and the Devil Conference can be opened like this, which is really a disappointment.

The boring world banquet will naturally not stay for long. He stood up, did not even give the group of monks who were fighting underneath, nor saw a girl looking at him obsessively before falling to the ground ...

On the first floor, Tang Qing fell to the ground, she could feel the loss of vitality, but she was powerless, just when she failed to accept the mission, she saw a black figure in her eyes, the man was very handsome, but very indifferent However, it was only this glance that made her already dead heart beat again.

The system did not find this detail, but just sighed: "Yes, the task failed. Let's start again."

Tang Qing's lips twitched a slightly invisible smile, her thin lips slightly moved, and she whispered: "Okay." The words fell and her eyes closed slowly, no longer breathing.

As soon as the body of the Scourge died, everyone else was implicated. Let ’s not say that those monks slaughtered the devil and were slaughtered. Taking the Yuanyuanli as an example, they finally solved this group of right ways. Before the time was too happy, the world would perish ...


After the familiar turn of the world, Tang Qing opened her eyes again. Sure enough, she saw the old acquaintances again. They swear in their ears, but compared to the previous one, she was more calm this time.

The people around didn't expect that she even ignored herself, and she was suddenly angry!


"You are a disaster, get out of us!"

"Who allows you to look directly at us, and then look at your eyes!"

Although the villagers scolded fiercely, Tang Qing was still unmoved, and even spit out with the system: "For a lifetime, this group of people's curse words are still so unintentional."

The system was afraid that she could not think about it. After all, it was only a few days before the result was judged that the task failed.

"Qingqing, task failure is nothing. Some people can fail ten times or eight times on the same day. We still have such a long time."

Tang Qing: ...

It's better not to say this comfort!

However, she also knew that this was a good intention of the system, and she said: "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about how to approach the male owner."

With a lesson in mind, this time she made preparations early and experienced various sufferings brought to her by the body of natural disasters. She came to Cangzhou City three days in advance.

Cangzhou City is full of those so-called justice men. In order to avoid attracting their attention, she disguised herself and turned herself into a small beggar.

She still remembers who had encircled and suppressed herself in the previous life. This time, she had to avenge her revenge!

Three days was enough for her to prepare everything, including the restaurant entrance.

The system looked at her in order to avenge her reluctance to put down her body to act as a little beggar, but was chased by others.

That is his host, and he can only come if he wants to scold or fight! What kind of stuff is this group of spicy chickens, dare to shoving his family Qingqing!

At the door of the restaurant, Tang Qing lowered her head. In order to prevent others from recognizing her, she also painted her face.

"This elder brother, okay, give me some food." She deliberately stood at the door of the restaurant, and while secretly drawing around with Xiaoer Er.

Xiao Er didn't even look at her, but just disgusted: "Fucking, stinky beggar! Begging to our Fenglin restaurant, you are looking for death! If you don't go, I will make your leg break!"

Before the formation was finished, Tang Qing was willing to leave. He said, "Brother, I haven't eaten for several days, so please reward me a bun, just one ..."

This would be the time for dinner. The restaurant's business was called a fiery one. Xiao Bian looked at the little beggar and refused to leave. He went directly to the lobby and found a broom.

It was extremely difficult to counterattack. Fortunately, she was familiar with the formation method. Before the second sophomore came back, she completed the last step. Afterwards, she patted the ashes on her body and left the restaurant with her head raised.

When Xiao Er saw that the beggar was gone, he put down his broom and greeted the guests again, and he didn't take this small episode into his heart.

Three days passed quickly. This time, Tang Qing stepped into the restaurant like the last one. Only this time, instead of shrinking, she stepped forward.

The restaurant was already frying pan, and the group of monks even scolded when they saw her face.

"Why is this disaster star coming!"

"Hurry her out !!"

Among them, there are panic and conspiracy theories.

"Yuanliuyang must have invited her! This must be Yuanliuyang's conspiracy!"

"Yes, you can't let her go, kill her!"

The monks saw that she dared to take a step forward and immediately jumped to her with a sword, "Demon, take your life!"

Tang Qing sneered, "Take my life? It's up to you?"

The monks also heard about this natural disaster body. In the impression, she wished to walk with her head down. When she was so arrogant, it was really different when she colluded with the devil. She dared to openly challenge them!

The monk was publicly humiliated by her, angry and angry, and pointed the sword at her chest.

Tang Qing stood proudly, did not hide or avoid, just looked at him coldly, letting the sword pierce himself.

The sword punctured, but the wound that was supposed to bleed had no trace of blood. Instead, the monk suddenly covered his chest and fell to the ground, and as he fell to the ground, the blood flowed to the ground instantly.

The other monks were horrified. They were able to sit still before, and this would immediately stand up.

"Your demon girl, I waited for you to be lonely and helpless, even if you were a scourge, I'll leave you to this day! Who knows ..."

Tang Qing was annoyed and interrupted and said, "Who knows you are so ignorant and colluding with the Demon Race? Today I will wait for the Heavenly Path, you are not to die!" When the words fell, he saw the other party in horror. , Could not help laughing, "Do you want to say this?"

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