Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 463: Everyday people covet my bones 19

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The little fox's amber colored inner pill melted at the touch, so Tang Qing didn't see how Ling Mo absorbed the inner pill, and then the whole person fell into the other's arms.

The Fox tribe has always been famous for their charm, so their Neidan naturally has certain side effects.

Ling Mo looked at Nei Dan, who had penetrated his palm, and the next moment, he just felt a long-lost heat feeling suddenly gathered from his abdomen ...

Thinking of the fact that his own sword spirit had actually thought of not unraveling this curse, he let it go and let the feeling in his body tumbling in his body.

Tang Qing was not stupid, and he knew that the curse of this guy was unraveling the moment he fell into his arms.

Suffocating for so long, even if she wanted to refuse at this moment, the other party might not be as she wished. Since this is the case, she naturally wants to pick a better place.

"Shall we change places?"

Although Ling Mo's body is burning as it is now, his mood is very smooth.

"As you wish, my lovely little sword spirit." He was so handsome and beautiful, because of the emotion, there was a demon in the smiling ink eyes at the moment, and there was no previous indifference.

There is a snow mountain not far from the Ice City. The snow is all year round and extremely dangerous. Ordinary people dare not go up the mountain, but now they are given an excellent natural place.

Tang Qing only felt a flicker in front of his eyes, and then opened his eyes, leaving only a white piece around him.

In response, she raised her eyebrows, and she didn't see any displeasure in her eyes, but just asked curiously, "The wild?"

"Do Susu like it?"

"Then ..." Tang Qing deliberately put his hand around his neck, his face full of smirk, "Does Ling Ling like it?"

"Naturally like it."

This is not to mention that it is in the snow mountain, even if it is the upper pot and the lower pot, as long as she is there, she likes it everywhere.

"Since I like it, here it is." When the words fell, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him against his lips.

The little sword spirit is rare in taking the initiative, which makes Ling Mo's already tumbling blood become hotter and suffocated for so long. Now he is suddenly released from the ban, and the brain that has accumulated before is instantly flooded. Into the boiling oil pan, the fried person's mind was blank, leaving only instinct.

Perhaps this should not be called a kiss, a slightly brutal collision between the lips and tongue, so that the blood began to spread in the mouth.

Tang Qing froze for a moment, now she can not taste this smell, I do n’t know if she drank his blood every time before, and now this blood will lose her sense for her!


I wanted to push people away, but by this time, how could Ling Mo let her do what she wanted, not only did she not push herself away, but instead gave her more blood.

Soon, the people who were still struggling in the arms gradually stopped, and even took the initiative to climb up.

"Susu, do you want it?"

At this moment, Tang Qing's clear and translucent eyes were stained with **** and enlightened eyes. The tip of her tongue licked her lips full of anger. She smiled slightly, but more was that charming charm. .

In this way, even the fox tribe is willing to worship.

"Of course, but do you ... give it?"

Ling Mo did not speak, but proved himself with actual actions ...

In the snow all over the sky, black clothes are particularly conspicuous, but this time its owner allows it to drift away with the wind ...

I don't know the years in the snow, Tang Qing stared blankly at everything around him, wondering how long the time had passed.

She is a sword made of ancient spirit stones, not afraid of fire or ice, so even lying in this snowy place, she doesn't feel a little bit cold, but when she remembered the scene in her mind that happened before, she suddenly covered her hands face.

God, she didn't dare to imagine, she could actually be like that!

Seeing her return to consciousness, Ling Mo got up slightly and pulled her hand away, "Is the goblin awake?"

Tang Qing looked at the dark eyes full of affection in front of him, and again blushed into one, "You are a goblin!"

"Are you sure?" Ling Mo raised an eyebrow. "Or shall we try again to see who is the goblin?"

"Rolling and rolling!" Tang Qing immediately pushed people away. Come again, okay, come again is nothing to her. Who makes her current body against the sky, but even if it is not harmful to her body, she does not want to be in Aren't you okay?

Ling Mo was pushed away by her and fell on the snow.

Tang Qing glanced around and didn't know where his clothes were blowing. Fortunately, Qiankun's bag was still there, so he took out two sets of clothes, one for himself and the other for each other.

"Get up and get dressed!"

Ling Mo still maintains the original posture, "It takes Su Su to kiss him up."

Tang Qing: ...

Who did he learn from?

"Kiss you big head ghost! Can't you get up?"

Wen Yan, Ling Mo pretended to be lonely, his eyes were drooping, and the whole person was covered with a touch of sadness.

"Hey, goblin x x ruthless ..."

Tang Qing: ...

Ling Mo sighed, "Forget it, who makes me like it." After that, he stood up from the snow, just at the moment when he was dressed, he still hugged her and kissed him.

Tang Qing wiped the saliva that had been confused, and said blankly: "Can I go now?"

"of course can."

"What's wrong with moths?"

"Oh? What does Susu think is moth?"

Tang Qing: ...

Facing this brazen guy, she didn't know what to say.

After the curse is lifted, it is impossible for Ice City to go back again. For Tang Qing who doesn't know how to go next, he directly asked the system, "Smash everything, how should we go now?"

The system that came out of the little black room finally, hehe smiled, "Do you think there is still a thing like plot?"

"It should still be ... yes."

With such a lack of confidence, the listening system once again huh, "In the original world line, the male host will still accompany the female host in the Ice City to deal with the elders. After all, the male host who has lost his memory has a powerful cultivation practice, but he does not know How to use it. "

"Then ... now? What is the task completion index?" Tang Qing felt that the plot had to go with the wild horses. It might be difficult to pull back, so simply go to the task.

"The task completion index is only 30%. As for how to go next, I don't know. You can do it yourself." The system spread his hands and faced such a host, he had nothing to say.

Facing a systematic strike, Tang Qing lamented and was really ready to ask Ling Mo where he was going, but he heard him suddenly speak.

"Go to the Fox Race."

"Go to the Fox Race? Looking for Meier?"

Speaking of the little fox, Ling Mo was silent for a while, but in the end he didn't refuse. "It's okay to bring her as long as she solves the curse."

It's just that they never thought of waiting for them to see the little fox again, but she was already scarred.

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