Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 458: Everyday people covet my bones 14

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Things in Ice City seem complicated, but in front of strength, it is not difficult to solve these things. The group of old guys of the Presbyterian Church eat hard and hard. This night, Tang Qing and Ling Mo both patronized this night. Several elders holding power, as a result, naturally handed over the rights in their hands, and even some gangsters, and even left the night rolls, and even Tang Qing was dumbfounded.

No wonder that the decline in the prestige of Ice City is so strong, there is such a greedy life-and-death garbage, it is difficult to think about it.

Bing Li didn't expect that this night, they even solved all the problems that had troubled them for so many years.

In this regard, she really didn't know what she was talking about except gratitude.

"Thank you so much."

Faced with her gratitude, Ling Mo was unmoved, and even a little indifferent said: "It is too early to say thanks." When the words fell, seeing the other's slightly flustered expression, he said again: "The Presbyterian Church is only a temporary compromise, special Those who left, I am afraid they will take revenge. "

Bingli also knows this. The elders will control Ice City for the past 20 years. It is impossible to give up so willingly. The face is now torn completely. I am afraid that there will be revenge in the next period. However, in these years, she secretly influenced the elders. Not very clear.

"Then, what should we do next?"

Somehow, she trusted him inexplicably, even if they were brutal, they were not afraid.

"What they want is their revenge." Ling Mo thought that he didn't want to waste too much time on this Ice City. If he wanted to solve the problem quickly, he had to push the elders to nowhere. Just breaking the jar and breaking, all the cards will show up.

Tang Qing also guessed what he was thinking, and said, "You will leave it to us. As for you, just choose your husband-in-law."

Suddenly pulling the topic to the matter of choosing a husband, Bing Li immediately blushed, "Choosing a husband is not in a hurry!"

"Xing Xing Xing, you are not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry." Tang Qing said half-jokingly, while still not forgetting Amway, who she thought was a good candidate.

Bingli completely admired her this time, and she actually thought about helping her husband-in-law while helping herself solve those problems!

All of them made her head bigger, she was better, and she could do two things with her colleagues!

Ling Mo saw that she was excited like a little matchmaker and could not help frowning. "When did you inquire about these people?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Qing's fans fell silent, and Bing Li was here. Of course she couldn't say that it was relying on the system plug-in, so she made an excuse at random. . "

The worse the explanation, the more frowned the Ling Mo's brows were from now on, and now his face is slightly dull.

"I don't know, you are interested in these."

Tang Qing: ...

After being forced to do a system of matchmaker analysis several times, there was a sudden outburst of misfortune, "Oh, it seems that it was misunderstood."

"All right! Shut up, matchmaker!"

The system does not listen to this, "You call me my mother and I recognize, what is the situation of the matchmaker? Who is the matchmaker, you say!"

Tang Qing hummed, "This is the case, it is you, my master matchmaker!"

"I tell you, I'm not going to analyze it for you!"

"It's okay, you have analyzed it anyway."

In the face of such a host, the baby's heart is congested. He has never been in a love system, and he has not been touched by people with a pure system. He was inexplicably put on the matchmaker's hat.

However, where Tang Qing was concerned, Ling Ling's complexion was obviously wrong, so she sent Bing Li away and was preparing to explain, but she was interrupted.

"Ling Ling ..."

"So those young talents are better than me?"

Tang Qing: ...

What to save, my vinegar king male master.

The indifferent vinegar came quickly, but fortunately it soon disappeared.

"What do you think, you forgot me, but there are people who are plug-ins. Where do you need to investigate in person? If the young talents are careful, but my plug-in is investigating." Then she paused and said: " Come, do you have any good candidates. "

Ling Mosha's thoughtful moment, but immediately shook his head and said: "In addition to me in this world, I can't think of anyone better than me, so you should cherish me."

Tang Qing: ...

What can she say about this serious nonsense?

The Presbyterian Church was annihilated by the whole army in a night. This event caused a huge sensation in Ice City. After all, everyone knows that it is always the Presbyterian Church who is in charge of Ice City, but now they suddenly leave, There are no signs of leaving, and I have to make people wonder what happened in this, plus those elders who deliberately released rumors in secret despite leaving on the surface. For a moment, the Snow City was in full swing. .

Some people say that the city owner crosses the river to demolish the bridge, which is too chilling. Of course, there are also very weak voices saying that the elders will take care of themselves, but the latter's call is quickly covered by the former. Let the city host return to welcome the elders.

Bing Li was so calm that she let the outside mess up, she was still in danger, and she even wanted to find a chef to improve Tang Qing's diet.

"Miss Su, this cook was specially hired from Zhongyuan. Look, does it suit your taste?"

Tang Qing looked at the maid who was running in with her delicious food. It was a flattered man. "Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. I won't be picky." After she finished, she didn't forget to glance at the King of Vinegar beside him. What's wrong with this moth? Who knows, he not only didn't care, but he even offered her vegetables.

"The host of Ice City is gracious, how can we refuse her kindness."

Tang Qing couldn't understand the plot, but she faced so many delicacies. She thought about it and decided to use chopsticks first. After all, the food was cold and it was not tasty.

At the end of a dinner, she was paralyzed on the chair, while Ling Mo rubbed her belly for her, but she did not even look at Bing Li. "Let's say, how can we help you solve it."

It was not embarrassing for Bing Li to be worn on the spot, but instead said: "I suspect that those who walk the street are related to the Presbyterian Church."

Ling Mo glanced at her indifferently, and finally gave a comment, "It's not stupid."

Bingli: ...

Should she thank him for his praise, or should she be angry?

Tang Qing was drinking tea to ease the greasiness in his mouth. Hearing this, he spewed out instantly.

Her male host is really different.

Bing Li took a deep breath and decided to temporarily forget the previous evaluation and said again: "Can those people solve it?"

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