Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 454: Everyday people covet my bones 10

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Bing Li directly brought the people back to the main palace of the city and had an accident in Bingxue City. Even those families, it was not their turn to shoot alone. Besides, from what she learned, this was the young master of the Zhang family. If you want to stage something to grab a strong girl from the street, it's a pity that people didn't grab it, but killed themselves.

She hates these dudes most in her life, so she has no sympathy for his death. Instead, she sympathizes with the girl, for no reason, and suffers from innocence.

"You can temporarily live in the city's main palace, as for the Zhang family ..."

Tang Qing saw that she was as kind as rumored, and did not want to embarrass her, simply interrupted: "The Zhang family, I have my own decision, but I am an adult. I heard that I have recently chosen a husband, but there are satisfactory candidates. "Again?" She said, she read the list from the system where she knows again, "What Zhang family, Wang family, Ji family are all bastard, but can not choose, but there are several old family, although The strength is not as good as it used to be, but it's a good foundation. "

This question is a bit awkward, but the world looks at the face, so instead of being a little bit disgusted, Bingli feels that the other party is a good girl, but she is a city lord, and she has a thin skin. After hearing this, she was shy. Some stomped, "I'm telling you Zhang Family! What are you tying with me!"

Looking at her cuteness, Tang Qing felt more and more obliged to **** her. "There is nothing to say about the Zhang family. The election of the lord of the city is a serious matter." Looking straight at me, I suddenly felt that I was only the first to meet with the other party, and said that these were a bit strange, and then said: "Adults are not surprised, I think I saw you as before, so I made a few small comments. "

Although Bingli is kind but not stupid, she still knows who is good to her and who is hypocritical to her. The girl who looks like a little fairy in front of her is indeed good for her. Unlike the elders in the city who rely on their deeper qualifications, they choose some messy people.

"No problem, it's getting late tonight, so please go to your room and rest."

"Disturb City Lord."

Tang Qing looked at the city host who was far away, and had to sigh, "It's such a good girl."

After hearing this, Ling Mo glanced at Bing Li with a blank expression, and then dragged his daughter-in-law, and walked toward the guest room without looking back.

Tang Qing rarely loved the original hostess of the world, so he couldn't help but say a few more words, and these words said, leaving Ling Mo's face dull.

"Susu likes the host of Ice City?"

"Don't you think she is cute?"

"No, not as cute as you."

Suddenly caught in such a serious romance by Ling Mo, Tang Qing suddenly blushed slightly, "Okay, you are also cute."

Won the praise, even if the word cute is very strange to use on himself, but the mood of indifference is very good.

The main residence of the Ice City is rich and luxurious, and even the rooms are extremely luxuriously furnished.

A dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Tang Qing was lying in bed in someone's arms, thinking of the curse of the dark god, and could not help but curiosity, "Ling Ling ......"

Although there is no difference with the past, but the indifference has an ominous hunch.


"Previously, the dark **** cursed the person I like would become sex. Incompetence, this incompetence, how incompetent is it?"

The little guy in his arms has bright eyes and a curious look, but Ling Mo has a strange face. It is not good for a man to be said to be incompetent, and his mood will not be good, not to mention that the other party is still his favorite one.

"Good boy, when I get the old Binghua, the curse will be solved."

Tang Qing doesn't really care about the curse. After all, judging from past experience, it's good for her to have to untie it for a moment. At least her old waist doesn't have to suffer anymore.

"Actually, it's good not to untie it."

Accidentally, he whispered his inner thoughts, and at this time, the room just heard a loud noise.

"What's the matter?" She quickly forgot the words she had said before, and she immediately got out of the bed, got dressed three or two times, and went out.

On the other side, Ling Mo's face was unpredictable, but the only thing that was certain was that his mood could no longer be described as odd.

Outside the house, Tang Qing looked at someone who didn't know when to appear in front of his door. He looked disdainful, but he didn't wait for her to speak, but he heard the system suddenly said: "Qing Qing, the hero ... has been blackened."

"What?" Tang Qing was dumbfounded. This was just fine. Why did he suddenly become black when he saw that it was black?

The people clamoring outside the house were none other than the Zhang family. They suddenly became furious when they learned that the host of Ice City was warmly welcoming them to stay in the mansion of the city. This is their enemies of Zhang family. !

Fortunately, there are still reasonable people in the Ice City, and the people of the Presbyterian Church brought them here immediately after learning about the matter.

The Zhang family came out this time, Master Zhang Er, compared with Zhang Dashao ’s playboy, the second master was Zhang ’s next appointed master. He was very talented and cultivated quite high. At this moment, he saw the girl first Showing disdain, she was about to start her hands, but she suddenly changed her face again. The silly look was a bit saucy, no wonder his unsuccessful elder brother wanted to take people away.

However, even if the matter was initiated by the Zhang family first, it would be impossible for others to teach them the Zhang family.

"Smelly girl, now I'm afraid?"

Tang Qing's thoughts were taken back from the system. When he saw that man was so arrogant, he couldn't help laughing, "Who are you? Why should I be afraid of you?"

"You ..." The man was about to yell, but he thought about it as if he hadn't said his name to anyone. Then he said: "Zero Luo mainland, Zhang family."

"Oh ~" Tang Qing deliberately took his voice long, and then asked innocently, "Which Zhang family haven't heard of."

Zhang Jia Nai is a family that has only risen in the last hundred years. Compared with the family, the foundation is still a little bit worse, but they ca n’t stand their strength. The Zhang family ancestors did not know how to open up a hundred years ago. The mainland is also a minority, so when it comes to the Zhang family, it is considered the latest rookie.

The Zhang family has never been humiliated so face-to-face in the past 100 years, but now it is so humiliated by a creamy girl, how can I bear this breath.

"You stinky girl! You deliberately!"

"Yeah, you finally found out, I thought the Zhang family was so stupid that it was hopeless." Tang Qing said with a smile, the crisp and sweet laughter echoed around the small courtyard.

The girl in front of her is very beautiful, but what kind of mood does Zhang Jia have to appreciate? That is about Zhang Jia's face.

"A stinky girl is so arrogant. Today I killed you to commemorate my elder brother in the spirit of heaven!"

"Okay, if you can bear it, you can kill it. If you can't ..." Tang Qing still looked at him with a smile, but only a slight chill in his eyes, "Then go to accompany your brother."

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