Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 442: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 27

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After hearing this answer, Qiao Yi languished for a long time, until Tang Qing thought she would give up this method.

But if she really gave up, she would n’t be surprised. After all, she was too risky. Once she failed, she would never lose.

"Miss, I can trust you, right." Qiao Yi's innocent eyes stared at Tang Qing tightly for a moment, seeming to shoot her soul through the charming and clear eyes.

Tang Qing re-examined her for the first time. She always knew that Xiao Qiao could not have been ten years old as she seemed. There were too many secrets in her body, but she was willing to believe her now.

"of course."

She has no reason to harm her, as long as she doesn't harm herself, helping her is nothing. Moreover, in this world, she also helped herself a lot.

After receiving this answer, Joe gave a pure and flawless smile, "Miss is so nice." After she finished, she stood up suddenly, "Although I don't know what Miss Xiao and Mo Ju are going to do in this world, but I I can guess a little from what you have done recently. ”At the end, she walked straight towards the gate, but when she reached the gate, she stopped. Give it back. "

As soon as Xiao Qiao disappeared, Tang Qing didn't find her, but no matter how she found it, she still didn't see her traces. She seemed to disappear from this world, just as if she suddenly came to this world.

The task continues, and Qiao Yi's disappearance is only one of the episodes. One year later, when she was about to give up looking for her, the system suddenly issued a prompt.

On this day, when the spring breeze was warm, Tang Qing was sleeping lazily as before, and at this moment, the system screamed suddenly in his mind.

"My God! Qingqing, the task ... completed. No, it's still 1% short, but it's no different from completing the task!"

This time, even the system was shocked. He said, all the data before was obviously just over half. How could it be completed suddenly? This year, what happened to him without knowing what happened!

Regarding the system's answer, Tang Qing immediately climbed off the bed without saying a word, and ran straight to the first floor.

On the first floor, Mo Ju saw that his daughter-in-law ran barefoot and could not help frowning, "Little, why can't you even wear shoes?" As he said, he stood up from the sofa, and then took her to her On the sofa, then gently wipe the dust on the soles of the feet.

All of Mo Ju's performances are too normal, and it seems normal to know nothing, but she is very clear that she can complete the task, and he absolutely knows what.

"Xiao Moju, are you hiding something from me?"

Mo Ju put her foot down, no tension in her eyes was caught, but smiled lightly: "Little, I will not hide anything from you."

Tang Qing frowned straight, but he heard the system scream: "Huh, the word play! What will not hide anything from you, it's nice to say. If you ask the truth, he will definitely say you don't ask him!"

The system guessed right. Sure enough, the next sentence is, "Of course, if you ask me."

Tang Qing's mouth twitched slightly, but he heard the system burst into tears: "Look! I know, hum, cunning human!"

Wen Yan said, Tang Qing was helpless, "Unification, I am also a human being."

The system hummed, "Of course I know, you are also very cunning, but you human beings are quite right. People, once talking about love, both men and women will become stupid, but you just become a little stupid now. It ’s just, if you say cunning, do you think you ’re worse than him? ”

Tang Qing was speechless and could only say nothing.

In that compartment, Mo Ju was recruiting himself. After all, there was no need to hide it.

"Little one wants to ask Qiao Yi."

"Huh?" Tang Qing raised his eyebrows and motioned him to continue.

"She has completed the task?" Mo Ju is not very clear, but I am afraid that she can respond so much.

"When did the two of you cooperate." Tang Qing embraced her chest with both hands. Although she was lazy, her eyes were rare and serious.

Mo Ju did not intend to deceive her. She didn't tell her from the beginning, but she didn't want her to be involved in this danger. After all ... in the last interstellar world, she almost died to save herself.

"A year ago, from the moment she left Sirius."

Hearing this, Tang Qing narrowed his eyes for a whole year. In order to hide her, the two of them really worked hard to hide.

"Go on."

She still wanted to continue listening, but Mo Ju did not intend to elaborate. She was not strange to conspiracy and conspiracy, but she didn't want to make her so tired in this life.

"Little, you shouldn't care about this now. Of course, if you want to know, we can say it slowly."

With this reminder, Tang Qing suddenly remembered her appointment with Qiao Yi. She stood up suddenly, "Where is Qiao alone?"

Mo Ju did not answer, but looked down at the personal bracelet on his wrist. Then, within ten minutes, a phone call suddenly entered the bracelet.

"Boss, the third, fourth, and seventh legions are all wiped out, that is, the lady's little heel bug has been seriously injured." Although the man still had blood on his face, his eyes were bright, but he said When I went to the little heeler, I was admired. "Boss, the little heeler has done a great job this time. If it weren't for her, it wouldn't be so easy to complete."

Civil wars have always been more difficult to tell than foreign wars. After all, one is fighting in the nest, and the other is defending against foreign enemies. In addition, the credibility of the government has continued to decline over the years, and there are many secrets in this group of so-called star robbers. In order to avoid again causing the opposition of the interstellar residents, the army can only secretly carry out the encirclement and suppression. It was originally thought that it was only a pirate star thief, but it destroyed the government one legion after another. Until the second legion was destroyed, the government had to Once again, the crackdown was increased, but as a result, it was still a mess.

These things have happened in several distant galaxies, ordinary people have no way of knowing, and Tang Qing has not found such a big thing. Of course, things will not be disclosed, and some of them have to be given by Moju.

The army is gone, and the government now has only an empty shell.

After learning that Qiao was seriously injured, Tang Qing immediately dragged Mo Ju's bracelet over.

"Bring Joe back to me! Immediately, immediately!"

At first sight, the person who appeared across from him was startled, "Ma'am, you ... here ..."

"What a waste, hurry and send me back!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Star robbers are very fast, but no matter how fast, it is a day after seeing Joe for a while. At this time, she is lying in the treatment instrument, and she is motionless. If the data on the instrument is still beating, almost It ’s no different than dead.

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