Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Elven King ’s language is not surprisingly endless, and no matter what the atmosphere is at the moment, glanced at the side of the cold and horrified Shen Moli, and continued to paralyze this handsome face: "If an elven king is not enough, the entire elven family, you Whoever you like can take it away. "

"Big brother, let's ... can't you say it?" Even without looking back, Tang Qing felt the super strong vinegar from a vinegar king behind him. It was too scary. What derailed in front of him.

However, the elven king did not get her counsel, after all, Mozun Mobei 100 years ago, but arrogant.

"Sovereign Mu Bei is not enough?" The always-expressed Elven King finally showed a hint of expression this time, and he frowned slightly. "Sorry too little? Then there are people of other races who can look up to. I'll grab it for you."

Listening to the other party's serious desire to rob her, Tang Qing almost collapsed, "I am the kind of person who is addicted to beauty?"

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the Elven King, "Aren't they?"

Tang Qing: ...

She had forgotten that the original owner Mu Bei was really addicted to beauty.

It's just that Mu Bei is addicted to beauty, and she is not Tang Tang, but she is also a principled person. Anyhow, beauty is not inaccurate, so her eyes are firmly shaken, "No, I am only loyal to one person now."

With her words, the horror behind him gradually disappeared ...

However, for some reason, there was a trace of peace of mind flashing on the face of the elven king, who always had no expression. "I hope you can do it."

Tang Qing was puzzled, just wanted to speak, but saw him suddenly shot.

Shen Moli was already in a hug. Under such a surprise, he didn't have time to shoot at all, so he was caught by the elven king.

Tang Qing was startled. After the reaction came, he just wanted to stop it, but there was a systematic voice in his mind.

"Qingqing, stop."


"The Elven King has given Shen Moli all his lifelong spiritual strength."

Hearing this, Tang Qing was taken aback for a moment. She looked at the two men again. Although Shen Moli's face was a little bad, but with a warm air around her, it was indeed impossible to hurt.


The system, "The elven king is about to die soon, and his internal organs have already been exhausted. Even if he has the supreme ability to wait until he dies, everything will disappear into the world. Instead of this, it is better to give it directly to his successor. Unwritten rules, once the former elf king reaches the limit, he will pass on his life to the next one. "

Tang Qing fixedly looked at the two not far away, and said to the system: "But Shen Moli did not awaken the elven clan lineage, so I gave it, too ... chaos is coming."

The system shook his head for the first time to appreciate people other than the male host. Even the place of residence is the old forest of the deep mountains. And, from the current signs, the elf king may have seen the blood of the elven clan in his body. "

Tang Qing was surprised after being surprised. No wonder the guy said that he wanted to give the Elven King to her in the third person, not the first person. It turned out to be playing with her! Before she lost money, she worried that her vinegar king was jealous! Feelings are the same person!

Thinking of this, her teeth tickled at the Elven King.

And at this moment, the white light suddenly appeared in the palace below, it was not a dazzling light, but softly, warmly, very comfortable, and even wanted to indulge in it ...

Tang Qing was taken away by this white light, and when she reacted, Bai Guang did not know when it had faded. The elven king, who was still beautiful before, was now the old dragon clock, with only the golden eyes, as before.

Shen Moli suddenly suffered so many cultivation activities, which would make the whole person's eyes closed. Under the seemingly calm appearance, it was actually dangerous, because there was too much power in the body suddenly. It may be detrimental to yourself, or even someone who is coming to disturb him at this moment may die in a blast.

The Elven King didn't seem to worry at all. He didn't even look at him. Instead, he smiled and said to Tang Qing: "Is this Elven King satisfied?"

This was the first time he laughed. He was obviously old, but he can still see the beauty of his grandeur from his old face.

Tang Qing put down his guard and asked curiously: "Why give him his life?"

The elven king carelessly, "I still have a choice?"

Tang Qing: ...

The Elven King looked at her speechlessly and suddenly laughed, "You are quite different from a hundred years ago." Then, he paused and said, "But that's fine."

Tang Qing didn't know what to say, she simply shut up and said nothing as he continued.

The Elven King's voice was very nice. He pointed to Shen Moli, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. "That boy likes you very much."

Tang Qing nodded.

Upon seeing this, the Elven King was shocked for a moment, but soon shook his head indifferently, "Be nice to him and have a multi-ethnic lineage, it would not be a good thing." At the end, he sighed. I really met in my life. "

Listening to his words, Tang Qing always felt that the other party was the traverser. Looking at the words in the words, she knew better than her.

"You haven't told me why you chose him." Although I had joked that he had no choice, she was not stupid. This is not true. After all, if he really had no choice, why would he choose to sleep rather than at that time? Just find an elven tribe to transition to this huge cultivation practice.

The human king is going to die, and the elven king does not intend to hide her. "The tree of life had an accident."

Wen Yan, Tang Qing dumbfounded, "How do you know?"

The Elven King smiled and shook his head, "How can I know him for thousands of years, and half of the power in his body will appear on the boy, I will not notice? Furthermore, the tree of life is of the Lingzhi tribe. Half of the power is given to him, and there are only two possibilities. Either he is the rumored Lingzhi tribe, or it is my elven tribe. "Speaking of which, in the end, lifelong cultivation is gone, and the elven king rested for a while. He continued: "What is the difference between the Lingzhi or the elven clan, the two are mutually complementary, so no matter where the kid is, the elven clan can sit."

Tang Qing finally knew why Shen Moli's breath was unstable before. The feeling was that the tree of life gave him half of the strength. Thinking of this, she suddenly stood up, "not good."


"Amo can't bear that much in a short time."

The Elven King did not take it for granted. If he didn't have the bearing capacity, the elven throne would not be his turn.

However, Tang Qing was anxious, and the elven king had to pass on his strength and said earlier!

"The tree of life has just passed the power to him, and they haven't had time to take care of it. At this moment, the two forces are fluttering in the body, and something will happen!"

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