Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The elven king cares about the tree of life, so even if Tang Qing does not mention Shen Moli when he is in the state of the dragon, he still asks.

"Sovereign Mubei can tell what happened to that dragon boy?"

Tang Qing shrugged off the still life tree and shrugged, "Who knows."

This careless attitude made the elven king frown, "Sovereign Mu Bei doesn't care about him at all?"

Tang Qing seemed to hear any joke, and the watery and charming eyes squinted. "The elf king cares so much, why, fancy him?"

These words really make the Elven King disgusting, he is not interested in men.

"How to say it is within the scope of my elven clan, and disappears in your eyes and my eyes, and I should be investigating.

"It's up to you." Tang Qing leaned back on Shen Mo, not because she deliberately made such a demeanor, but the previous day and night were too crazy, and her feet are still a bit soft now!

Shen Moli stopped her in her arms, with a surprise on her face, "Adult ~"

Tang Qing endured goose bumps and watched his acting quietly.

"Is the adult tired?" The ecstatic voice did not contain any falsehood. Although the elven king knew that Mu Beizun was indeed very beautiful, but the speed of changing the male pet was faster than the speed of receiving his concubine. He is not happy.

He didn't want to look at the two men's hot eyes anymore, so the elf king said: "Since Venerable Mu Bei is intact, there will be labor after the rebirth of the dead." At the end of the word, he didn't miss it at all and turned away.

Shen Moli didn't let go of holding Tang Qing, but his smart green eyes flashed a little, and then, the tree of life not far away quickly aging and yellowing until he died completely ...

This scene happened so fast that the soldiers were stunned, and even the sound was too late to sound. The tree of life, which symbolized their elf family, fell.


With all kinds of sucking sounds and exclamations, the Elven King suddenly stopped, and at first glance, it was really dumbfounded. "The tree of life ..." In the deep sadness, the Elven King seemed unable to accept this fact, however If you look closely, there is a trace of excitement in the depths of your eyes.

The excitement was so weak that it was not easy to detect, but it could not escape the sight of the other two present.

Tang Qing looked at his innocent guy with a smile, and smiled, it was really stuffed with sesame seeds. See, the elven king was seen by her, but he did n’t have any flaws. Instead, when she found her looking at him, Smile coyly.

"Why do adults look at me like this?"

Compared with the surrounding sad atmosphere, these words undoubtedly hit the few hearts present. They looked at him in anger, but he was unresponsive and even more shy.

"Adult, why do they look at me like this?"

The human form of the Lingzhi tribe, the temperament of the whole body is kind and harmless, coupled with the exquisite face, all the people present are angry and inexplicably stunning, but after a few seconds, they deeply abandon They themselves, the tree of life is dead, but they still have time to indulge in beauty!

They bowed their heads in shame, but heard the young master suddenly feel helpless: "Sir, am I saying something wrong?"

After hearing this, the soldiers felt embarrassed and even wanted to comfort them. No way, who made the boy too clear.

Tang Qing saw that he was so addicted to acting, he could only accompany him to continue acting, "It's not you who was wrong." .

They have forgotten that this young man is not unowned, that is the deity of the Mozu, the male favorite of Mu Bei, but they are not the characters they can look at!

The spirit king is full of trees of life, and he didn't care about this episode, but asked Tang Qing: "Sovereign Mu Beizun, is it still useful to get back to life?"

The resurrection pill is not really able to pull people back from the state of death, but it is only useful when you are on the verge of death. The kind of death is hopeless.

Tang Qing didn't want to explain, wanted to stay in the elven clan, this was a good opportunity, so Hu said: "I can give it a try, but the result is not what I can be sure of."

The Elven King was still immersed in grief. He seemed to grab the last straw. He suddenly reached out and clasped Tang Qing's hands tightly. There were too many emotions in those eyes, which made people unable to refuse.

"Sovereign Mu Bei, please trouble you, you must succeed."

Tang Qing endured the disapproval and smiled, "Relax, this is a major event for the elves. I will do my best."

When the words fell, the elven king took his hand back.

Shen Mo dragged Tang Qing's hands tightly, and with his force, Tang Qing couldn't help but frown slightly, but he could only bear it when he looked at his bad eyes.

She does n’t know what virtue her own man is doing. The perverted possessive desire is not something ordinary people can afford.

The Elven King didn't realize it, or he didn't even bother to talk about Shen Mo, and after saying goodbye to Tang Qing, he left alone.

The death of the tree of life is a catastrophe for the elves. It is dead, which means that no new life appears in the elves. Although it has been a hundred years since the last new life, he is still alive, even all Everyone was expecting him to recover, but this time, all hope was lost.

The whole city of the elven clan was filled with deep lifelessness, and everyone's faces were covered with gray defeat. Only the elven king, the pair of pupils that were supposed to have golden eyes, were shining brightly.

Late at night, he avoided the sight of all the soldiers, and quietly came to the taboo, looking at the dead tree of life, and the greed in his eyes was unobstructed.

"Eggs, you have tried everything you can to protect, but now it's mine." The Elven King walked towards the tree of life step by step. With his footsteps, a powerful force came out of his body.

It was a burst of dark golden light, and with his movements, with a thunderous momentum, a fierce Hongguang suddenly hit the already dead tree of life.

In a blink of an eye, the tree of life was split into countless pieces, and the elven king rushed forward and started looking for something in the tree.

Tang Qing stood far away, staring at this scene with cold eyes, "Amo, what did he split the tree of life?"

When the words fell, I saw a round green bead slowly rising from Shen Moli's hand, and then he smiled, "He is looking for this."

"this is?"

"Inner Dan of the tree of life." Shen Moli merged into the tree of life, and at that moment, this inner dan also became his, "As long as the tree of life is not dead, Nedan will not It disappears, but when he is not dead, no one can find where this Nedan is unless he gives it voluntarily. "

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