Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

However, for a year, there was no forgotten thing about Venerable Chu Marty, so someone asked, "Is Vener Chu Mart not dead? What does this person have to do with him? Is it ..." The man paused and said: " Is it the brother of Venerable Chu Marty? "

"Oh, how could it be him."

Chu brother, Chu Chu, although the ability is considered to be superior among the demons, compared with this group of horrible demons, it is incomparable!

"Sovereign Chu Chu was killed by him, and ..." When the man said this, he turned his eyes to the expressionless Tang Qing, and his voice shyly said: "If the girl didn't guess wrong, it should be the devil at that time. One of the three respects, Venerable Mu Bei. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone took a breath. The elders who recklessly stepped forward were even ashamed. If he might have been able to harden his waist before, now the dragon is not satisfied with the sacrifice, and the two You can't afford to offend you.

He muttered to the sky, "The sky is going to destroy me and the dragon town, the sky is going to destroy me and the dragon town!"

No one cared about the elder ’s cry, but listened to the gossip of the demon, and only listened to him and continued: "And oh, I also heard that the reason why Venerable Si Feng can be the devil is because of these two There was a lot of help and even rumors. In fact, Mohuang Sifeng also listened to these two actions. "Speaking of Sifeng, he had to mention Si Yu." You can still remember the only brother of Mohuang Sifeng. At that time, the hands and feet were cut off, but the Devil Emperor found countless ways to heal, until ... "

The man was not talking about it, but it made everyone understand.

Besides these two, who else can there be?

Tang Qing listened to their gossip expressionlessly, and then rescued the sacrificial girl who had fallen in the water.

The girl was tied with a rope. If she hadn't done it, it might have drowned in the lake. At this time, after she spit out the lake water in her belly, she immediately knelt down at her, "Thank you, Lord, for your help."

Tang Qing didn't pay attention, just a deep face, of course, this is just the surface, but the heart is a crazy dense system.

"All smashed! Come out! Help!"

The system is lazy, "Okay, the evil dragon is powerful. Your Amo is not his opponent now. After all, you have to know that he used one person to kill the entire Dragon Race."

Tang Qing was shocked by his words, "What are you talking about?"

The system, "Hey, didn't I tell you? The Dragon race is almost annihilated now."

Tang Qing's eyes twitched slightly and gritted his teeth: "Did you say that?"

The system, "Oh, maybe you forgot."

Tang Qing: ...

The system, "But don't worry about it, your Amo is the male master, even if you are taken away by the evil dragon, he will rescue you. After all, his blood will not come out without stimulation, but it is a great opportunity right now. , You remember to grasp. "

Tang Qing: "... So you want me to be taken by him?"

"Yeah, not only to be taken away, but also to show ..." The system can't say the adjective, but can only say: "Anyway, you understand."

Tang Qing was expressionless, and wanted to say that I did not understand, but the system had already escaped.

"Qingqing, come on, I'm optimistic about you!" When the words fell, there was no more movement, no matter how she poked him.

The system is gone, and she can only look up silently, looking at Shen Moli who is staring at the evil dragon.

I have to say that even if the cultivation is not as good as human beings, Shen Moli's momentum has not faded at all, but instead it shines, making people dare not underestimate. Even the evil dragon narrowed his eyes and looked at him cautiously.

"Every Demon Clan, also trying to fight me?" The evil dragon's voice was contemptuous, but there was no point in front of him.

Shen Moli struck Ruoshui robes, black hair beam crown, stayed in midair, but the bad weather around him was unmoved by him, and even seemed to surrender at his feet. Heavenly tribes descend.

He stared at him closely, his eyes cold as frost, "If you don't try one, you can't fight it."

The evil dragon also stared at him, but he sneered, "Since that is the case, then I will let you feel, the prestige of my dragon race!" With his voice, I saw a violent sound in the sky, that strong shock The shocked ground was moving.

The war is on the verge!

The courageous people have run away, and the courageous ... don't dare to stay here, but they are reluctant to miss this war, they find a safe place and hide away carefully.

Tang Qing's face was quiet, without a little shaking, but the girl who had been standing beside her suddenly spoke.

"Adult, I don't know your identity, nor your strength, but I still advise you to leave this place, it's too dangerous."

She naturally understood the girl's kindness, but the one on the head but Shen Moli, how could she leave.

"You go."

Looking at her unmoved expression, she was obviously terribly afraid, but the girl stood by her side, "Adult saved me, I will naturally stand by your side." Speaking of which, her eyes were firm. "I do not go!"

Tang Qing finally gave her a glance. The girl was very beautiful, and the courage in her body was not found in the residents who only wanted vanity.


She spit out two words indifferently, so she didn't pay attention to the girl.

On the other side, the two powerful people are fighting against each other, and the powerful force flowing out of the light is enough to destroy the town easily, not to mention the power of their collision during the battle.

Unlike the Demon Race, the Devil Race is abandoned by the Heavenly Dao, and the Dragon Race has always been loved by God. They have a strong aura from birth, coupled with their belligerent factor, no matter from what aspect, it is enough to crush Mozu.

Tang Qing calmly watched them fight, watched Shen Moli gradually stepped into the downwind, and watched the dragon finally reach out to her claws. From beginning to end, she didn't shoot, but defaulted all of this.

The dragon seemed to be harmless. In fact, it was already seriously injured, and even gave birth to give up her heart several times. It was just that she could n’t be reconciled when she saw Shen Moli from this demon. The girl.

The evil dragon's big trick is enough to make the world change color, Shen Moli wants to fight, there is no possibility of distraction, so when he solved the sea dragon volume that violated the gravity to the midair, regardless of the boiling blood in the body, immediately look for The most important person in his life, but after a lap, he could not find her at all.


That was the first time he showed panic. He never flinched even in the face of the evil dragon, but now he is like a helpless boy who has lost his beloved things, which makes people feel pity.

The girl rescued by Tang Qing instantly had red eyes, and she couldn't bear to tell him that the evil dragon took her away, but after seeing his lost heart, she finally cried, "She was taken away, Taken away by the **** dragon. "

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