Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Victim Qing is one head and two big at the moment, underneath is a sad and unparalleled beautiful boy, behind him is a ‘gentle’ Shen Moli. In such a situation, no matter what she says, there will always be one person injured.

However, she finally chose Shen Moli.

After all, he is only himself, and Si Yu and his brother, moreover, she is not really Mu Bei.

"Still fight?"

The casual voice sounded and instantly awakened everyone. Indeed, this is not a good time for distraction.

Si Yu is just an episode, and now, the episode is destined to pass.

However, he was not reconciled, even knowing that this person might actually forget him.

"Bei Bei, do you really not remember me?"

Tang Qing sighed silently, why did this careless child have to break the casserole and ask in the end!

"who are you."

This indifferent attitude dimmed Si Yu as a whole. He opened his mouth and wanted to say nothing, but he couldn't say anything.

Tang Qing shrunk on Shen Moli and saw everything clearly below.

"Don't smash it, did Mu Bei like this boy?" The thought of Mu Bei who he occupied might really like this boy, and the boy in front of him was in this situation.

However, the system spread its hands and said: "How can a strong man like Mu Bei like children, you have to worry about it." After he finished, he did not forget to say again: "And, the teenager did not really like her, but it was A disguised form of worship. "

Tang Qing: ...

She put away her previous sentimentality!

Shen Moli narrowed his eyes, and with his current practice, every move in his arms could not escape his eyes.

Very good, his girl really cares about him!

Tang Qing didn't know that she had been put on a pen, which would make her full of battles.

Chu Si has become a waste person, and Si Feng has also changed due to the appearance of Si Yu, but on the other side, Chu Gong has many guards in the end, and she said to her people long before she set off. So, before the night had passed, the people of Chu Palace ran towards this side, and she smiled.

Yes, all the groups are destroyed at once, which saves her trouble.

Shen Moli, who had the same idea as her, put the previous matter aside for the time being, "North and North, withdrew the formation."

It's difficult to set up, but it's extremely easy to revoke, but for a moment, a dazzling red light immediately appeared in the messy yard, and when the red light disappeared, Chu Shi soon found out that the formation that trapped him was gone. .

Chu has become a deity for thousands of years anyway. How can he not understand the situation now? Although there are many of his people, in the eyes of which Demon Race, I am afraid that they are all a group of people, and Si Feng ...

He looked at Si Yu, who was still in a state of soullessness, not far away. A thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

In front of him, how much does this guy who has changed from a human race to a demon care about Mu Bei, as long as he who has eyes knows, Si Yu's previous remarks must have angered him, otherwise how can the devil Mozun Mu Bei even confess Dare to recognize Si Yu.

Si Feng also cares about Si Yu very much. Sooner or later, the two will have a war, but now Si Feng's attitude is wrong. If he wants to drag himself, he must let them fight.

Thinking of this, he came to Si Yu indifferently, and then, with no one's attention, he tried his best to throw Si Yu and his wheelchair straight in the direction of Shen Moli .

Sure enough, a purple flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the night sky.

Si Feng faced a sudden scene and suddenly shouted, "Si Yu!"

I thought that the terrifying purple flash of thunder would hit Si Yu. Unexpectedly, it was directly to Chu Chu who tried to escape.

Just listening to a huge roaring cause, Chu Long's stepped legs had not yet run far, and was suddenly burnt into the outer focus by a fierce flash of lightning, and then the whole person began to smoke ...

The gorgeous lightning has disappeared, but all the demons stared at the place where the lightning disappeared. If it weren't for the scorched body on the ground, they almost all suspected that they were dreaming.

They actually saw a demon clan and used the wizard's spell!

Si Feng took his younger brother in the hand at the moment when Thunder appeared, and looked at the person whose fright was in his arms. All the anger in his heart turned into a helplessness. "Are you reckless next time?"

Si Yu gasped for breath. If his hands were not used up, he would like to pat his chest.

"It's terrible!" Having said that, she looked at Shen Moli, not far away.

Upon seeing this, Si Feng frowned slightly, and just thought about how his cheap brother hadn't eaten enough, but he was very excited to say: "Brother, who is that man."

Si Feng had an ominous hunch. Looking at Si Yu, it was exactly the same as it was then!

"do not know."

He really didn't know that this man used to be Mu Bei's male favorite. He heard that he was a personal race, but he could actually change from a human race to a demon race, and he could use the magic of the wizard family with the devil's body. This man But he was not able to provoke it. Perhaps, after this World War I, the Demon Race is going to be baptized again, and the position of his Demon Venerable Master may not be guaranteed.

Just when he thought that the other party would rush to kill, the other party actually patted on the **** and left, leaving the stunned demons.

"Brother, why is he gone!" Si Yu's voice was more anxious than anyone else, and he wished his brother would take him to chase people.

Si Feng suddenly had a feeling of misunderstanding Mu Bei. In his brother's situation, even if you ignore him, he may run with you, but ... his mother is also one of the three deities of the Devil, anyway. Isn't it crazy like him?

Si Feng was so angry, but in the face of his brother's ecstatic little face, he felt helpless.

The demon clan always speaks with strength, so they have an unwritten rule. Anyone who can defeat the deity, his power is also inherited by him, but the newcomer seems to disdain them!

"That ... Vener Sifeng, do you know who the powerful demon was before?"

Si Feng looked blankly at the smiling demon with a smiley face, "I don't know."

At this time, those demons are sluggish, and even Venerable Si Feng does not know, where are they going to find the powerful Venerable?

Of course, there are those who look at the strength as well as the loyal ones. For example, Chu Linghuan, after seeing the betrayal of the people so fast, immediately said angrily: "You traitors do not want to avenge the Venerable but want to follow The enemy! "

As soon as this word came out, all the demons looked at him with a ghost.

Respect for the strong, this is the truth that the devil believes!

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