Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Si Feng, one of the three great respecters of the Mozu, is named after Mu Bei and Chu Di.

His sudden appearance immediately reversed the situation. Two-on-one, Tang Qing immediately changed from the upper wind to the lower wind, and Shen Moli was directly set aside, only to watch them fight.

"Mubei, I urge you to just grab your hands and catch it, maybe we can leave you with a whole body." Chu Si said at the end,

Tang Qing glanced at Chu Chu in disgust, and then turned his attention to Si Feng. "He can take advantage of such important things as marrying a wife. Are you sure you will cooperate with him and will not be bitten by him one day?"

As soon as the voice came out, Chu An immediately said, "You are still trying to provoke alienation when you die, Mu Bei, you are really tolerant!"

Si Feng looked at her coldly and never spoke from beginning to end, but the tricks in his hand did not stop at all, but became more and more ruthless.

Gradually, Tang Qing began to become a little difficult. Under the huge attack, even if she opened the enchantment protection, she was still shattered by the shock. For a moment, the shirt was cut by the strength, and the fair skin showed a blood red.

A tingling came from her arm. She didn't even look at it, but instead looked sideways to Shen Moli, who was fixed in place.

Realizing her gaze, Chu Si suddenly raised a strong malicious intention, "Sovereign Mu Bei is assured, this little white face will follow you soon after you die."

Shen Moli's ink-colored pupil shone with cold anger. He looked straight at Tang Qing, whose blood was stained with red arms, without moving.

Not wanting to move, but not moving at all! At that moment, he hated this incompetent self, and hated the power that North and North needed to fight for with their lives! I hate those two people who dare to hurt North and North!

Damn them!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly swept through Chu Shi's body and could sit in this seat. Sometimes some dangerous premonitions are particularly sensitive, but this place clearly has only four of them, Si Feng is on his own side, Mu Bei is already insufficient. As a basis, as for that race ...

Chu Shi couldn't look down on that human race, but thinking of getting such favor from Mu Bei, he glanced at the past, and he was shocked.

The person is still the same person, but the ink eyes and blue eyes don't know when the rich and crimson red color will appear, and the pupils are slender and long.

Those are the eyes of the demon! And it's not an ordinary demon!

Chu Si was shocked by this sudden scene for a second, and his stupefaction caused the end to be almost fatal. He only felt a pain in his abdomen. Even at this moment, he immediately responded with first aid and blocked his long knife in his abdomen. Unexpectedly, the other party's attack shook his long knife into fragments instantly.

Chu Luo took a few steps back when he was injured, but the person who hurt him did not get much better. Although Tang Qing wounded him, he also gave Si Feng a chance.

However, it does not matter, she has already completed what she wants to do.

At the moment when the blood was dripping, the gorgeous and cumbersome runes were suddenly unfolding, and the already messy place was suddenly rolled up by a hurricane hurricane, and a dark red line stretched from the ground into the air, just like a spider web, and finally Chu Shao straightly wrapped in the middle.

Tang Qing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Chu Shi, you really thought I came to Chu Palace without any preparation? Oh, it seems that today, you are the one who died."

Chu was caught in the air unexpectedly, and naturally refused to catch his hand. However, no matter how he struggled, he still couldn't shake the dark red lines that seemed to have no substance.

Chu Di's eyes were red, he felt the power in his body was being sucked away, he wanted to escape, but no matter what method was used, it was useless, and he could only watch the power disappear in his body, but it was missing.

"Mubei, what black magic did you use!"

The roar was deafening, and Tang Qing smiled lightly, "Relax, you will know it soon." The words fell, a sideways, once again escaped the attack of Si Feng.

She rolled around on the ground in embarrassment and looked at Si Feng fiercely. "This guy has a grudge against me?" This question is naturally asking the system, because she feels that only those who have a grudge are so desperate to kill she was.

The system did not keep her waiting for a long time, and soon said: "Is there a hatred, you know that you didn't even let the younger brothers go, Si Feng's younger brother, Si Yu, was too good, and the result was just like you I went to the back yard by torturing and cheating. I was jealous of you for the wind. As a result ... I was n’t as good as anyone. If it were n’t for his brother, it ’s estimated that the graves are two meters tall now. " Si Yu didn't forget the Venerable when he went back, but kept thinking about going back.

Speaking of Mubei, there are principles too. Although Xiaozheng was too beautiful, she did n’t start, but she still wanted to raise him for a few more years. Unfortunately, the plan could n’t keep up with the changes. Xiaozheng was too little, and there were more people for nothing. Foe.

Tang Qing slipped, what is the disaster of innocence, this is it!

Obviously it was Mubei's romantic debt, and she was asked to repay it.

Thinking empathically, Tang Qing felt that Si Feng's desire to kill himself was understandable. After all, she died, and his brother might have died of his heart.

Tang Qing was really seriously injured this time. She looked at Si Feng but her hair was a little messy, and she was obviously at ease. She could only pin her hope on Shen Moli. This guy did n’t know when to awaken. At this moment, she could only use procrastination. Surgery.

"Si Feng, Si Yu's thing ..."

I wanted to calm down the other party. Si Yu just said it. The attack that was more intensive than before was immediately descended from the sky. Tang Qing was exhausted, unable to dodge for a while, and had several wounds on his body.

"You still have a face to mention him!" His lovely brother was bewitched by him, otherwise he wouldn't end up with his hands and feet! But even so, actually wanted to focus on returning to the North Palace, which made him swallow this breath!

This was the first time Si Feng spoke this evening, but the anger in the voice made Tang Qing inexplicable, and she didn't do anything!

"Si Feng, have you ever heard that the ringer must still be the ringer, maybe I have a way to make him die."

"The best way is to die! So he can completely die, and ... never suffer." Then the words fell, and a huge force came out of the palm of his hand instantly.

Tang Qing no longer had the power to dodge. Seeing that force struck towards him, the next moment, he felt that his feet were empty, and then the whole person was lifted up and hugged.

A pair of huge black bat wings broke open the shirt, and as it fanned, he flew straight into the air. Of course, he did not forget to take one before flying.

Everyone looked at this scene inconceivably, just now, a human race actually ... became a demon?

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