Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing felt the extremely supple ink hair in his hand, and the whole person was a little erratic. The guy who suddenly turned from a black to a loyal dog in front of him must not be her male master!

Shen Moli didn't care what she thought, but when she saw her hand touching her head suddenly stopped, she rubbed her dissatisfaction, "North and North?"

Tang Qing twitched his lips and endured the extreme madness in his heart. He brushed his hair expressionlessly. He had to say that it was really supple.

Shen Moli was touched, and then the center stood upright, but Chu Ting, Mo Ming, who was fed a mouthful of dog food, could only silently shrink in the corner, helplessly looking at the two loving dogs.

"Why are you still here." Shen Moli looked at him with a sad face.

Chu Ting was choked for a moment, thinking I was so horrible witchcraft by you, how dare I go without your instructions?

"I didn't dare to go without saying."

Shen Moli snorted slightly, lifted his thin lips slightly, and spit out the words coolly, "Fool."

This needs to be commanded, of course, go to Chu Shi to check the situation.

Chu Ting dared not to speak, but could not help but grieve with his head hanging down: "Adult said yes."

Shen Moli suddenly regretted spending so much energy on witchcraft, knowing that he was so stupid that he should have killed him directly.

Seemingly aware of the killing intent, Chu thorn did not dare to stay, and the elm head finally got rid of it, "Adult, I immediately lurked to Chu Marriage!" After finishing the language, this time he learned well and didn't wait for him to speak , Immediately disappeared in front of the two.

The hindrance was gone, Shen Moli looked back at Tang Qing again, "North and North, you said, how should I punish you for the previous things?"

In this posture of autumn accounting, she almost forgot the stupid things she did before!

At this time, a certain system without compassion was still gloating: "Hee hee, it seems that there will be a good show."

Tang Qing: ...

Her spicy chicken is unreliable, she can only save herself: "Shen Moli, listen to me, before ..."

Not waiting for her to finish, Shen Moli said impatiently: "How was it before? I am not interested in knowing it." As the words fell, he took someone in his arms with satisfaction. This action he wanted to do for a long time, now ... Finally it can be done.

Tang Qing was forced to stick it on his chest and did not dare to move, quite abandoning himself a bit: "So what do you want."

The corners of someone's mouth gradually deepened where she couldn't see, and she seemed very happy. "Of course I want to do you."

From his mouth, such a vulgar word, Tang Qing only felt that the sky was rolling, but he could only pretend to calm down and say: "Yes."


The surprise without concealment came out of his mouth, but the surprise lasted only a few seconds, because the other party suddenly attacked him.

The sudden attack made him take a few steps back, until he finally resisted the latest round of attacks, but when he saw the other person's lips, he slowly smiled and said extremely: "You want ****, yes, but only if you have to fight Passed me. "

The word 'dry' came out of her mouth, and Shen Moli's bloodline was boiling in an instant, "This is what you said, don't regret it at that time!"

"I am one of the three deities of the demons, how can I regret it if I say it." Tang Qing said that the wind is light and windy, but he is crying in his heart. Don't look at this guy's appearance on the surface. The bloodline of the wizard is almost blackened. If this situation is as high as he rolls the bed sheet, it will be fateful! Let's relax for a while. When he is in a good mood, the matter will be less terrifying.

What Tang Qing thought was simple, but I wonder, is the blackening of the wizard's blood vein far from the blackening of other blood veins?

This delaying tactic will only deepen the paranoid man such as the male lead, and will not slow down because of the passage of time.

Shen Moli didn't win in the end, even with a swollen nose and a swollen face, he even suffered a lot.

Although he lost, he was not angry at all, but instead he smiled very openly, as if never happened.

Tang Qing glanced at him silently and didn't know what was going on with this guy, but he couldn't beat it, she had to make up for it. If she didn't fight back, she would lose herself! In desperation, she could only put him together. Of course, when she did, she was still somewhat decent, and she didn't make all the repairs, so the wound on his face was just scary.

She didn't know. At the moment when she turned around, Shen Moli showed a moving smile, and the pair of bottomless purple eyes even had some kind of excitement, "Thirty-two times, I remember."

There was a shattered voice behind him, Tang Qing couldn't help but turn back, incomprehensible: "Shen Moli, what do you say?"

"Nothing." Shen Moli smiled harmlessly, lifted her legs and stepped forward, holding her hand and said: "Go."

The city's mansion was slaughtered overnight, and even the city's lord fell dead in the night. All of the people were shocked. After the shock, of course, they were more afraid. That's the night city lord! The person with the highest force value in the whole city! Not to mention that there are thousands of guards in the city's main palace, each with extraordinary skills, but they died silently, and they were not even discovered until the next morning.

The people in the city were panicked, but it did not affect the interest of Tang Qing and Shen Moli.

Because Shen Moli was injured, she could only take him to the pharmacy first.

"North and north, my injury does not hinder, no pain." After that, a sweet smile appeared.

Tang Qing looked at this smile and sighed, "Don't fight if you can't beat it, look, it hurts." Then, she reached out and touched the bruise on the corner of his mouth, "Does it hurt?"

"Beibei feels no pain." This is true. Compared with the injuries he had suffered before, these are nothing at all, but just to get her more touch, he put his head straight away. "And here, North and North also touched."

Tang Qing looked at a guy who was full of feet, covered with black lines, "Go away for me!" After that, he reached out and slapped his head aside.

There is no touch in the image, Shen Mo's feelings are somewhat low, "North and North ..."

"Shut up for me!" Tang Qing didn't have a good airway, and then turned to Xiao Er of the pharmacy: "Bring me some herbs, go to the blood and bruise kind, the best!"

Shen Moli was just some very ordinary injuries, and it would quickly subside if she didn't use herbs. But Tang Qing couldn't get over it. In the end, she made up her own, and she also felt distressed, so she came to the pharmacy.

As for Shen Moli, his family was kind to him, how could he refuse, and besides his face, there were several places on his body.

The city without the city owner was in chaos, killing and looting. Every day there was tragedy and tragedy. Some capable people moved away with their families. The remaining ones except the old, weak, sick, and sick were only those bullies.

Inside the inn, Shen Moli watched the prosperous long street no longer exist and asked, "Don't you go north or north?"

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