Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The magnificent palace is magnificent and magnificent. Compared with the gentle temperament of the castle, the place is extravagant.

The **** took these two distinguished guests respectfully along the way. After all, maybe they will pass tonight, and one of them will become their wife.

Ye Luo did not stay outside for too long, but after a short period of incense, they immediately followed them back to the main palace. From the outsider ’s point of view, the main lord could not wait to see the beauty, but only he knew that the so-called election Wife is just a lie.

On the other side of the city's main palace, the night fell off the screen and retreated to everyone. The first moment was full of gentle modest son. After a moment, it became extremely greedy, "Adult, I brought you what you want."

The coming man stood in a dark place, and did not reveal all his features, but only one side, but this side was enough for people to see his huge, dark black bat wings.

It is impossible for the human race to have this kind of thing, and other races can't have this dark body, only the devil.

The devil spoke slowly, his voice cold and cold, "Oh? Found it so soon?"

"Yes." Ye Luo said piously, "After the little girl finished drinking the tea you gave, the color of the jade pendant changed." Speaking of which, he did not forget to present a fuchsia jade pendant.

After seeing the jade pendant, the demon's gaze suddenly changed. "It's actually that you found the girl with that physique, very good!" After the demon took the jade pee back, the greed on his face was not hidden at all. People! "

"Adult, don't worry, the girl has been invited back to the house by me now. Without a moment, I will bring her to see you."

"No, I will see her now!"

Seeing the other party is so irritable, there is no way to fall at night, but the men can be stunned first. The girl named Beibei is beautiful, but her character is really unpleasant, but another, gentle and cute, as long as he Ken obediently obediently, he really does not mind letting him stay in the house as his wife.

The beauty of the night falls, and on the other side, Tang Qing will take care of it, not only fainting, but after discovering that the other party just wants to take her alone, she will sneak in and stun Shen Moli. Of course, in order to avoid his accident, She still put some magic on him.

After doing this but blinking, the guard was naturally not aware of it.

Shen Moli Naken let her leave alone, but when he tried to stop, he was stunned by her. Instead, he had only one idea before coma, that is, he must awaken his ability!

Tang Qing was taken to another small courtyard in the house along the way. No one was allowed to enter this place without the permission of the city owner, so there was no one around, and the guards left soon after putting her down.

Boringly, he looked at the roof with his eyes open until he heard the movement and closed his eyes deliberately.

A sense of oppression gradually swept through the body as the man walked in. If it had changed for the average person, it would have been unable to move. However, Tang Qing was one of the three deities of the Demon Clan. How could this pediatric thing affect her.

The person who came was very impatient. After seeing her, he didn't pause at all and came straight to get started.

Tang Qing originally wanted to continue acting to accompany him for a while, when he saw his hand stretched out, he immediately opened his eyes and kicked him far away.

The demon kicked his feet against the wall and immediately made a dull sound. He looked at the little girl who couldn't reach his waist, and he was angry, but before he even started, he heard the other party coolly said: "Who did I think it was, it turned out to be your waste. Why, the demon can't mix, and the race has mixed it?"

It ’s true to say that he ’s a waste, but it ’s not bad to say that the devil ’s identity is one of the three demon ancestors of the Demon Race, Chu Brother ’s younger brother, Chu Ting. Nothing happened, but he also rejected his brother in various ways, feeling that his brother blocked all his light.

Chu Ting was suddenly insulted by such people, and immediately became furious, "Who are you!"

Tang Qing slowly walked down from the bed and mocked: "Who am I? You are not qualified to know."

"You!" Chu thorn can't be blamed, and finally sacrificed the magic weapon directly, his eyes fiercely said: "I want to see if I have the qualification to know!" As the words fell, a giant axe appeared in his hand.

Tang Qing looked at the axe chopped towards her. She was too lazy to hide, and she used her hand to block it. Then, a vicious smile appeared on the lovely face, "Chu Shi couldn't even look down on the human race, which is a weak race. He wouldn't even know if you came to the race. You said, if you died in the race, he Do you feel ashamed? "

After being stimulated one after another, Chu Ting was so angry that he could not cut her down after seeing the axe fall, and even thrown out all the magic instruments that could be thrown out.

"I want you to die!"

Looking at this unruly style of play, Tang Qing pouted. If she had such an incompetent younger brother, she would be killed directly without anyone else's hands, and she would go out and lose her face.

None of the Manchuria's magical instruments injured people, but instead scrapped them all at once, and Chu suddenly panicked. You have to know that many of these magical instruments are first-class magical instruments. Even masters in the Demon Clan cannot be easily destroyed unless her ability is cultivated to be like that of his brother Chu.

His brother is one of the three demons, and his ability is comparable to that of his elder brother. There are only two other demons left.

"Who the **** are you!" Chu panicked and frightened, looking at the girl in front of him who didn't even show his true body from beginning to end, backing away, "You, don't come over."

"Speak, bring me, what do you want to do in the human race?" In the original world line, these two demon powers are all over the eight races. In addition to her north palace, there are countless eyeliners in other places. To let herself die early, she can only disintegrate their forces a little bit, and this stab at the moment is a breakthrough.

"No, it's nothing. I just heard that the taste of the human race is very delicious, so I wanted to find a good-looking food."

With such false words, Tang Qing who listened did not anger but smiled, "Do you think it's a lie?"

"No ... no ..."

"Don't lie to me yet." Tang Qing sneered. "It seems that I won't taste some bitterness for you. I'm not willing to tell the truth." When the words fell, I heard a click, and a huge bat wing broke off in response.

Suddenly, Chu Ting screamed harshly.

Tang Qing was unmoved, but continued: "The Devil Batwing, once cut off, there is no possibility of regeneration. You said, do I have to cut it down and send it to your brother?" "

Obviously it was a beautiful voice, but Chu Ting felt that he heard the most terrifying voice in the world. He was frightened and wanted to retreat. However, the bat wings were pinched in his hands, and there was no retreat. In the end, he only begged: Master, lord, what do you want to know, I will tell you all. "

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