Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 344: False Taoist and True Monk 15

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Tang Qing is reluctant to leave, the people of the Ministry of National Security are even more reluctant, and their team leader is still here. How can they leave without permission and do such timid things.

Seeing to say something more, Zixu suddenly said, "Where to go, we can't leave without this blood sacrifice today."

Wu Hu Weilen listened to him again: "Once the blood sacrifice begins, it will be completely ruined within ten miles, so I just sealed off this place."

Once blocked, no one can get out, so even if they are defeated, this blood sacrifice can only toss in this small courtyard.

No one blamed him when this was said. After all, these secret members of the Ministry of National Security were doing this kind of work. There are only a lot of team members who have been damaged in these years. Now it is their turn to retreat. ?

"It's a bit of a bone." Zi Xu looked at them as if they were dead, and smiled. "But you can rest assured that since I can lock this place, I can certainly solve this blood sacrifice, so you don't have to wait for your face to die. Find out. "

The previous sentence aroused everyone's heart, but the second half sentence made everyone blank, and even some people began to doubt his identity, saying that good monks are compassionate? With such a poisonous tongue, does Buddha really blame?

However, Buddha really does not blame, after all, he used to be more brutal than he is now.

For example, the blood pool that the big waves rolled over gradually stopped, but this does not mean that the blood sacrifice is over. On the contrary, it means that the real blood sacrifice is only officially started now.

"Stand away from those who don't want to die, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you." It sounds like Dang Erlang's voice, but his eyes are extremely cautious.

Everyone stepped back a few steps, but Tang Qing was still standing beside him.

Seeing him looking sideways, she immediately said: "Don't drive me away, say you want to protect me, how can you protect when you stand far away?"

After hearing the words, Zi Xu hooked his lips and smiled, "Yes, whatever you want."

When the words fell, the dark blood in the swimming pool suddenly began to boil, and not long afterwards, even the heat came out.

It was obviously winter in December, but the temperature of this small courtyard was very similar to that of midsummer. At that time, the temperature was at least 35 degrees Celsius. Everyone took off the heavy coat.

Seeing everyone taking off their coats and still sweating, he couldn't help saying: "Heart is calm and cool naturally."

A cold flutter comes over, everyone ignores it, your realm can be cold, and we don't want to die alive.

After Zixu said that, he no longer said much, but looked at the boiling blood pool with concentration.

The beads that have never been away do not know when they have floated in the center of the blood pool, and then all the beads scattered in an instant, and I saw a glimmer of light. When I looked at it, all the beads were arranged in an orderly manner. Surrounded.

At this moment, the blood pool suddenly rose like a fountain, and instantly rose to the distance of two floors.

Then, countless skeletons were drilled from the huge blood column, but they were all blocked by the bead surrounded by them before they even walked out of the swimming pool.

The bead gleamed with pale golden light, and when the skull touched the bead, it immediately turned into a black smoke and disappeared into the endless night. However, there were too many skeletons. After half an hour, there was only more and more blood. New skeletons are still being drilled in the column, this style of play can't last for too long, because the light of the beads begins to weaken!

Seeing this, Zi Xu immediately sat cross-legged and settled on the edge of the blood pool, and with his spell, the weakened Buddha's light gradually began to recover.

I do n’t know how long it took. The skeleton did n’t slow down a bit, but Kezi ’s forehead gradually grew a thin layer of sweat. Upon seeing this, Tang Qing immediately recalled all the formations in his mind. Cardamom had no talent for monasticism, but But she has the ability to remember, and her grandfather was also a famous person in the world. There are still some very powerful books in the books left, but the master is degraded and no one can learn.

Cardamom has no talent for cultivating the Tao, but Tang Qing does, and the formation is nothing but a hand in hand for her. She quickly flipped through several books in her mind, and then immediately removed the yellow paper from the bag she carried.

General blood is a delicacy for the demon, but if it is the blood of the Buddha bone, it is the poison of intestinal detoxification.

She walked up to Zixu with yellow paper and was not nonsense. She said bluntly: "Zixu, borrow your blood to use it." Then, she took out the Swiss knife and pointed it at his finger.

The blood slowly ran down his slender fingers. Tang Qing was reluctant to waste the blood, immediately took out the brush and completed a yellow charm in one go.

Don't look at only one yellow charm, but she lacks aura, and borrowed the blood of the Buddha's bones. This pen directly made her cold and sweaty. After finishing the last stroke, she was pale.

At such a crucial moment, Tang Qing dared not take a break and pulled Wu Hu directly, "You, stick it to the top of the blood column."

Wu Hu looked at this yellow rune, and was shocked in his heart. After a moment, he returned to the road and said: "Okay!"

After Wu Hu put the yellow charms on, Tang Qing began to set up a strong formation without stopping. This method should not allow the slightest fault. Otherwise, it will not only have no effect on the blood sacrifice, but will backfire and devour the Buddha.

Everyone held their breath and dared not to speak any words, for fear that an inadvertent and harmed party would lie in the wrong direction.

Tang Qing dragged his tired body, and the vision had begun to appear illusion, she knew this was reaching the limit, but she could not fall! At least it wasn't falling down now, clenching your teeth, seeing that the last step was about to be completed, and there was a sudden thunder and thunder in the small courtyard.

"Be careful!" Wu Hu shouted and immediately blocked the sudden dark red thunder.

A smoldering sounded from behind, but Tang Qing still did what she had in her hands and didn't even return her head. She knew that Wu Hu must have been injured, and that thunder light could be seen with naked eyes to know its extraordinary power, not to mention that she smelled it vaguely. ... belonging to the smell of turtle meat.

Wu Hubai cannot be injured, so she never even looked at it.

As the thunder light appeared, I wondered when it had turned into a dark cloud and the sky suddenly appeared a dark red like the color of the blood pool, and then a person came out of the light, he was dark, but his face was gentle laugh.

"Dragonfinch, you and I said that together at Xumishan, and we will fall into the devil's path together. Now that I have become a deity, why are you still wandering in that **** Buddhist gate?" When it came to the end, his whole body was so aggressive Got up.

At the time of Mount Xumi, the peacock promised the Buddha to take refuge in the Buddha Gate to show his sincerity, but he arched him out! If it weren't for him to leave a hand, today's Demon Demon Venerable has already changed to someone else! Where is his turn!

Zi Xu closed his eyes and ignored them from beginning to end until Tang Qing completed the last step.

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