Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 341: False Taoist and True Monk 12

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Zixu was not at all ambiguous, and the water in the glass splashed all over the other person's face.

To bully his little girl, it depends on whether he is qualified enough. In this world, no one except him is qualified!

The other party was splashed with water. He was stunned and half-sounded. He pointed at Zixu's face and said angrily: "Dare you dare to splash my water!"

Tang Qing saw it and was happy, and by the way, he threw away the clean and clean chicken drumsticks. "What happened to the splashing of your water, I still lose your chicken bones."

After she lost it, she asked the system, "Well, who is this guy?"

The system said: "A guy who is jealous that the male owner can't extricate himself, don't worry, just lose it."

With this system in mind, where is Tang Qing still polite? After losing his bones, he threw away other things on the table.

The other party obviously didn't expect to suffer such a sudden disaster, and his face was distorted in an instant, but he didn't know what happened to these things, and he obviously avoided them, but he can still be thrown on him correctly, but for a moment, The original face was pretty handsome, because of the expression, it immediately became ugly.

"Zixu, you're waiting for me!" He dropped the cruel words and glared at Tang Qing before he left.

Tang Qing looked at him and fled, and couldn't help but said, "Huh, it's really useless, so I ran away like this?"

Zixu looked at the direction of his escape and squinted slightly. After a while, he smiled and said: "Relax, it won't take long." After that, he looked at the same plate he ate and reached out, letting the waiter serve some more dishes.

Tang Qing has actually eaten, but looking at the dishes served by the waiter, his small expression suddenly becomes subtle.

"I ... can't eat it anymore."

"It's okay, we can pack and take away."

"However, your home is where you practice. This kind of meat can be taken over?" Tang Qing was surprised. When she saw him from the beginning, she thought it would be a wine monk, who knows that all his styles are the same Buddhism has nothing to do with it, but in this respect, it is called obedience.

"We won't go home." Packing the packing box, Zi said with a smile.

"Hey? Why?"

Hearing the words, he blinked and smiled cunningly: "You will know in a moment."

After leaving the restaurant, Zixu really as he said, found a hotel nearby and opened a room.

At the front desk, the little girl looked at such a handsome man and looked at Tang Qing with envy and envy, "Excuse me, how many rooms?"



When the little girl heard it, she was dumbfounded, and she saw the handsome man appease the lovely girl next to her. Don't mention how gentle it was. For a moment, the little girl wanted to help him open a room directly.

"Cardamom, no mischief."

"Who's fooling around?" Tang Qing wanted to say that it was good for him to open two rooms. He looks so handsome. This body can't be easily controlled! After breaking the ring, how can you continue the mission!

Zi Xian saw that she was so persistent, she simply dragged her behind him, and then overbearingly said to the little girl at the front desk: "Just one room."

The little girl's heart and soul are almost coming out, but such a handsome boy is unfortunately not hers.

"Sir, this is your room card, please take it."

At night, just after taking a shower, Tang Qing saw Zixu standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The night outside the window was thick like ink, and almost covered the whole floor-to-ceiling windows, and he, quietly, seemed to be waiting for something.


Zi Xu didn't look back, but Tang Qing frowned slightly and stepped forward, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at night."

I just wanted to say something beautiful about the night, but when she walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, the whole person was shocked. If she was not helped by someone, she felt that she would have fallen to the ground.

I saw, when the dense ghosts were gathered in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, those shadows infiltrated and horrified floating in the air. Seeing her past, the floating ghosts immediately seemed to find the target, and rushed to the glass, just to rush, but At the moment when they hit the floor-to-ceiling windows, they immediately turned into a thick black smoke, and then re-assembled again and again ...

People who are not mentally prepared are absolutely terrified at first sight.

Zi Xu leaned on each other's small waist and smiled lightly: "Look, I will say I want one."

Tang Qing was holding his clothes tightly, fearing that he would let go of her. Although she is not so courageous in dealing with ghosts now, she has no major repairs, and she has to hug her for such a strange scene. Tight man's thigh.

"Cardamom is not afraid."

A gentle voice rang, Tang Qing swallowed, "How come these things appear here?"

"Follow you."

"What stuff!"

Tang Qing jumped up almost scared. What does it mean to follow her? Is it that she has been followed by this group of ghosts all the way today? Thinking of this, she immediately creeped closer to the other person.

Zixu was very useful, but the face was very calm and said: "Yeah, do you remember what you touched on the construction site during the day?"

As soon as he said this, Tang Qing burst into flames, "You said these ghost shadows followed me all the way from the construction site?" As the words fell, she gritted her teeth and grabbed his collar, "So you I really pushed me down before! "

Because of her short stature, don't look at her full of momentum, but the bottom is covered with feet, there is no slight momentum at all, but cute and tight.

Zi Xuxu supported her waist to prevent her from falling, but on the one side was extremely innocent: "If I touch it, those things will not dare to appear even when they appear, let alone follow me."

"So you let me test the risk by myself ?!"

"I will protect you."

After finishing the speech, before the other party reacted, he directly took out the beads he carried with him. When the string of beads just touched the floor-to-ceiling window, the glass made a bang.

With that bang, the glass shattered.

The ghosts all swarmed up at the moment the glass broke, but when they floated in front of Tang Qing, they all froze.

Approaching them so close, although she is not so afraid of ghosts now, she still feels shudder.

"Zixu ..."

"Hush, don't make a noise." Zixu extended his index finger against her lips and said softly, "Don't be afraid, just hug me."

Tang Qing was very obedient and immediately hugged his hand to the other person's neck.

Feeling delicate skin on the neck, the next moment, Zixu didn't see the gentleness of the previous bit, but instead was covered with cold.

"Take me to see him!"

As the icy, biting sound rang, the wind suddenly turned around.

Tang Qing's face was so painful by the wind, but the wind was not as shocking as her previous voice. She wanted to raise her head, but her eyes were covered by a pair of slightly cold hands as soon as she looked up.

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