Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 327: The world is discussing how to eat me 37

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

On the top of the snow mountain, this is the place where Tang Qing came to this world for the first time. Although the staying time is not long, it is still quite missed.

It's just that I haven't missed it for long, but I saw that Qing Jue suddenly took her to a very familiar place.

"This is the hot spring you often say?"

Tang Qing no doubt he was there, nodded and said: "Yes."

The top of the snow mountain is full of spirits, although it is not comparable to the sky, but it is better than most places in the human world. However, it is cold, even if it is a very high monk, if he stays here for too long, he will be frostbitten, so No one will disturb this area, it is quite quiet.

Qing Jue looked at the hot spring where the steam was rising, and suddenly lifted his lips, "Is it easy to come once, soak it?"

These words really made Tang Qing unable to control, but just thinking of this formerly tired guy, she still remained silent for a moment and shook her head: "Forget it."

Hearing the words, Qing Jue was a little surprised to raise his eyebrows, but soon he returned to normal, "Since that ..." Speaking of which, he deliberately looked down at the look of the little girl beside him, "Then I am myself Soaked. "

Sure enough, she shook her head a moment ago, and after hearing this answer, she became very tangled.

No wonder Tang Qing, the hot spring at the top of the snowy mountain will always be remembered when it is soaked. First, the spring water is clear and comes with a touch of fragrance. Second, once the hot spring is soaked, the body and mind are comfortable, as if washed. Troubles will fade, it is a good place to get rid of sorrow.

Such a good hot spring, she feels that it is better than the water in her spiritual spring space!

Qing Jue said one thing, when he went to the hot springs, he really went to the hot springs, without any hesitation. Looking at him so comfortably, some egg is envious and jealous!

Halfway through, she bit her lip silently, watching the guy enjoying her eyes with her eyes closed, her heart crossed, she quickly pulled off her clothes and jumped in.

What if she was tired in the past, she could turn into an egg!

So, after Qing Jue heard a noise, his lips opened and his eyes opened, and then the whole person was stupid.

Instead of seeing the imaginary scene, I saw an egg floating on the water ...

Tang Qing of the egg body was very comfortable, but someone gritted his teeth quite a bit. Eventually, he grabbed an egg in his hands and then bit her up and down again.

Tang Qing, who was bitten by a bite, was very speechless, "What are you doing!"

"Eat you."

Listening to someone's incomprehensible words, Tang Qing twitched her lips and asked quietly, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious," Qing Jue said with great sincerity, and then said: "But if it becomes human, it will be more delicious."

Tang Qing: ...

If you eat it, you know it! Sooner or later choking you!

Ignoring a male host, Tang Qing directly contacted his own system, "If it's all smashed, is Nuwa's lady's breath strong or not?"

"You have soaked in the water she used to make people, did you say thick or not?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Qing was taken aback, and it was rumored that the lady Nuwa pinched the muddy water! No wonder it feels worse than her spiritual spring water.

"Is it possible to find the Nuwa lady?"

"Other people are unlikely, but if you talk to the male owner, it's more than 80%."

With this system in mind, Tang Qing was relieved, so, under his prompt, the whole world was looking for chaos, first to find the tree of life at the end of the human world, and then go to the abyss of the demon to find the bone of the devil ...

What I found in this circle, when I finally got things together, only the twenty-ninth days of the thirty-three days have collapsed. Fortunately, the things are together.

Then, the most important step is to merge these things.

Tang Qing will not integrate this kind of thing, fortunately there is Qing Jue.

So, the gods found the Nuwa maiden for nearly a year, and after a year, they finally returned with the honor of one **** and one egg.

All the gods cried when the goddess Nuwa returned, and that was one of the creation gods. With her there, she could have enough confidence.

"My goodness, I saw Nuwa Niangniang!"

"Nuwa Niangniang, really is Nuwa Niangniang!"

"Woo woo, don't know why, Ming Nuwa and Madam are all back, but I still want to cry."

Nüwa maiden's head is a snake body, but even so, she doesn't see a bit of horror, but it is unbelievably beautiful. It is an indescribable ethereal beauty. Coupled with that kind of eyes, everyone dare not breathe loudly I was afraid to disturb the mother of the earth.

When Tang Qing appeared, she almost slobbered with a dull look. This met with all the gods kneeling, quite a bit honourable.

This is the pretty young lady she got back with Qing Jue!

Shiver, you gods! Nuwa Niangniang also touched her little hands!

Nuwa, the mother, looked at the kneeling gods with kindness, raised her hands slightly, and showed a gentle smile, "Get up." She said, she looked sideways, turning her gaze to the little worries that recovered her , "Xiaowuyou, do you want to make up the sky?"

Tang Qing nodded, "Of course I did."

How can she complete the mission without making up?

Nuwa ’s soft voice sounded again, and then said: "Then you know, if I make up the sky, what will you encounter?"

In fact, Tang Qing has long known that the system told her the moment she returned. The world gave birth to a unique egg in the world. In fact, when the girl Nuwa made up the sky, an extra piece of psychic gem, the sun shined slowly, slowly Actually gathered Reiki and became the egg of today.

However, she still pretends to be uninformed.

"What will happen?"

Nuwa Niangniang looked at the pure and flawless smile, and the smile on her face was unsustainable. She stretched her hand slightly and touched the lovely little girl lovingly, "Then do you know your life experience?"

"They all said I was born and raised."

Wen Yan said, Nu Wa stunned and nodded slowly. "This is not bad, but although you were born and raised, it was because of me."

"But in this world, which one is not made by Nuwa Niangniang?"

Nu Wa said that she liked the little stone more and more, and the more distressed her eyes were. Tian Bian had nothing to do with her, nor what she did, but she had to pay for all this! At that time, Baoyu didn't have life, and Bu Tian was just a different place, but now it's different. She has blood and flesh and is even so cute. If you take it to make Tian, ​​even she can't bear it.

"Nuwa Niangniang, just tell me, I live with it."

Looking at such a pure smile, Nu Wa finally smiled again, "You are a psychic gem, and the only remaining piece of Bu Tian that year."

Speaking of which, all the gods were shocked, but when the next words were shocked, they began to faintly fear.

"If you don't want to make up for the sky, I don't embarrass you, after all, this world ..." Speaking of which, Nuwa's eyes were dimmed. "Sometimes it's not impossible to change things."

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