Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 322: The world is discussing how to eat me 32

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

At this moment, Jingwei's beak had slightly cracked, and her eyes looked coldly at this beautiful egg that did not match the rumor. Eventually, she could only turn her eyes to Sujunxie with a strong sense of unwillingness and hatred.

"Yu Junxie, do you treat your collaborators like this?" Thought that the other party would stop and even punish the egg when he roared, but the other party was indifferent, and even did not give her a look. In an instant, she began to be afraid. She was just an ordinary Jingwei bird. Without her father's best protection, she would never survive to this day.

But this egg is different, she was born and raised, and she has infinite spiritual power. Only that small collision is enough to hurt the hardest part of her body. Once dragged down, she will not be pleased.

Tang Qing smiled and looked at her with a thousand eyes. For a long time, she said quietly: "Don't call it a rescuer, no one can save you at this time." After that, she seemed to be disgusted by the evil king and she said: "Go, face the wall over there, without my orders, you are not allowed to come."

After receiving orders, Su Junxie didn't resist or showed a little reluctance, and walked dullly toward a courtyard wall, and finally stood still against the wall.

Jingwei was frightened to take a few steps on his hind legs and looked at her with horror. "What the **** are you?"

Tang Qing still had that breezy voice, and only listened to her: "Since you want to use my body, I haven't even made it clear. I ..." Speaking of which, she paused deliberately until The other person's horrified expression took another step, and then he grinned: "As you can see, it's an egg."

Jingwei has been in the world for many years, although he has been in the East China Sea all year round, but he is not an ignorant child. If it is just an ordinary egg, how can it deter the devil!

"Don't come over, don't come over ..." She seemed to be afraid that she would become like a monarch, and her eyes were horrified. Then she suddenly said again: "You, let's make a deal, I don't want your body anymore, you just let me go, whatever you want, I will call my father to you."

Tang Qing pouted, what good things can Emperor Yan have? It is not as good as the good Dingxi in the hands of her family Qing Jue. As for the ability, a man who is enough to destroy the world, an ancient **** who needs the help of the demon even to master the heavens, it really is Not enough to watch.

But, looking at Jingwei so scared, she suddenly ignited a bit of amusement, "Then tell me, what does your father have?"

Jingwei thought she had taken the bait, and immediately said everything that Emperor Yan had. "My father is very powerful. He now has control of almost the entire heaven. As long as there are heaven, I can see it for you."

"You can give me anything from Heaven ..." Tang Qing chewed these words intentionally, and when she saw her nod, she suddenly smiled badly, "but I am not interested, what should I do?"

"You ..." Jingwei pointed at her with a wing, and I still don't understand where she is now playing with herself! Suddenly, a raging anger ignited in her eyes, but no matter how angry she was, she did not dare to say a word, she could only hold a small face, full of twists.

Tang Qing was naturally not in the mood to continue playing with her, looked at her gritty bird face, and pouted her lips, "Yes, let yourself go." The voice just fell, she suddenly repented, the Yan Emperor was wicked, if you watched it with your own eyes The daughter he had tried so hard to save himself succumbed in front of himself, as if feeling more sense, and then said: "Let's live first, wait for your father to come, in front of him ... self-break."

Such an understatement is doomed to Jingwei's ending.

Hypnosis is over, and now the Maze is no longer attractive to her.

Just when she was about to leave, she saw that the devil who was supposed to face the wall suddenly looked over dumbly.

Then, she took a step, and he followed one step, the synchronization rate was simply super high.

This time, she was dumbfounded.

Hypnosis should not be over yet. How is this Demon King different from others?

In the face of doubt, she could only ask the system, "All smashed, why does this demon king invite guests?"

The system ignored the dull and numb Demon King, and suddenly laughed. Because the laughter was so terrifying, Tang Qing couldn't help but tremble: "It's all smashed, there is something to say, don't move that terrible laughter."

As soon as this remark came out, there was nothing annoying in the system. He looked at the devil and his host, and finally decided to hide some small secrets.

"The data is correct. Maybe the devil is different from him because of the rebirth."

Tang Qing always feels a little strange, but since the system says so, it should be no big problem. After all, they are tied together. If something goes wrong, he can't eat it.

The Demon King followed like a little tail. Tang Qing didn't refuse this time. Thinking of this man, he dared to yell at Qing Jue, so he secretly decided to send him to Qing Jue for a good lesson!

With this in mind, she jumped to the cool red hair of the devil.

"Leave the magic palace."

The demon will naturally be no different, so under the consternation of everyone in the demon palace, he left all the way, but when he came to the exit of the demon palace, he stopped again.

"Go ... where to go ..."

With dry and stuttering sounds, Tang Qing could not help being secretly surprised. This demon king is so powerful that she can still speak under her hypnosis, even if there is a trace of consciousness. Hey, such a person must never let him go. In the future, he will become resistant to his hypnosis, which is bound to be a big trouble for Qing Jue.

"Bash it all, where is the man?"

The system snorted coldly, "Don't you think my laughter is unpleasant? In this case, if you have the ability, go find yourself?"

Seeing that the system was so arrogant, Tang Qing was speechless and choked, half-sounding, she suffocated a sentence, "Find it yourself, find it yourself."

The demon world is very big. It ’s easy to talk about one person. After thinking about it, Tang Qing decided to go back to the magic palace. After all, with Qing Jue ’s character, she will definitely come to her. The place obediently waited for him to come.

Smashing the devil under the egg, Tang Qing once again ordered: "Return to the Demon Palace!"

As a result, everyone in the Devil Palace opened his mouth again, watching the fierce Devil of his own walk with a white and flawless egg in the Devil Palace.

After a busy day, Tang Qing decided to taste the devil's food while waiting for his Qing Jue.

The food was quickly presented, but the taste was less than half of the gluttonous delicacy. After a few bites, she put down her chopsticks.

The waiter watched dullly that an egg could freely hold the chopsticks, and even make the food in the chopsticks disappear. The whole demon body was a bit bad. Although there are many strange things in the demon world, this one is enough to make people speechless .

The consternation passed briefly. After she dropped the chopsticks, she knelt down on the ground and was nestled in the red hair of the king. She couldn't afford to offend!

"This ... this egg lady, where are you dissatisfied with this dish? You need slaves to let the kitchen people do it again."

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