Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 319: The world is discussing how to eat me 29

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Thirty-three days were destroyed. The original Nuwa Niangniang wanted to kill the emperor Yan Yan, but he didn't know that he had already been prepared. When it was discovered, it was too late, and in the end, he could only end in hatred. However, since this matter has become so big, Xingtian has no reason to seek refuge in the lower realm. After all, the thirty-three days are destroyed and there are another thirty-two days.

However, Xing Tian resentedly said: "The thief had already calculated that when the Nuwa maiden blew herself up, she actually colluded with the devil, blocked several days above 25 days, and even guarded all the channels of the lower boundary, trying to kill me. Wait until the net is exhausted. "

Twenty-five days of living in the heavens are all powerful, and they can be harmed like this. The gluttons were shocked at that time, "Even the Devil Realm is involved?"

Speaking of the demon world, Xing Tian became more and more angry, "This time the devil world has also counted the blood, it can almost be said to have come out of the nest."

Because of Emperor Yandi's internal response, they didn't take too much precautions for a while, and then they all recruited. Thinking of those tragic friends, Xingtian wished that Yan Emperor would be stern!

Everyone was concerned about the destruction of the 33rd Heaven and the Devil Realm. Only Qing Jue suddenly said, "It seems that the baby girl is in the Devil Realm." Tang Qing is about to leave.

Taishang Laojun reacted first. Although he knew it clearly in his heart, there was nothing more important than Xiaowuyou, but do n’t worry about it.

"Qing Jue, the baby girl can't be a big deal now. If you don't let it go, let's put this aside in advance, and now we will solve the matter in the heavenly realm, and then we will deal with the demon realm together."

The idea of ​​Taishang Laojun is also understandable. In the end it is Xianyou, where can you stand so bystanders, as for the baby girl, a Jingwei transformed from Jing Qi is really not enough, however, Qing Jue refused.

"I'm not interested in heavenly things."

With such a sentence to export, the old man listened to the speechless choke, but it was gluttonous. It felt really domineering.

Seeing such a stubborn scene with friends, Qing Jue still came back a little bit impatiently.

Just when the old man thought he was going to stay, he saw him patting his shoulder, with a long way to go: "Moral, the things of the heavens, I will leave it to you."

In this regard, Tang Qing also cheered aside: "moral brother, I am optimistic about you!"

After the two had finished speaking, they ignored the dull eyes of Taishang Laojun, holding hands, and dazzled away from everyone's eyes.

After Xingtianhou realized that they left, the whole body became very stiff, half-sounding, and then weakly said: "Jingjue Shangxian left like this?"

Taishang Laojun learned that Qing Jue had patted him on the posture and patted the punishment day. He said: "Be calm, no one can be ranked in Qing Jue's eyes except for his little worries." Introduced: "By the way, Xiaowuyou is his egg."

Hearing the words, Xing Tian was slightly sluggish and moved his stiff body. He was still unheard of that egg. He heard that he was extremely ugly, but he had no eyes and he did n’t know what he could be ugly, but since he was so Many people call it ugly, it must be ugly. To this, he can only say: "Qingjue Shangxian ... the taste is quite heavy."

When the words fell, Taishang Laojun smiled, "Actually, Xiao Wuwu, looks pretty good."

What was ugly was before, and now it's really pretty good.

However, Xing Tian said: "Oh, your taste should also be quite heavy."

Along with the gluttonous laughter, Taishang Laojun ... Suddenly.

On the other hand, compared with the human world, the demon world has a very violent folk style. Without saying anything else, it is said that this **** has just appeared on the street of the demon world, and he has time to move in the future. Head towards them.

This behavior was too weird, and Tang Qing could not help pulling Qing Qingjue's sleeves, "Qingjue, what is the situation? Are we already wanted by the Devil Realm?"

Fighting as soon as you come, is this also exciting?

Qing Jue frowned slightly, and then seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised the corner of his lips, "Wanted should not be, but I heard that the demonic world is fierce."

Tang Qing is still puzzled, "What is the relationship between sturdy people's style and the present?"

At this time, the system that had been missing for a long time suddenly squeaked, "Two people of good looks suddenly appeared in a group of demons in the outside world. What would you say?"

Everyone who loves beauty has it. Even in the Devil's world, the love of beauty cannot be changed, so at first sight such a seductive pair appeared on the street, regardless of the seemingly intimate status of the two, but instead came forward to recommend themselves.

"Girl, don't look at me as a little white face next to you. My skills are much better than him. If you don't believe me, we can go to the inn to open the room and prove it to you."

Tang Qing was dumbfounded and looked sideways, looking to the side of Qing · Xiaobaizi · jue, the whole person was not good, but that group of demons like it was to reshape her three views, some people even lifted their clothes directly.

"Girl, look at me! Look at me!"

"You all like girls, I like this little boy, look at this handsome face, but you are not comparable."

"Boy, do you make an appointment?"

"Little brother, how boring the girls are. You just have to try it with me and you will know that I am even more fun than them."

Tang Qing looked at such a chaotic scene in the wind, and finally understood what this so-called folk customs mean!

Seeing that the good Long Street was going to be unsightly, she immediately released the body of hypnosis and waited for all of them to hypnotize. Then she took Qing Jue all the way, and the speed was just like running away from the desert.

"Ah, my eyes are going to be blind!" Tang Qing roared with the system.

On the contrary, it was a system. For the first time, I was very fortunate and said: "I suddenly felt that the little black house is also a good choice." End a TV series. "

Tang Qing's expressionless look a little bit wanted to hit someone, "I am disturbing you feelings?"

The system, "Oh, I ca n’t say so, so how can you say that the little black house is also upgraded with your points, that is, when will you drive with Qing Jue next time? It ’s better to drive for a longer time, so that I can take care of it Watching a movie. "

Tang Qing doesn't want to take care of his own system anymore. Since the upgrade of the Little Black House, he always disappears from time to time. Don't think she doesn't know that he is lazy! Now she is still asking her when she will give him a holiday! She didn't let him do it!

It was difficult to get rid of so many annoying guys, Tang Qing immediately decided to change his face. As for Qing Jue, under his repeated carefree request, it was difficult for him to change his face, but after he changed it, he could not bear it. He squeezed the little face of the other person's flesh and said, "My little worries are the cutest even if they change their faces."

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