Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 317: The world is discussing how to eat me 27

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For a while, the always serious Heavenly Court turned into a farce.

Jade Emperor was sitting on the tall Sifang Throne, his face was ugly, but one god's face was more ugly than him, that is the Southern Heavenly Emperor Sun Emperor Yan Emperor.

"It's a whole system!" A majestic rage sounded, and other gods did not dare to delay, immediately took out the magic weapon, and suppressed the chaotic sky soldiers.

In the face of the Jade Emperor who weighed the three realms and dominated all spirits, Yan Emperor could not look down on it. You should know that at the beginning of the flood, this one could n’t even be named, but nowadays, the world has changed, and what has dominated this world He, for this, Emperor Yan could only let go of his disdain and said: "Jade Emperor, Zhu Rong was killed by others, but this thief dared to resist! Being able to capture their hearts and souls in such a short time, I am afraid that ordinary soldiers can not capture . "

Jade Emperor was slapped among the people, which was really shameful. At the moment, when he heard this, he had the intention to catch it, so he pushed the boat along the river. "Yin Emperor means to go in person?"

Emperor Yan nodded and said that it was a grief and anger, "Zhu Rong is my friend for many years. Now that he is dead, I will not stand idly by!"

The Emperor Jade thought this was a troublesome situation. The Emperor Yan was not easy to deal with, and the Qing Jue was not easy to cause.

"Now that is the case, then this matter will be left to Yan Emperor." After that, in order to express his attitude, he said again: "If Yan Emperor has any trouble, you can call me."

"Thank you Jade Emperor." Yan Emperor slightly bent down, and then left the splendid heaven.

After walking around the Jade Emperor, Emperor Yan did not do anything with fear, but with a fair and serious scourge to the human world, and Tang Qing, in front of such a powerful golden finger, came one by one, and one by one, and one by two. And, under her hypnosis, no one can understand it unless she unlocks it herself.

The Emperor Yan was also cruel and cruel. Although he was his man, once he was hypnotized and went back to trouble him, basically he was mercilessly beheaded. For a time, the gods of the God Realm looked at him and his eyes changed a little.

Although Qing Jue killed Vulcan Zhurong, he didn't seem to be any better.

The Yan Emperor's eyes were killed now, wherever the eyes of this group of gods are concerned, and even more sometimes when he heard a lot of discussion, he almost killed the eye-catching gods. Fortunately, he was stopped by Yao Ji.

"Father, Heaven Realm has already whispered to us, we must not be so reckless."

Emperor Yan did not persuade, but said: "Yao Ji, don't you want to resurrect your sister girl?"

Yao Ji looked at her father, who was a little bit caught in fire, and was a little scared. But when she thought of the baby girl, when she was a child, she shouted in her arms and called her sister. But, only the father thought about it, if the baby girl was resurrected, but lived in the life of being pointed by the gods, have you ever thought what she would think? "

This remarked that Yan Emperor finally recovered a little reason, he was sullen, and he didn't seem to have the slightest immortal style, but more like the devil's head.

"Father, let us put aside the matter of the heavens first, and now the most important thing is to first extract the nine souls."

Anyway, Jiu Zhuan returned to Soul Pill, and that egg was not enough. After all, Jiu Zhun returned to Soul Pill, and the baby girl could still survive in this world in the state of soul, not the fine guard that became a ray of essence.

"Yes, first extract the nine souls." Speaking of which, Yan Emperor's eyes became crazy. "Ordinary people are not worthy of our girls as soul fires. Looking for the ancient gods, only they are worthy of us girls as refiners."

Yao Ji actually does not agree to let the ancient **** be his sister's soul fire. After all, the ancient **** has outstanding abilities. Once accidentally discovered, he will give up his achievements, and after the great battle, there are not many ancient ancient gods still alive. By the way, losing nine places all at once will inevitably cause uproar.

However, the Yan Emperor can't hear it now. He calculated the ancient gods of the thirty-three days and began to rule out one by one.

"Xing Tian can't do it, he is a headless, how can such a broken body treat our baby girl as a soul fire. Chi You is pretty good, and there is a boasting father ..." Yan Emperor remembered many ancient gods, Yao Ji thought Stopped, but after watching his crazy touch, she still shut up after all. She was afraid, she was even afraid that if she could not make it right, her father would even put her in. After all, Yan Di is not in her eyes nowadays what.

Yao Ji's thoughts drifted away, waiting for God, but he heard Yan Emperor still saying, "Fu Xi is better than Lu Wu, and there is Nu Wa, but it is the same voice as our baby girl."

"Father, you are crazy! That's Nvwa and Niangdi!"

In response to this, Emperor Yan sneered: "How about the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, when the baby girl died, they were all very hypocritical, obviously knowing that Jiu turned back to Soul Pill but did not tell me!"

Yao Ji didn't dare to persuade any more, but she didn't say anything.

On the other side, the human world.

Although he has lived a life of escape, Tang Qing still lives comfortably.

All meals are prepared gluttonously, and the food, even Taishang Laojun, does not leave. There are also human beings, which are more lively and have more places to play, and even the scenery is several times more beautiful than the uniform sky.

"Fireworks go to Yangzhou in March, the ancients can't afford me either."

Taishang Laojun is used to the boring life of heaven, and this will gradually be fascinated by the world. "No wonder there are always so many little fairies secretly, and the world is indeed a good place."

Tang Qing glanced at Taishang Laojun beside him, and covered his mouth and smiled, "Yes, now even Laojun is secretly coming."

Taishang Laojun saw that she compared herself with the little fairy, and the old blush suddenly turned, "What the **** are you talking about! I came down brightly, and Qing Jue would not come down."

When Tang Qing heard it, she happened to see Qing Jue wearing a white dress and was coming from the lively street. A breeze blew, and her clothes fluttered.

"Our Qing Jue is my little fairy, you see, how beautiful it is."

Taishang Laojun almost squirted out, although the beauty is beautiful, but dare to compare Qing Jue to a little fairy, this one is absolutely unprecedented.

Qing Jue was walking towards them with tofu flowers, and he saw Zheng Huan, who had a small, worry-free smile in his family, and could not help saying: "What's so happy?"

Tang Qing took the tofu flower, but the tofu flower was what she said yesterday. I didn't expect to buy it for her today.

"I'm glad to see you bought me tofu flowers."

Taishang Laojun looked at the flattering look, secretly gritted his teeth, and decided to take it apart: "Where is happy to see the tofu flower, she said earlier that you are her little fairy."

Qing Jue heard the words and raised her eyebrows to look at the little fellow with a short head, "Little fairy?"

Tang Qing lowered his head, stepped on the foot secretly, and then raised his head with laughter. He scooped a spoonful of tofu and gave it away. "Is the tofu delicious?"

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