Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 298: The whole world hates how to eat me 8

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Qing Jue Shang Xian's good twenty-year-old can't stop running. This heavy-day coming to live has shocked many gods, but in the end, Shang Xian, except for the gift at the beginning, no one dared to bother, of course, This nobody does not include Taishang Laojun.

I don't know if he found any new fun. He ran over early in the morning every time. This time it was even more powerful. He moved directly to the furnace.

Watching him command such a huge boy like a boy, Tang Qing is full of interest, but this is the furnace of the Taishang Laojun! Legends can create hot eyes! She also does not seek a hot eye, just thinking about when she will be able to break through the egg, like a person.

With an excitement, she jumped on the shoulder of Taishang Laojun, "Laojun!"

Taishang Laojun only felt the tiger's body startled. Don't look at the black egg not slap, but the weight is full. This jump, he almost kneel down.

"Egg ..."

When Tang Qing heard someone calling her egg now, he would violently run away, but at the end, he was carrying a little pride.

"You are the only one! I have a name! Qing Jue took it for me! It's Wuyou!"

Taishang Laojun felt bitter in his heart, and said that you were an egg, not to be told, so she could only shake her legs and said, "Worry, can you come down?"


"You are so heavy."

Upon hearing this, Tang Qing burst into tears, "You actually said that a girl is heavy!"

The girl's weight can't be said nonsense. If it's lighter, the girl is absolutely angry.

However, the attention of Taishang Laojun is not here. Instead, he is horrified and said: "Are you actually a girl?"

As soon as the words fell, the angry Tang Qing directly recovered from the original roughness, and then came to the top of the Taishan Mountain, stunned the Taishang Laojun to the ground.

Taishang Laojun felt bitter in his heart, and his eyes swept to Qing Jue. He immediately called for help: "Qing Jue, hurry, help me, I will be crushed if I don't come again."

When Qing Jue came back, he saw such a scene. His expression was faint, and he didn't have much emotion, but Tang Qing felt his displeasure unexpectedly, so he didn't wait for him to speak, and immediately jumped from Taishang Laojun. And then jumped on him, of course, she still remembered to make herself smaller before jumping.

Qing Jue steadily took the clown egg, and ignored his friend, and said slowly: "I have made the hot spring pool you want, are you going?"

"Go, of course!"

The clown egg in his hand jumped happily, so Qingjue Shangxian, who had never had a big expression, showed a hint of smile at the moment.

Taishang Laojun silently got up from the ground, and then looked at the departed one man and one egg ...

There is only one river like Tianhe in the whole heaven, and there is no other water source, so it is not easy to build a hot spring in the heaven. In addition to introducing the water of the Tianhe, it is necessary to bury another fire underneath, and this fire must be obedient. Otherwise, it is possible to burn you to death.

If this matter is changed for other people, I am afraid it will be very difficult. After all, it is the water of the Tianhe River, but it is with a strong aura. If you want to introduce it, it is easy to talk about. Be recognized.

However, this matter is easy for Qing Jue anyway, but in just one day, the hot spring pool was actually built.

Tang Qing looked at the hot spring pool in front of him, it was called a satisfaction, surrounded by top grade white jade, the Tianhe water was more clean and clear, and even more rare, the Tianhe water was with aura, so it would only increase his cultivation. for!

Because he was so happy, Tang Qing jumped directly from Qing Jue regardless of the distance from the hot spring pool.

Then ... Too late, Taishang Laojun heard a sound similar to the broken eggshell.

Tang Qing was dumbfounded. He never thought that he would jump on the white jade stone. Of course, after dumbfounded, she wanted to cry without tears. It was okay to smash the void realm before, how could this actually break a slit !

Qing Jue first stepped forward to pick her up, and then quickly tore off the brocade she was wearing. The brood was gone. Only then did she find that a very noticeable crack had cracked on the dark egg shell, and she was shocked. , "Morality, what's going on?"

Taishang Laojun smashed his mouth, and this is the first time he saw this, he could only say: "You give her to me first, I will study and study it."

Although Qing Jue didn't want to, he watched the painful roll of the little black egg on his hand and could only be handed over.

The little black egg is the only type in the Three Realms. Taishang Laojun is not sure for a while, and simply said: "If you believe me, let me put her in the furnace and refine it. You also said that the devil Zu Xueying put her in the furnace not only did she not successfully refine her, but also successfully absorbed other auras. "Yu Bi, seeing Qing Jue nodded, just wanted to hold the egg and ran away, but the weight in his hand was too precipitating , Can only return her to Qing Jue, "You hug, come with me."

Qing Jue naturally will not quit, holding the little black egg and keeping up with Taishang Laojun.

Fortunately, he had moved a furnace before, otherwise, if this would be a tenth day, Tang Qing could not bear it.

It's just that although the furnace is there, there is no panacea in his hand.

"I'll go back to the tenth heaven and get some medicine."

Taishang Laojun was just about to leave after he finished speaking, but was stopped by Qing Jue, and then dozens of bottles of Elixir were smashed on his body.

The embarrassed Taishang Laojun, who was smashed by the panacea, had not responded, and then a cold voice rang.

"Is this enough?"

Dozens of elixirs, all of which are top grade, where is it still not enough?

"Enough, enough." Taishang Laojun had to sigh, and there are a few bottles of them which are all excellent medicines. There is nothing else in this world, but this one is not distressed at all.

After throwing away these things, Qing Jue did not forget to take out another flame of his own. "Now he can heal."

Taishang Laojun held this unparalleled real fire of Samadhi, and he called a liver pain in his heart. Knowing that this kind of fire was still found by him first, but this broken thing refused to recognize him as the master, but instead rushed against him In the late half step, Qing Jue recognized the Lord!

He was jealous at the thought of the kindling that was flattering at Qing Jue!

Qing Jue saw him staring at the tinder in a daze, could not help saying: "Is there anything else?"

"It's gone." In the end, he didn't recognize himself as the master. Seeing that it would be in his hands, he was unwilling.

Jealousy is jealous. Too high for the alchemist's alchemy standard. But he said the second no one dared to call the first.

So, Tang Qing was once again thrown into the furnace, but unlike the previous one, this time, in addition to the strong burning sensation, there was a faint feeling of coming out ...

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