Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 292: The whole world is discussing how to eat me 2

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing stared dumbfounded at the conversation between the three, and then couldn't help asking the system, "Who are these three?"

"I'll check." After the system was finished, it disappeared for a long time, and it was not online again until about half an hour later. "These three are not human, and their size is also a god. They are Zhong Ying in 36 days , Xuanyu Fairy Beast and a King Jinglong. "

Tang Qing listened for a while, wondering why the system searched for so long, it was just a nameless pawn! It's just that these three wind horses and cows don't meet the guy. Let's discuss and eat her together? What the hell?

What about the good villain Xiang Ziruo? It's really impossible for the male host, Qing Jue, to go to the immortal one!

The system is calm, after all, the task has been done too much, and there are so many unexpected worlds, so he said: "Since these three guys are not mentioned in the main line, it is estimated to be a cannon fodder."

Although Tang Qing is not squeaking, she always feels something is wrong. Her black egg ability has never been heard in this world, but these three people seem to know her very well, and they even say nothing to Qing Jue Shangxian. Faceless?

You have to know that Qingjue Shangxian, but even the Jade Emperor had to politely make three points when he saw him, but what are these three? Although size also occupies a **** position, but want to see Qingjue Shangxian not qualified at all!

With all kinds of doubts, Tang Qing allowed them to leave with themselves, thinking that they would solve the doubts sooner or later, but the three little gods would burp before they were taken down the mountain.

The comrades started too fast, and even the moves hadn't even seen how they came out, and the three little gods lost their breath.

Upon seeing this, the system couldn't help but sigh, "It really is a cannon fodder, and I can't even live an episode."

Tang Qing did not say anything, because she was almost smoked to death now! If the previous three occupy a **** position, although the body's breath is not like it, but it is not disgusting, but this one is completely disgusting, the kind of rotten smell that comes out of the coffin, accompanied by The stinking smells, together with various unknown odors, make people, oh, no, it's making the egg collapse!

"All smashed, give a breath-shielding function, otherwise the task just started, I will be smoked to death!"

Although the system can't smell it, but one of his columns of data has burst into the table. For example, when he first came to the world where the host is, the air quality directly burst into red, but this time it was full, even Even worse!

In this regard, he expressed deep sympathy and then reached out to ask for money: "Points."

Faced with this system of asking for money, she can only gritt her teeth and say, "Take it!"

"Okay, waiter, wait a minute and give you fresh air immediately."

I have to say that it was the flower score, and the air quality immediately rose and even smelled a faint scent. It felt that she did not feel that the score was white.

With the fresh air, she was in a mood to look around. As a result, she was so stupid that she could not see anything, and there was nothing but darkness in her eyes!

"What's the situation with all of them!"

This time even the system is not calm, "Mozu Blood Sakura! This is unscientific, how could he appear here?"

"This shouldn't be asking you, the world you chose?"

When I heard the host say this, the system couldn't refute it. I could only say: "I'll report the fault to the headquarters."

The system of one egg and one system was quiet, but someone from the Demon Blood Sakura spoke attentively.

It turned out to be just a blink of an eye, he had already left the top of the snow mountain, and he was in his own house at the moment.

"Mozu, do you need a small one to get this box?"

If this changes the past, Mozu Blood Sakura has long been thrown away, but this time it is said: "This thing, you can't touch it."

A cold voice sounded, and the man immediately knelt in shock, "It's a small pass."

Mozu Blood Sakura ignored the kneeling servant, but walked straight towards his alchemy room.

Inside the room, a huge alchemy furnace was placed in the middle, and there was a blazing fire underneath.

At the first sight of this scene, the system suddenly came to know what he wanted to do, so he shared with his host: "Qing Qing, tell you a bad news!"

Tang Qing was blocked from view by a special box. He would never know where he was. When he heard this, he just pouted. "Can it be worse than turning into an ugly egg?"

The system choked for a moment, and then said: "The old guy took you to the alchemy room. I'm afraid I wanted to burn you."

Tang Qing was extremely calm, but if she listened carefully, she could hear the faint excitement in her voice, "Have you heard of Sun Wukong? Maybe I'm so flamboyant!"

Over there, Mozu Blood Sakura knows about the night long dreams, so when he got the black egg, he went directly back to the house, and then threw it into the alchemy furnace.

Although the fire below the alchemy furnace is not as good as the fire of the Xuan Ming of Zhiyin and the fire of the three flavors of Zhiyang, it is also a rare kind of fire. Tang Qing was really burned by this fire.

However, she was not nervous, but excited with the system: "I feel my power of flooding!"

The system twitched slightly. He looked at the red-burned egg and could n’t help but confide his thoughts, “I do n’t feel the power of the flood, but I think you might actually be cooked, even the eggshell will be red. Now. "

The already dark egg, it will turn into a little red spot when it burns, then it looks like ... the system does not want to say, ugly spicy eyes!

Tang Qing did not know her ugly touch, but continued to bathe in the sea of ​​fire. The enjoyment of touch did not seem a little bit uncomfortable, but in fact that burning sensation really did not make her feel uncomfortable, but felt very warm.

If Mozu Blood Sakura knows her feelings, she can't stop vomiting blood.

However, in order to better extract the essence of the egg, he lost a lot of good materials. He originally wanted to make the black egg's divine power more exquisite, but he did not expect to do the wedding dress for others.

Faced with such a generous feeding, Tang Qing is naturally not polite. Without saying anything, she absorbs everything. This absorption directly makes her original appearance that is not big in the palm of her hand multiply instantly.

Mozu Blood Sakura has made his blood this time. He kept almost all the good things in his warehouse. He originally wanted to become the Devil Emperor above the Three Realms in one fell swoop. After the medicine had expanded tens of times, it directly broke through his alchemy furnace.

A violent explosion sounded, instantly destroying all the luxurious alchemy rooms, and even the connected courtyards were not spared.

For a moment, the huge mansion suddenly became a sea of ​​fire, and it could never be extinguished.

Mozu Blood Sakura was forced to vomit a sip of blood, but he never thought of working hard for a long time, but it ended like this!

"This is impossible!"

Tang Qing jumped up and down from the rubble, shaking the wood chips on his body, and waited until the egg body was clean, then he looked at the demon vomiting blood.

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