Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 288: Vampire Duke **** 29

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

At the end of Ting Qing's prompt, Ian finally recovered and quickly chased past. If he was hesitant before, he knew very well after today that he will regret it if he misses it.

Tina left, Ian chased away, and only two of Tang Qing and Cain remained in the huge room.

"Brother Cain, when did I know my identity?"

Faced with the girl's curious question, the hidden face lied and said: "I found it when I accidentally drank your blood in the past few years, and then I checked it."

Upon hearing this, Tang Qing's eyes narrowed suddenly, "Are you sure you accidentally?"

The lies were taken apart, and Cain was still very calm, but this time it was honest, "Well, I couldn't hold back that time."

Upon seeing this, Tang Qing smiled and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Cain nodded honestly, "Delicious."

"Then ... want?"

As soon as the provocative voice came out, the golden pupil stimulated by a vampire was instantly dark. After sucking it once many years ago, he has been enduring it. Now how can he restrain himself after hearing such a bright invitation?

"If I said yes, would you give it?"

As the magnetic hoarse voice sounded, I don't know when, Cain has bent over and bowed his head, and his **** thin lips are close to the coveted white neck, feeling the vibrant beating.

A slightly cool breath circulated around his neck. Tang Qing just wanted to nod and say yes, but he changed his mind and made him think, so he smiled and teased: "If I don't agree?"

Cain had already struggled with some tolerance, and when he heard this, he was a little bit angry and said: "Late!"

When the words fell, he opened his mouth and bit towards the delicate skin.

The original tingling sensation did not strike, but bursts of numbness came from the neck. That was too sultry, and people could not help but tremble slightly, drunkenly dreamed of dying in it ...

But in the end, the two did not choose to exercise restraint and indulged in it again.

When the two came out of the embarrassed room again, it was lunch time, and downstairs, Tina and Ian were no longer separated, and they saw them come down and greeted them warmly.

"Sir Cain, Miss Mo."

Ian was caused by a bunch of questions in his heart caused by his son who fell into the angels. He had wanted to go upstairs and asked again, but Tina refused to let it go. This is the end. Now I met him and finally came down and rushed over, "Master Duke, can I ask about something?"

Cain's eyes were faint, and he didn't care about him directly, but called the housekeeper over.

He didn't really have any feelings for this man who called him a dog male or a male. If it wasn't for his own girl, he would have slaughtered him!

The housekeeper took the information prepared by the owner, and then waited for the lunch of his own owner.

Tang Qing was sitting at the table eating Zheng Huan, but halfway through the food she suddenly stopped and then turned her attention to a vampire who drank elegantly.

"Brother Cain, do you taste these things?"

Is n’t the vampire rumored to have no sense of taste, since I am afraid that eating these human things is probably tasteless.

Cain put a piece of beef in his mouth elegantly, and he didn't know how delicious it was.

"I say it tastes, do you believe it?"

Tang Qing was stunned for a while, and seemed to be really thinking about this issue until the system spoke.

"Vampires have no sense of taste. Even the vampires of the ancestor level, they can walk freely in the sun and change their body temperature. These are already the limits."

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Qing was stunned again.

"Since there is no taste, don't eat it."

However, Cain said: "But if I don't accompany you, then in this huge castle, only you can eat alone. Silently, so you are too lonely." After the words, he smiled softly: " Okay, isn't it just to eat a meal with no taste, it's not a big deal. "

Although it ’s not a big deal, it ’s not good, after all, there is no meat in the vampire ’s food.

Tang Qing's eyes were reddish. It turned out that the other party had already given everything without her knowledge.

"Uncle Butler, don't prepare two servings of food in the future, just prepare one."

Although it would be a bit lonely to eat alone, she would rather choose to be lonely than to continue to suffer such extraneous sins.

The housekeeper saw that the relationship between the host and the small host was getting better and better. In his heart, he called a happy man, and now he didn't wait for the host to talk more.

Ian looked at this scene and said it was deceiving to be moved. Most of the vampires he had seen were cruel and bloody. The only difference in life was Tina. She would cry and laugh and be beaten when angry If he didn't accidentally discover her true face, perhaps he would think she was human in this life. But now he deeply admires the duke and asks himself, if he is changed, I am afraid that he will not be as gentle as a day.

However, this kind of touch did not last long, because the gentleness of the Duke was only for his lovely girl.

"Tina, remember to compensate the previous damage."

Upon hearing this, Tina burst out again, "Sir Cain, I have no money." After that, she suddenly turned her eyes to Ian, and then said: "Sir Cain, let me mortgage him to You? Son of fallen angel, should be more valuable than me. "

Cain glanced casually at Ian, "The son of the fallen angel who has no power is not as good as a vampire in my eyes."

When Tina heard it, she immediately became interested, "Master Cain, does Ian have the power?"

The strength of fallen angels is no worse than that of angels, and some are even more powerful. Since they are the sons of fallen angels, how can they also have some divine power?


"Sir Cain, can you help?"

"Why should I help?"

The disgust on his face was too obvious, Ian dare not speak out, after all, he pointed at the nose of the Duke a few days ago and cursed the dogs and men! At the thought of this, Ian regretted it, but the reality could not be changed. He could only look at Tang Qing pitifully.

Tang Qing received this pitiful gaze, could not help but sympathize, a good man, and finally had to beg Boss, it was sad.

"Brother Cain, don't you say that I have the bloodline of fallen angels like him? Can you help us unblock our abilities?"

Although Cain disliked Ian, but faced his girl, his eyes were immediately gentle, "silently, you have been unsealed, or in other words, you have never been sealed, and he was sealed from the time he was born. . "

Tang Qing was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he still possessed Lingshi, a roast chicken skill that was of little use.

"So my divine power doesn't even have the ability to keep me healthy?"

The blood of angels fell into the blood, and there was still heart disease. Who said it?

Cain Renjun couldn't help but reach out and rubbed the girl's soft hair, "Relax, your body will have recovered."

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