Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 285: Vampire Duke **** 26

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing was finally letting go of the poor system. After all, Mei Mei currently wants to get his old man, so the system was ruthlessly discarded, and then entered the small black room.

Cain was surrounded by a bath towel with a greasy smile on his face, "silently, it's time to take a bath."

When Tang Qing heard the bath, she immediately walked out of the bed, but she overestimated the body ’s tolerance to alcohol. Now her head was sober, but her body was very honest, and she had not waited for her to take a step. , The whole person rushed forward.

People, naturally, did not fall to the ground, but fell into a warm embrace.

Cain picked up the girl, and while not forgetting to beat her little PP, said, "Will you drink next time?"

Wen Yan, Tang Qing thought of the teenager he had seen before, could not help asking angrily: "Then do you still bring people back?"

"With people?"

"That's the man who was ... well, well, not too ugly." After she finished, she didn't forget to add, "But the skin is not ugly, the heart must be ugly, and as soon as I saw it, I demonstrated. "

At the thought of the kiss beforehand, Tang Qing felt the need to wash his hands again.

When Cain heard it, he instantly understood it, feeling that Nizi thought that the young prince was brought back by him, and suddenly he couldn't cry or laugh.

"He is a prince."

Hearing his explanation, Tang Qing didn't know about turning, but became more angry. "What? You don't even let the prince off?" Said, thinking of this shell snake parents who couldn't help but said: "Also, people are princes, and I only have a pair of neuropathy parents."

Seeing that it was not easy to coax the good person without knowing where the brain was going, Cain said nothing about it and directly threw her into the bathtub.

This time it was really thrown away. The splashes of water instantly wet Cain standing aside.

Tang Qing was stunned, but she still knew that she got up from the bathtub, but the edge of the bathtub was too slippery, so she could only reach out and try to grab other things. After falling down, she heard a clenching teeth from the top of her head.

"The old emperor was seriously ill, and the prince wanted me."

After hearing that, Tang Qing continued to be stunned, looking at the bathrobe in his hand, his brain was full of the original world line, "So he recommended himself to be your favorite?"

Cain was really angry this time, no matter whether the bathrobe or not, forced her to stare at him directly. He squinted slightly, and his golden eyes were full of danger. "Why is that obsessed with me looking for a male pet?" ?Ok?"

Hearing the slightly dangerous ending, Tang Qing's knotted head finally reacted.

Yes, that is the original world line!

Cain in the original world line is a scum man, but this one is not.

Finally she figured it out, she suddenly giggled, and even her otherwise bleak eyes were bright in vain, "So ... there is no male pet, right?"

Looking at the folly of Ni Nizi underneath, Cain, who was originally angry, was also amused by her.

"So you ran away from home because you didn't trust me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Qing suddenly froze. Judging from her behavior, it was indeed because of her mistrust that this kind of oolong was caused. However, she was very clear in her heart that it was not that she did not trust him, but that she did not believe in herself, just like herself, He Dehe could make people go along the way.

"Not ..."

I just wanted to explain, but the other party buckled her wild waist in vain, and then bowed his head and cheated on a lingering kiss.

There is a slight fragrance between the teeth, which is different from the strong wine in your mouth. It is very delicious and makes you can't help but deepen the taste ...

Cain wanted to punish him. As a result, this little Nizi enjoyed it very much. When she opened her eyes, she wanted to let go, but her eyes were burning in vain.

I saw that the girl ’s neckline in the bathtub had been half opened, and the originally tightly tied silk belt would not fall at this moment. At this moment, her long hair was not bundled and scattered casually behind her. This was the side he hadn't seen yet, but the blood that was supposed to be standing water suddenly boiled.

This scene is really beautiful ...

Half of the sweet kiss was suddenly released by someone, Tang Qing was baffled and uneasy, and he blushed and said, "Cain ... brother?"

The word daddy was swallowed by her. After all, if this word is called at this time, she thinks it is enough to think about it.

This moment Cain's brother instantly disconnected his already tight string. Looking at the tempting touch, there was no need to say more ...

This night, starting from the bathtub, and waiting to return to bed, Tang Qing could not even lift his fingers, and when he woke up, it was already midnight the next day.

Cain didn't need much sleep, so he just hugged a smooth and delicate girl in his arms. His slender hands were stroking for a moment, and he felt her breath move slightly. ? "

Tang Qing just wanted to speak, but found that the sound of the meeting was so **** that she could no longer be hoarse, so she nodded.

"Are you hungry?"


"That's good, you wait for a while." Cain walked off the bed, casually put on a black silk robe, and when he came back, he was already holding a steaming bowl of congee.

The clear porridge is sweet and delicious.

Tang Qing didn't say much. He took the porridge and drank it seriously. When she finished drinking, Cain suddenly hugged her out of the bed.

She hooked the other person's neck by the way, and there was a trace of horror in her eyes.

Mommy still playing?

Xiao Nizi's eyes were too obvious, Cain smiled, pretending to ask, "What are you thinking?"

Tang Qing spoke weakly, "Brother Cain, that ... No, stop playing." This body can't withstand such a series of sports. After playing again, it will be useless!

"Little fool, what are you thinking?" Cain Renjun couldn't help but, "Sleep for a night, don't you wash it?"

Tang Qing made a big blush and quietly sullied her heart. If you don't say a word, you will come to an overbearing presidential princess hug. It is easy to make people want to be crooked!

Of course, she only dare to think about it in her heart. The ghost knows whether there will be any broken things!

After washing, Tang Qing returned to the warm and soft bed, and then listened to the other person's tone of account after the autumn.

"Speak, why don't you believe me."

As soon as these words came out, Tang, who had originally relaxed her mind, was sitting in jeopardy, conscience of the world. She really did not dare to distrust the other party, but had no confidence in herself.

"No, I don't believe you, just ..."

"What is it?"

"It's just that you are so good, what can I do ..."

Cain looked down at his head, a little pitiful girl, and finally sighed and hugged him into his arms.

"Little fool."

"I'm not stupid!"

"Yes yes, do you still say dog ​​males next time?"

Tang Qing smirked, just wanted to speak, but listened to the system that had been quiet for a long time, and suddenly said quietly, "Dog and man."

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