Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 261: Vampire Duke **** 2

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

After knowing the world data, Tang Qing became a dead face model. Her own life became a problem. She still had to do a task and gave her such a hot chicken finger. Watch horror movies?

"Smash, you change, you no longer love me."

"Oh, anyone makes mistakes when they are young."

The implication is that the one you loved was wrong.

Tang Qing: ...

"No humanity!"

System, "As a system, we must abide by the rules of the system."

"and so?"

"So I have no humanity, after all ... I'm not a human being." After that, the system did not forget to grin.

The laughter was too weird, and the goose bumps in her whole person rose instantly, "System, you have changed."

"Yes, after all, everyone will change, even if I am just a set of data." The system is loaded with a deep face, but the heart is crazy.

After reading so many books against the host, he finally borrowed a useful one! Look, his family Qingqing has finally deflated, roaring open the forest!

Tang Qing didn't know the system's thoughts at this moment. She punched the world data and felt that this task was very difficult. "Unification, this world's rebellious Boss is Cain?"

Speaking of the right thing, the system returned to its seriousness. "Strictly speaking, the Presbyterian Church is. After all, Cain has no interest in the love and hatred of the male and female owners. His interest ..." After a slight pause, he expressed compassion: "His interest is in you."

Cain's thoughts were indeed on Mo Mo, and he didn't even say that even when the male hero became black in the later period, he only looked down on Mo Mo and thought she would kill her parents according to her own ideas. She has been enduring humiliation and weight-bearing, and even finally shot him seriously, so the male host was able to win Cain.

It's just that Cain is an undead body. Even if he is seriously injured, he will only fall asleep, and will not die. Of course, this serious injury made him sleep for a particularly long period of time, and when he woke up, the world was almost destroyed.

Tang Qing of this life has a heart disease, and the time and place is now in the house where her parents died.

The pungent blood and the smell of scorched smell came across the room. The house was a mess. The torn pieces of corpses were everywhere. The blood was all over the walls and the ground. The room behind was somehow unknown. When the fire was burning, Tang Qing felt like he was vomiting under the scorching heat.

She has not seen this kind of picture for a long time, even if she has experienced the end, she is still shocked by the scene in front of her. It is too disgusting, too terrifying, and too cruel. These bodies are not fake, but servants who take care of them.

Because of a heart attack, Tang Qing, who was already uncomfortable, began to have difficulty breathing, and even her clear vision gradually blurred.

In a trance, there was a loud noise behind her. She looked over hard, and saw a slender figure coming from the flames. The long golden hair, even if she was wearing a suit, did not hinder his unparalleled temperament. Following his elegant and slow pace, she felt that she saw the angel.

He stopped in front of Tang Qing and bent slightly, but his golden eyes were full of sorrow, but it seemed that he was afraid of scaring the cute little guy in front of him, and his handsome face was very gentle at the moment. Warmth, "My poor little fellow, are you well?"

Tang Qing opened her mouth, as if unconscious, she blurted out and said: "Angel." But the voice just fell, but fell into endless darkness.

The coming man hugged her into his arms, with a smile on the face of Fenghua peerless, but with a hint of malice in his smile, "My poor little fellow, the angel is not like me."

Tang Qing woke up again and there were no disgusting corpses around her nose and no pungent stench. Everything was white. White walls and white sheets. Even the pajamas she was wearing were white. .

When she woke up, she saw a man in his twenties push through the door. The person came in a black suit, and there was a little sweat on the smooth forehead. It seemed that he dared to come in a hurry.

"Little guy, you finally woke up." The other person took a long breath and stepped forward to embrace her intimately. "Little Momo, your parents were killed by the werewolf. Follow me later, OK?"

A good voice sounded, and finally there was a trace of Tang Qing's paralyzed small face, "Wolfman?"

"You don't have to know what they are, I will protect you in the future."

Such a gorgeous beauty, speaking such a gentle language, no one can refuse.

However, Tang Qing was silent, "I want to know what the werewolf is, and I want to know what is the murderer who killed my parents."

Seeing her insist on this, the man sighed, "Okay, I can tell you, but you have to be an adult." Then, he smiled in good faith, "Yes, I am Cain."

"My name is Modi arriving in Missouri Puri Lien Serona ..." The name is too long. Tang Qing feels that he has been chanting the name for five minutes. After he finally finished speaking, he madly said to the system: "Mistgrass, this Mohs couple is poisonous, what the hell's name?"

The system expresses sympathy, "It's hard for you, and I didn't miss a word."

Someone who hasn't been praised by the system for a long time, said proudly: "That must be, after all, the person who has taken the film, the line skills must be good!"

After the name was finished, Tang Qing felt that the previous warm atmosphere was almost destroyed by her, but Cain was still gentle as always, "My poor little fellow, such a long name, it is hard." Said, not waiting for her Opening, he continued: "Your adoption procedures have been completed, but because your name is too long, the other party will not handle it, so I gave you a simple name, and I will call it Momo in the future."

Tang Qing nodded pretendingly, but he continued to spit out with the system: "Does he think I am stupid, since the Mohs and his wife can put me on the account, then naturally they will not dislike the long name when adopting.

The system thought about the world line and sincerely said: "He does treat you like a fool."

Tang Qing: ...


During her illness, she could only stay in the hospital. Cain was indeed a competent supporter. In addition to appearing every day, she even brought her all kinds of delicious and fun things every day, although she did not need it.

Listening to the story of the sleeping beauty in her ear, she put her small face on her face, revealing a pure look, "Dad, will I do the same in the future?"

This was the first time she spoke, but Cain, who was supposed to be touched, was obviously changed by the sound of her father ’s cry, half-loud, and he blinked and asked, "Momo, how old am I?"

Tang Qing expressed puzzlement, and Momo in the An An World Line really shouted the other's father.

Seeing this, Cain sighed helplessly, "Call me brother."

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