Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 860: The little princess and her vampire empire (168)

   Chapter 860 The Little Princess and Her Vampire Empire (168)

  But now, Lambert put away this so-called amulet.

  Because a silly little girl said she wanted to be friends with him.

  Lambert looked out of the dark window, the corners of his mouth raised slowly.

   "I still don't want to resist this approach. If it's just friends, it shouldn't matter."

   He will put away the feelings he shouldn't have, and rot what happened that night in his stomach for the rest of his life.

  Lambert couldn't help flying to see Sheng Jiaoyang again.

   He stood in front of her, the little girl slept deeply, she looked very cute in her sleep, her skin was too white, her lips were bright red, and her eyelashes trembled slightly with the sound of her shallow breathing.

  Lambert couldn't help lowering his head, stretched out his fingers, and lightly swept the row of slender eyelashes on Jiaoyang's face.

   The little girl's breathing was a little chaotic. I don't know if it was because his movements disturbed her in her sleep, or because she was dreaming about something.

   "Edgar," she called out.

  Lambert was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong.

  Perhaps she was calling Idel?

   While he was thinking in a daze, Jiao Yang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Lambert's waist, making his entire body fall on her.

  Lambert was shocked. Fortunately, he reached out his hand in time and touched her side, otherwise he would have woken her up.

He took a deep breath, and Jiaoyang's breath fell on him. Lambert's body tensed, and just as he was about to climb up in this position, the dazed little girl suddenly stretched out. The other hand touched his body from top to bottom, and finally landed on his chest.

   "Edgar," she called again.

   Lambert heard it clearly this time, but this time he couldn't take much care of it, he had lost himself in her touch.

   He changed into another vampire, grabbed her arms tightly, and covered them without caring about anything else, his eyes were red, and he fell into endless madness.

   After a long time, Lambert got up from the little girl who had fallen into a coma, suffocated his breath while looking at the scene in front of him, and left the window almost in a hurry.

   The next day, the five generals were waiting outside, but were informed that the meeting was cancelled.

  "What's the matter?" Edgar looked at Jiaoyang who was walking in front of him, who was a little absent-minded, and then asked his brother Adel, "What is His Highness Louis busy with recently, why is there not even a meeting today."

  Jiaoyang was following Lester at the front and asked him what he was doing last night. She had just asked what the four vampires, including herself, were doing last night.

   This made Edgar very confused. He even thought that Jiaoyang was questioning them why they didn't care about her who came back from the first mission last night.

  Thinking of this, Edgar, who united Rusfan to not let Lester and Adel have the opportunity to get close to her, felt a little guilty.

   In addition to Jiaoyang's slightly strange state today, Lambert's state is also a little strange, and seems to be more reticent than usual.

   But Edgar was used to it, so he didn't care about it.

   Facing Edgar's question, Edel rolled his eyes mercilessly at him. Of course, this action is very suspected of hiding something.

After all, when Jiaoyang asked him what he was doing last night, Edel immediately thought of the dream between him and Jiaoyang that he had last night. In the dream, they played all kinds of tricks. When I woke up, I still felt lost.

   (end of this chapter)

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