Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 839: The little princess and her vampire empire (147)

   Chapter 839 The Little Princess and Her Vampire Empire (147)

  Britain's body froze, trembling almost out of a subconscious reaction.

   "Here. Isn't there a ready-made meal?"

The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth rose, as if he was about to bite down on his neck, and said slowly and meaningfully: "Anyway, I didn't stay with vampires for so long, and my heart became dark and distorted long ago. Have you been assimilated by that group of vampires?"

  Brielton looked up at her in disbelief.

   What he just talked to Prince Karisia, how could she.

   "Why don't you speak."

   Jiaoyang had a bright smile on her face, she put her hand on Brierton's chin and made him face her: "I was in front of brother Wang just now, wasn't he very good at talking?"

  Britain's eyes are full of vigilance: This woman is really weird, and her whole body is full of weirdness.

   He told others that no one believed him yet.

   "You installed a bug?"

   But Jiaoyang didn't seem to want to answer him, and said to himself: "But even so, I'm still not angry at all."

  Britain looked at her coldly, always alert to her next move.

Until she actually stretched out her hand and gradually touched his chest from below, then grabbed the belt hanging around his waist, causing his body to fall, and the two of them fell together on the sofa behind him, his waist still pressed against him. on her.

  Jiaoyang's hand went around his back and pressed it on his waist from behind to prevent him from retreating.

  Britain's pupils dilated for a moment, staring at her even smiling face in shock.

   "General Briton, do you believe in love at first sight?"

  Jiaoyang smiled, slender fingers swam to his chest, clicked and drew again.

"The moment I saw you, I wanted you very, very much, so I deliberately let you appear in front of me again, I'm sorry for the rudeness just now. But I hope that next time, you can also As now, whenever I want you and want to see you, you can show up to me like this."

  Britain looked at her face in shock, and kept this position for a long time, he twitched the corners of his mouth: ".Are you crazy?"

   "I don't think so. When I say these things to you now, I've been very calm. But isn't there a sentence that says whether a person is crazy or not, can't she decide for herself?"

The smile on Jiaoyang's mouth deepened, and his eyes were calm: "Maybe I'm really crazy, I want you like crazy at the moment, General Britannia, I allow you not to accept me, but I don't allow you Don't accept me and accept other women in the future, if that's the case, then I'll be like a ticking time bomb that could kill you all at any time. So if you can, please Britannia As a chain, the general should keep me firmly locked, and prevent me from exploding with a bang like a bomb."

Jiao Yang bent her eyes, her hand on his body began to move again, and finally stopped on his lap, she approached his lips and gestured to kiss: "Anyway, General Briarton is dedicated to defending yours. The people, for the human race, they have worked hard to fight for countless battles, but they just did the same thing as I did in the past, such a small sacrifice like sacrificing color, shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

   Feeling her touch on him, Britannia's body trembled unavoidably, and then when he heard her words, he looked at her with complex eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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