Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 836: The little princess and her vampire empire (144)

   Chapter 836 The Little Princess and Her Vampire Empire (144)

   These things, ordinary people can understand, why can't His Highness understand it?

   Or I know it in my heart, but I just don’t want to think about it.

   After all, to him, Princess Jiaoyang is both a relative and a lover, a complex and unforgettable existence.

  Brierpu couldn't help sighing.

  It's not that he thinks too much, a young and beautiful orphan, living in a place like the palace can eat people safely to adulthood, and living a nourishing life, it is enough to be doubtful.

   Now they are mixing well with the vampires, how can there be so many miracles in this world, and most of them are man-made.

"Under such an environment, if it goes on like this for a long time, even the pure and kind heart will become dark and distorted. She has long been assimilated by those vampires. Yes, human beings do have something against her, The reason I told His Highness this was not to ask His Highness to do something to Sheng Jiaoyang, but to let His Highness, at least not to lose the most basic precaution against her just because of the old feelings.

Has your Highness ever thought about why Louis sent Sheng Jiaoyang, who is a human, for such an important matter as bringing hostages to trade? If she has a good impression of the human race because she is also a human, Louis' doing so would not be equivalent to damage. self-interest?

   This can only mean that although Sheng Jiaoyang is a human being like us, she will only hate human beings more than any vampire. "

  When she was resting, Jiaoyang was placed in a separate room, wearing only a thin white nightdress, with her fair and slender legs sticking out from below.

   She leaned lazily on the edge of the bed, looking at the clean water in the cup, the corner of her mouth tickled.

   The next second, Jiao Yang suddenly let go of his hand, the cup in his hand let go like this naturally, and then shattered on the ground.

Before waiting for the vampire subordinates around him to say anything, the person guarding the opposite door came soon. He looked down at the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, and couldn't help but glanced at Jiao Yang, who was half-lying on the bed at the moment. , and immediately lowered his head again, his expression neither humble nor arrogant: "I don't know what's wrong with it. Are you dissatisfied?"

   "You know I'm here too."

The corners of Jiao Yang's lips were raised, and she half sat up, her legs crossed, with a meaningful smile on her face: "As a messenger, I have a distinguished status, and until now, except when I first met, I didn't even have an important person. Let me see. It is said that humans pay attention to etiquette, is this how you humans treat guests?"

   The general pondered for a while: "But to make the exchange conditions proposed on behalf of the vampires just now, His Highness is still discussing with General Fossi"

   "Ah so"

Jiao Yang sighed regretfully, and then said, "Since Brother Wang can't go away, what about General Briarton? Of the remaining people, only his rank and rank can be worthy of me. identity of."

  "This" looked at the girl's charming and willful face, the general hesitated for a while.

   But General Briarton, who is arrogant by nature, sometimes doesn't even listen to His Highness's words, so how could he be willing to entertain this little girl who has no name but beauty and title.

   "Hurry up and call him over."

Jiaoyang leaned back lazily again, and she didn't bother to think about what the person in front of her was thinking, she curled her lips and said with a smile on her face, arrogantly and rudely: "This is me reluctantly, making an exception for this. Your chance to make amends."

   (end of this chapter)

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