Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 834: The little princess and her vampire empire (142)

   Chapter 834 The Little Princess and Her Vampire Empire (142)

   Lester and Rusfan were both worried.

   This is the first time for Jiaoyang to do a task, but compared to whether the task that Louis gave her can be achieved, they are more worried about whether she will feel sad and fluctuated in the face of these former friends.

  Fossey stared at the beautiful face of the little girl in front of him with resentment.

   Originally this woman should belong to him, but unfortunately the king rejected his good intentions and even married this woman to his son.

  As a result, Sheng Jiaoyang is now on the vampire's bed. How could those monsters know how to pity women?

   If it wasn't for the king's repeated obstruction, this woman already belonged to him, how could she be allowed to live in the vampire's territory and suffer that way.

So Fossi twitched the corners of his mouth and deliberately said loudly, "I didn't expect to see Princess Jiaoyang here again, if I remember correctly, it's not like there was a marriage talk between Princess Jiaoyang and Prince Carisia. In terms of marriage? If you weren't kidnapped by vampires, you would have married His Highness by now. Since they are old acquaintances, I wonder if Princess Jiaoyang would be able to return my daughter to our human race. ?"

The group of vampires behind    began to discuss.

   They didn't know that there was such a thing in the past. Besides, isn't Miss Sheng and Karisia siblings? How could it have almost reached the point of talking about marriage? what the **** is going on

   Lester turned his head and glanced coldly.

  Ru Sifan's face was also not good-looking. Under the suppression of the bloodline, the voices of those vampires quickly calmed down.

   Lester looked at her in front of him.

   He believed in Jiaoyang.

  Jiaoyang didn't seem to notice the whispers and restlessness around her. She looked at Fossey with a calm expression, glanced at Carisia again, and said, "General Fossey still loves to joke about Jiaoyang as always."

   She hooked the corners of her lips, and then continued slowly: "Between brother Wang and I, there is indeed a good past. But I broke up with him a long time ago."


  Kalicia looked at her deeply, as if she had just recovered at this moment.

   His voice was low: "Who said that."

  Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at him for a long time.

   There was an uproar all around.

   After a round of negotiations, neither side reached a deal.

  The representatives of the human race and the vampire race returned to their respective sites, calmed down for 20 minutes, and waited for the second round of negotiations.

  Kalicia raised her eyes, put her hands behind her, and looked at the closed window, her eyes filled with deep sadness.


   None of this was what he wanted.

  If he can, he is even willing to hand over the entire human race, as long as he can take her away to another country.

   But if all human beings perish, will there still be a place for them in this world?

   Is her heart still on his side, and will she still be willing to follow him?

  Jiaoyang, do you know that I am standing here because of whom I am fighting.

   So how can you, stand on the opposite side of me.


   You tell me what exactly I should do.



  Kalicia's gloved hand, fingers deeply into the window frame, bright red blood dripping down the fingers.

   His face was expressionless, as if he was unconscious.

   (end of this chapter)

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