Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 377: Jianghu: Demonic Demon Girl (65)

   Chapter 377 Jianghu: Demonic Demon Girl (65)

  Bai Shuangshuang was stunned for a while, but did not understand what Jiao Yang meant. It took a while for her to regain her senses. After she understood it, her eyes widened in shock and she was extremely frightened.

   ". What, what?"

She fell to the ground, she had no strength at all, and could only crawled back by instinct, but the footsteps of Baiye Liufeng were approaching a little bit behind her, and she went forward again, Jiaoyang smiled and jumped one by one Jump over.

   At this moment, it was extremely strange under her white eyes, and she could not avoid it.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I haven't introduced myself yet," Jiaoyang's lips curled slightly, and she was already in front of her, half bent down to restrain her acupuncture point, "I'm Yi Fuling, a member of the Demon Sect, yes, it's you imagined."

   Baiye Liufeng folded her arms across her chest, stopped behind the other side, and glanced at her from the corner of her eye.

  Bai Shuangshuang couldn't believe it, but Naihe was speechless: Didn't Yi Fuling destroy Chu Lianjue's whole family, then she was so close to him? This woman is so scary.

   "I remember you said that you really want to be a woman like me," Jiaoyang said with a strange smile on his lips, "You said you envy me, but you don't know that, but it doesn't count now."

  Bai Shuangshuang shook his head desperately in his heart, his mouth whimpered and made a struggling sound.

"You don't think naively that you know the truth now that you can still survive, right?" Baiye Liufeng, who had been silent for a long time, sneered lightly. He was stopped by Jiao Yang on the way, and another hand knife slashed Bai Shuangshuang.

  Baiye Liufeng frowned fiercely, looking at her arm blocking her: "Don't tell me you are a woman at this time."

   "It's not my wife's kindness, but Bai Shuangshuang. The reason why I want to see her alone is because I have more important things than killing her, and I need to use her to do it."

   "Oh?" Baiye Liufeng raised her eyebrows, noncommittal, her eyes still swept across her face with suspicion. After examining her for a while, she made sure that the expression on the woman's face showed no signs of falsification, and then she looked back.

   raised his chin with a familiar and mean sneer.

   "I knew you weren't so kind to help me, it was for yourself. Tell me, what are you going to do."

  This man has been eccentric for a day or two.

  Jiaoyang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and turned around, "You'll know if you don't see it."

   After she finished speaking, a red light flickered in her eyes, with an eerie glow. With his fingers, he opened Baishuang's closed eyelids and looked at her pupils. At the same time, a dim light passed into her pupils.

  Bai Shuangshuang's eyes also began to glow with a strange light, and then she stood up, but her expression was numb and dead, and her limbs were stiff.

"Exotic illusion?" Baiye Liufeng's tone was a little surprised, but he quickly returned to his usual tone of voice, this humble man couldn't change his stinky virtue even in front of Yuan and Ming Dynasty, "It seems that these four Over the years, that man has taught you a lot."

   There was some sarcasm in his heart, if it wasn't for that man always being so detached to her, and being the most special to her in the church, and giving her infinite hope after her disappointment time and time again, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to let this woman be so obedient to him.

That man changed her step by step, used her to achieve so many things, made a child who could not tell right from wrong at that time did evil for him, worshipped him, worshipped him as a god, and stained his once slender hands with blood of sin. Become as sinful as himself, and the world will not tolerate it.

   Is that man very proud in his heart? Get the pleasure of perverted twist from it, right? That man. Sure enough, he's a master at brainwashing and manipulating people's hearts.

  Baiye Liufeng stared at her face tightly, gnashing her teeth in her heart and almost wished she could be crushed, or knocked on her head to wake her up.

  Jiaoyang felt his gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched, he pretended not to see, and tried to ignore it.

   This man is going crazy again

Of course   Jiaoyang wouldn't tell him that this illusion was not taught to her in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. In the past four years, Yuan and Mingqi taught her a lot, and she was as eager to learn as ever. Even because there were too many meetings in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, this man was indeed too good, and there was almost nothing that could stum him.

   Therefore, Jiaoyang, who has always been full of strong curiosity about the unknown, wanted to stick to his side every moment for a while, madly absorbed his abilities and knowledge, and wanted to haunt him every moment. It was because the newest member of the gang of four joined her, which diverted part of her attention, and made this situation better.

   However, this illusion was indeed not taught in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, she was purely self-taught from ancient books. After all, when she was in the Alliance Lord's Mansion before, she moved a lot of things into the Treasure Pavilion. Afterwards, she hid it herself, but did not hand it over to the Shenyue Sect. As for what is foreign or not, she really didn't pay attention.

   "From now on, you will obey me and serve me." Jiaoyang closed her eyes, and there were colorful dim lights flashing around constantly, red, orange, yellow, green, and purple as she read runes in her mouth.

   At the same time, Jiao Yang transmitted her thoughts to her, and a golden villain appeared in Bai Shuangshuang's mind, who had become a puppet, constantly wielding a set of swordsmanship.

  Bai Shuang picked up a branch on the ground, waved his arms, and followed suit with the sword technique.

   Baiye Liufeng stood aside, slightly surprised: Lu's swordsmanship?

   But how did this woman learn Lu Ke's swordsmanship? To be precise, Lu Ke actually felt at ease to use his unique swordsmanship in front of an unfamiliar person?

   His face darkened.

  Jiaoyang opened his eyes and glanced at Bai Shuangshuang: "Do you remember?"

  Bai Shuang nodded mechanically.


   The figure flashed, and Bai Shuangshuang disappeared immediately.

   Then Jiaoyang turned around and immediately met Baiye Liufeng's Sima's face. It was so ugly that those who didn't know thought she had killed his parents alive in front of him just now.

   So, don't blame Jiaoyang for always rubbing salt on his wounds when he is weak, it's true that this man has a very eccentric temper. However, she believed that with his broken personality, no one should be able to get along well with him.

   "What's the matter with you?" Jiaoyang's mouth twitched, listening to the sound of rushing from the other side of the mountain, her expression did not change, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

   "What did you ask that woman to do?" Baiye Liufeng glanced at her, also in a hurry, put her hands behind her back, and asked in a very light tone.

   Two chapters in one.



   (end of this chapter)

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