Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 137: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (27)

  Chapter 137 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (27)

  What is called the wicked to complain first, Jiaoyang has played it to the fullest.

  Sheng Cheng put down the phone, wearing a gorgeous military jacket, he came out the window and looked at the endless blue sky.

   "Young Commander," someone stepped forward, holding the document in his hand, "This is a letter of reconciliation sent from all over the world."

  Sheng Cheng picked up a few of them, his eyes swept over casually, cold and alienated: "Got it."

   Turned around, a face that was about four or five points similar to Sheng Zheng, even more mature, with deeper, more upright features and sharp edges and corners.

   He put the documents down and put on black leather gloves on the desk, "I'll leave the matter here to you for the time being."

   "Then you." The visitor was slightly startled.

   The corners of the man's mouth were slightly hooked, and his icy eyes seemed to melt into water in an instant, "There is a child at home who is angry with someone, I will go back and deal with it first."

  After Sheng Zheng left, Jiao Yang hung up the phone, stayed in the room alone, hugged herself into a ball, and stared at the mess in that place.

   There was no sound coming from the room for a long time.

   The noise they made was so loud just now, plus Sheng Zheng slammed the door and walked away, Jiao Yang couldn't believe that Sheng Xiao didn't hear it.

   Sheng Xiao had been wandering at the door for a long time, hesitating for a long time, and finally worried that Jiao Yang couldn't think of it, he pushed open the door.

   At a glance, he saw Jiaoyang curled up at the corner of the bed, wrapping his body with a quilt, those big eyes looking at him, pitiful no matter what.

   Sheng Xiao clenched his fists instantly, but he smiled playfully and walked towards her: "I remember, someone said before that as long as it's the man she wants, in the end, she won't get it."

  But what do you do now, even moths to the flames, what did you get in the end?

  My silly sister, Sheng Zheng is no better than others, he is a heartless man. Seemingly affectionate, in fact, he is more heartless than anyone else.

He bent down and stroked Jiaoyang's hair with a smile, "Otherwise, don't play with Sheng Zheng, come with me. I can play more tricks than Sheng Zheng can play, I'm still young, Sheng Zheng is old, definitely Can't keep up with your rhythm."

   "Rogue!" Jiao Yang slammed the pillow on him and gave him a blank look. She hated men who talked sarcastically afterwards.

   Sheng Xiao caught the pillow and was silent for a long time, just looking down at her.

  Then he squatted down, let her eyes meet his own, and a face that looked like Sheng Zheng was enlarged in front of her. Jiao Yang suddenly realized that the two brothers looked so alike.

   is just a different temperament, so it is often overlooked.

   "In your eyes, can you really only see the second brother? Can't you really see me, I'm not worse than him."

   He was still smiling, but that smile was far-fetched no matter what. In the end, under her gaze, Sheng Xiao couldn't stop laughing.

   He stood up, his eyes extremely dark. He came to the side and picked up the cards on the ground one by one.

   Sheng Xiao looked at it, his eyes were deep. Holding the cards, he came to Jiaoyang again, squatted halfway, and counted the cards in his hand one by one: "Jiaoyang, let's play a game."

  Jiaoyang looked at him and tilted his head.

The corners of his mouth were raised, clearly laughing, but the emotion he revealed was so sad, "Play one. Draw a card and see who has the highest number. The loser will be with the winner and say I love it. your game."

   (end of this chapter)

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