Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 132: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: The Second Brother Boo (22)

  Chapter 132 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (22)

   He had never spoken to himself in such an impatient tone before. This shows that he really cares about this little girl, maybe even more than just playing.

   No matter how tough a woman is, when faced with love, she will be as mediocre as ordinary people, and she will also become hysterical.

  Huo Xijun couldn't bear the jealousy that rose in her heart, she didn't dare to look at Sheng Zheng's ugly face at the moment:

   "As a plaything that may be abandoned at any time, what qualifications do you have to look at me with that kind of eyes?"

  Jiaoyang didn't expect this woman to suddenly rush towards him at first. When she was pulled up by the collar, let alone Sheng Zhengshengxiao, even she was a little surprised. But she quickly reacted with a bright and nasty smile on her face.

   "Abandoned plaything, are you talking about yourself, Auntie?" She raised her eyebrows at her with a smile.

   "You" Huo Xijun was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. The most unbearable thing was being called auntie by a little girl who was indeed much younger than her. She had never been humiliated like this before!

   She subconsciously slapped her face, and Jiaoyang grabbed it instantly, smiling brightly. She just deliberately didn't tell Huo Xijun that she was Sheng Zheng's sister, mad at her!

   "Didn't you hear Young Master Zheng let you go? If Young Master Zheng gets angry for me later, it won't end so well, a mad dog woman who only barks."

  Jiaoyang looked at her with a smile.

   Huo Xijun was so angry that she screamed, and a shrill scream came, and Jiao Yang, who was recently infected by She Poison, had to cover her ears.

   "You bitch! Even those low-level prostitutes are cleaner than you, and your body and heart are dirty, you"

  Sheng Xiao stepped forward, dragged Jiao Yang behind him, slapped her belly with one foot, and slapped Huo Xijun's face heavily with a slap in the face, his eyes filled with sinister viciousness. No one moved around, because the people brought by Sheng Xiao had surrounded them.

   "You dare to scold her again!"

   Sheng Xiao was so angry that he dared to humiliate their Sheng family in front of him!

  Huo Xijun was hit in the abdomen, and his internal organs seemed to be in pain as if they were being twisted, and blood rushed to his throat.

   "Huh" Sheng Xiao spread his hands, who stipulated that women can beat men, but men can't beat women? Whoever owes him a beating, beats whoever moves his sister! "Sorry, my fist doesn't recognize men and women."

   is not just beating a woman, he has also killed a lot of old and young women and children.

   "You" Huo Xijun was angry, but he couldn't help thinking about it. Why did it take Sheng Xiaoshao? Is this woman a young woman?

  According to the information, the woman next to Sheng Zheng was very beautiful and was not very old, so when she saw Jiao Yang, her first reaction was that she was the woman next to Sheng Zheng.

   Huo Xijun felt a lot of annoyance in her heart. If she had known that she was a young woman, she would have done nothing more. Even when she saw this woman, her first reaction was to be displeased.

   However, she soon saw Sheng Zheng come up and stretch out his hand towards Jiaoyang. Jiao Yang pushed away Xiao Shao's arms instantly, came to Sheng Zheng's arms, hugged his waist, and cuddled with him with eyes full of reliance.

  Sheng Xiao's hand was still raised there, looking at it for a while, his eyes were confused for a while, and it took a long time to withdraw.

   Huo Xijun was even more puzzled, who is this woman?

   (end of this chapter)

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