Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 125: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (15)

   Chapter 125 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (15)

  Jiaoyang was brought back to Sheng's house by Sheng Xiao, and the two came in hand in hand. At that time, Sheng Zheng had been informed by his elder brother that he had come back home specially to wait for him.

   When his eyes fell on Jiao Yang next to him, there was a momentary stagnation, and he looked at the ground in a trance. However, he quickly looked away, hiding the pain in his heart.

  Whether she is willing to forgive herself or not, she will always be the little sister she wants to spoil for a lifetime.

   "I'm back." He crossed his arms and said.

  The corners of Sheng Xiao's mouth rose, looking at Jiao Yang and at his second brother, his long legs overlapped. Why is there always a feeling. As if something happened that he didn't know.

   His eyes narrowed.

Sheng Zheng's eyes became serious again, and he looked at Sheng Zheng, as if he was the head of the family: "Big brother said, let you stop running around in the next place recently, stay here obediently, and take care of yourself. Those Local affairs will naturally be handled by someone, no less than you."

   "I know, second brother."

   Sheng Xiao turned the chair with a smile, with long hands and long legs, and was arrogant.

   This is the different style of these two brothers. One is arrogant and serious in private life, and the other is unpretentious no matter what.

He patted his chest with absolute certainty, "You can rest assured about what I do. It's just that I heard from my elder brother that your former confidante is coming, and she has been treating you for so many years. Don't forget it."

   Sheng Xiao deliberately said this in person, with a wicked smile on his face, only he knew in his own heart what idea he was playing.

   Sheng Zheng's gaze stopped, and his expression did not change at all towards Sheng Xiao's particularly bright smiling face.

   He never has a good temper and patience with women who are tired of playing. If she really does something that he can't accept, he will not tolerate her even if she is a member of the Huo family.

   "What confidante?"

  Jiaoyang's brows twitched, she tugged at the sleeve of Sheng Xiao's clothes and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"It's a woman who has been played by your second brother, the eldest lady of the Huo family, and her name is Huo Xijun," Sheng Xiao turned his chair, "but it's just for fun, she still can't let go of the entanglement, then It seems to have dropped in price."

   The corner of his mouth smiled badly, "Maybe others know that she was left by the second brother, and no one wants it."

  Jiaoyang nodded in understanding.

   "Sheng Xiao."

   Sheng Zheng frowned, glanced at Jiao Yang, and turned his eyes to him again. These words, they usually talk about it in private, but they can't tell Jiao Yang everything, especially since she is a young girl.

   Those **** who are brothers are bastards, and bad for bad, but they can't bring their own sisters. This will make her have some wrong value orientation.

   Sheng Xiao received Sheng Zheng's gaze and rolled his eyes speechlessly, now he knows that he wants to be a big brother.

   When I was young, I was not less influenced by Sheng Zheng's thoughts and behaviors. Why didn't I see him have this self-awareness at that time?

   Big brother too, he still cares about his sister so much in other provinces, and he is afraid that something will happen to her and he will come back quickly. With such a comparison, Sheng Xiao had to wonder if he picked it up.

   But can their little princess from the Sheng family be the same as the one from the Huo family?

   (end of this chapter)

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