Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 121: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (11)

  Chapter 121 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: A Second Brother Boo (11)

   "The same is true for you. You are my son, and sooner or later you will inherit my mantle. You shouldn't let your children's personal love tie your footsteps, and you should understand what it means to be a big deal."

   "Fuck the big deal! I tell you, anyone else can sacrifice, but she, Sheng Jiaoyang, can't."

  Cheng Jue thought of that little girl, her eyes were bright, and every time she saw him, she would call him brother Jue obediently and softly.

  Jiaoyang likes to act coquettishly and laugh so much. Let her approach the two demons in the Sheng family, she will be tortured to death!

   His heart ached like a knife.

   Even if he really gets the country in the end, the woman he wants to be by his side will never come back.

   "I will go to her and not take her away, even if I just see her once to make sure she is doing well." Cheng Jue walked out the door.

  Cheng Jiuye looked at his back and frowned: "You imagine her too simply. She has been trained since she was a child and it is not easy to be discovered. Besides, that girl is a born evil child."

   He couldn't forget the shocking scene he saw last time.

   He put the nearly 100 female killers he had trained since childhood into the interrogation room and let them kill each other. Only the last living person could come out, otherwise they would only starve to death.

   They even grew up together, licking each other's wounds and relying on each other after being injured. So it's not just ability, but also ruthlessness.

   In the end, a girl who looked extremely immature and beautiful jumped out. However, the way she came out was not to be unlocked by the guards, but to kick open the iron door.

   At that time, her body was covered in blood, but she was smiling and her big eyes were shining. She seemed to be unconscious, and what she didn't know was that she thought she had experienced something interesting just now.

   She walked in front of her, her eyes were not afraid, she spread her hands, her eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons, "Am I clearing the customs, Jiuye?"

   At that time, Cheng Jiuye set his eyes on her for the first time and gave her a new name - Sheng Jiaoyang.

  From that moment on, she was Sheng Jiaoyang, the noble daughter of the Sheng family. It would be more appropriate for her to be close to the two brothers of the Sheng family. In his words, the devil must be ruled by the devil.

   But at that time, Cheng Jiuye, who was known for his viciousness and no one dared to rebel, forgot one thing. As a killer, in addition to ability and degree of ruthlessness, the most important thing is loyalty.

   And that girl is too free.

   "She's been out of touch for a long time."

   Cheng Jiuye said indifferently, and implied a warning, "I will never stay those who don't obey orders."

  Cheng Jue clenched his fists tightly, and the blue veins on his forehead expressed the suppressed anger in his heart at the moment.

   "She lost contact. Your first reaction was not that she might have been killed, but that she betrayed you?"

   Cheng Jiuye frowned.

  Cheng Jue took a deep breath, "Since that's the case, then I don't think there's anything to talk about between us. I'll go find her.

  Before that, I hope you don't secretly attack Jiaoyang without telling me. Otherwise, I will never put up with my uncle again. "

   Shortly after he left, Cheng Jiuye lowered his head and sneered.

The ashtray on the    case shattered with a bang.

  D49 Military Region, Sheng Xiao was wearing a blue military uniform and knee-length black boots. Sitting very leisurely in the office on the highest floor of this building, playing with the pistol in his hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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